Regulations on the city exhibition of decorative and applied arts. Regulations on holding a city exhibition of fine and decorative arts

"I affirm"

Head of Education Department of the Administration

Strugo-Krasnensky district T.V. Gerasimova


about the regional exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts

“How beautiful this world is...”

  1. Goal and objectives

Development of the creative potential of participants aimed at preserving national culture, developing a love for native land, pride for cultural heritage Russia.

1.2. Tasks:

Development and support of children and adolescents in the field of traditional folk culture and modern artistic crafts;

Improving the artistic skills of participants, the professional level of creative team leaders;

Acquisition by students of new knowledge, skills and abilities in arts and crafts and fine arts;

Attracting public attention to the role of the Pskov region in Russian history.

2. Participants

2.1. Students of general education are invited to participate in the Exhibition. educational institutions.

2.2. The exhibition is held in four age categories: 5-7 years, 8-9 years, 10-13 years, 14-18 years.

3. Guide

3.1. General management of the preparation and holding of the exhibition is carried out by the Education Department of the Administration of the Strugo-Krasnensky District.

3.2. Direct organization of the exhibition is carried out by MBOUDO "House children's creativity».

  1. Conditions of the exhibition

4.1. The exhibition is held in the following categories:

4.1.1. Nomination "Decorative and applied creativity"

Thread, artistic sawing, burning, wood painting,

Products made from natural materials (weaving from straw, wicker, reed, birch bark; traditional carvings, wood painting)

Ceramics, small sculptures.

Women's handicrafts: patchwork, patterned knitting, lace-making, embroidery;

4.1.2. Nomination "Fine Arts"

Painting, graphics.

Main topics:

Peace on earth: the beauty of native nature; my home, my village, my city;

The magical power of cinema;

Year of Greece in Russia.

4.2. Work requirements and evaluation criteria

4.2.1. General requirements for competition works:

Each product must be accompanied by a label and passport. The label is attached to front side arts and crafts work or in the lower right corner of the drawing.

Label sample: 6.0 x 4.0 cm

The passport is attached to the back of the work or drawing.

Sample work passport:

4.2.2.In the nomination “Decorative and Applied Creativity”:

Works using fragile materials that are easily damaged during transportation should be sent carefully packaged.

Evaluation criteria:

Consistency of the theme and its disclosure: brightness of images, expressiveness, originality;

Knowledge and preservation of traditions, a skillful combination of traditions and innovation in the production of work;

Knowledge of the selected manufacturing technology;

Artistic taste;

Age appropriate;

Application of new technologies and materials, unconventional use of known materials.

4.2.3. In the Fine Arts category:

Drawing techniques: watercolor, gouache, ink, oil, pastel, pencil and others. Each drawing must be framed in a hard mat white, margins 5 cm (drawings must be tightly attached to the mat), drawing size - A3 format.

Work completed collectively will not be accepted. Pictures are not minimized.

Evaluation criteria:

Compliance with the regulations of the competition, its goals and objectives;

Consistency of the theme, its disclosure: brightness of images, expressiveness, originality;

Non-standard creative solution;

Quality of work from an artistic point of view;

Aesthetic appearance and design of work;

Age appropriate.

4.3. To participate in the Exhibition you must until March 9, 2016 send the application (Appendix) and work to the address of the House of Children's Creativity: r.p. Strugi Krasnye, st. Komsomolskaya, 1a.

5. Summing up and rewarding

5.1. The winners of the Exhibition are determined in all nominations and in all age categories and are awarded Certificates from the Education Department.

5.2. The winners' works will be sent to the regional stage of the exhibition.



to participate in the regional exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts “How beautiful this world is...”

on holding an exhibition of works of fine and decorative art by masters of the Moscow region

General provisions

The regulations on holding an exhibition of works of fine and decorative art by masters of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition) determine the goals, objectives, timing, procedure and conditions of the exhibition, as well as the category of participants in the Exhibition.

Goals and objectives of the exhibition:

· promotion of creativity in the field of fine and decorative arts and handicrafts;

· revival of spiritual and moral traditions, folk crafts, development of cultural values.

Stimulating the processes of study and preservation traditional types creativity and handicrafts;

· promoting the promotion of new technologies and techniques in the field of fine and decorative arts;

Time and place of the exhibition:

· the need to connect to a power source must be indicated in the application;

· It is advisable that each work have a label. Label size: 10 cm x 5.5 cm. Font Times New Roman, font size 14. Contents: title of the work; surname, first name of the author; age; name of the association; Educational institution; last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher.

Exhibition financing:

· Expenses associated with the travel of exhibition participants are borne by the sending party;

Encouragement of Exhibition participants:

· All participants of the Exhibition are awarded Diplomas of the organizing committee and memorable souvenirs.

Exhibition Organizing Committee:

· The composition of the organizing committee is approved by the decision of the founders of the Exhibition.

The Organizing Committee: - collects applications; - provides organizational, informational and consulting support for the Exhibition.


to participate in the Exhibition of works of fine and decorative art by masters of the Moscow region

1. Directing party (full name of the manager, address, contact phone number) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Name of the creative association ________________________________________________________________________________

3. Full name manager (responsible for the exhibition), contact phone number ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Nomination:_________________________________________________________________

5. Brief description exhibition, its design (awning, tent, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Occupied exhibition area (specify m2) _____________________________________

7. The need to connect to a power source (power) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8.Additional information________________________________________________________________


Date of application Signature:

«_____»____________ ___________________

(Full name of the head of the institution)

1.1. These Regulations on holding a competition of arts and crafts among students of secondary educational institutions of the closed joint-stock company of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition, criteria for evaluating works, and the procedure for awarding winners and prize-winners.

1.2. The organizing committee, in accordance with these regulations, determines the concept of the competition, the procedure for its conduct, the list of current documentation, the timing of the competition, the content and criteria for evaluating the competition task, and also forms the competition jury and organizes the collection of competition works.

1.3. Information about the competition is posted on the website

2. Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1. Goals of the Competition.

2.1.1. Involving children in active creative activity, their socialization.

2.1.2. Identification of talented children in the field of arts and crafts.

2.1.3. Demonstration of children's creative achievements.

2.2 Objectives of the competition.

2.2.1. Supporting talented children in the field of arts and crafts.

2.2.2. Creating conditions for the development of children's artistic and creative abilities.

2.2.3. Creating conditions for self-realization of every child.

3. Procedure for holding the competition

3.1. The Organizing Committee publishes the Regulations on the Competition on the website and sends them to educational institutions of the JSC.

3.5. The results of the competition and photographs of the participants’ works are posted on the website April 20, 2015.

3.6. The date and time of the exhibition of submitted works and the award ceremony will be announced additionally by the organizing committee of the competition.

3.7. All works are returned to participants within a week after the exhibition.

4. Participants of the Competition

4.1. Works completed by students of secondary educational institutions and presented in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of competition documentation are allowed to participate in the competition.

4.2. The competition is held at 3 age groups Oh:

1 - 4 grades;

5 - 7 grades;

8 - 11 grades.

5. Competition nominations

1. Beading

2. Paper plastic (origami, quilling, applique, etc.)

3. Patchwork

4. Knitting

5. Embroidery

4. Felting

6. Mixed media

6. Requirements for the design of work

6.1. The submitted work may have one author or several authors (co-authorship).

6.2. Each work must be provided with an inventory label (Appendix 2), on which it is necessary to indicate:

Name of educational institution;


Title of the work;


Surname I.O. manager (entirely);

7. Evaluation criteria

7.1. Compliance of the work with the theme of the competition;

7.2. Compliance of the work with the competition nomination;

7.3. Creative approach in performing work;

7.4. Difficulty of work;

7.5. Originality;

7.6. Performing skills.

8. Determination of winners

8.1. The jury of the competition is formed by the organizing committee of the competition. The jury reviews the submitted works within 7 (seven) days from the deadline for accepting works.

8.2. The decision on the winners of the competition is made by a majority vote of the jury members.

9. Organization and holding of the competition

9.1. The Regulations on the Competition are published on the website



Head of MBDOU No. 3 "Birch"

Regulations on the exhibition of drawings and

arts and crafts« Autumn colors»

Autumn many people's favorite time of year. She delights us with her colorful palette. You go into the forest and find yourself in a fairy tale! Gold coins sparkle on the trees, little spiders weave cobwebs, little mushroom men beckon us deeper and deeper into the forest. And the air in the forest is extraordinary, you can’t breathe in it. Take a look autumn landscape and it seems, What Autumn, using her talent as an artist, she did her best to transform nature!

1. General provisions:

1.1. Present position regulates the procedure, requirements, timing of exhibitions at MBDOU No. 3"Birch" Azov region.

1.2. Exhibition carried out on the basis of the thematic planning principle and organizations educational activities in MBDOU No. 3 "Birch" Azov region (hereinafter referred to as DOU).

2. Goal and objectives exhibitions:

2.1. Exhibition carried out in order to increase interest among preschoolers, teachers, and parents in fine arts, arts and crafts.

2.2. Tasks exhibitions:

Create conditions for creative self-realization of preschool teachers, preschoolers and their parents;

Stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, applied and artistic abilities creativity;

To cultivate patriotism and love for the nature of the native land;

Identify and support capable children in this area;

Stimulate preschoolers, parents, preschool teachers.

3. Participants exhibitions:

3.1. IN exhibition All age groups of preschool educational institutions take part.

3.2. IN exhibition Parents of preschool children can also take part.

4. Procedure exhibitions:

4.1. The exhibition is organized teaching staff in the hall of the preschool educational institution following the results of thematic weeks « Autumn forest » , « Autumn time» , "Golden autumn» .

4.2. From each age group the most are provided interesting works on the artistic and aesthetic development of children, performed by pupils of preschool educational institutions.

4.3. In works from parents who want to take part in exhibition, must be traced creativity of their children.

4.4. The use of non-traditional techniques is encouraged in the works.

5. Requirements for design and content works:

5.1. Picturesque drawing can be done in watercolor or gouache.

5.2. Arts and crafts. The work can be done in any technique, with any material at the discretion of the author (clay, wood, straw, fabrics, colored paper, etc.).

5.3. All work must be relevant to the topic exhibitions, reflect it.

5.4. All work must be documented label:

Title of work

Participant's full name (last name of participating family)

Age group number

6. Curators exhibitions:

senior preschool teacher -

circle leader "Seven-flowered flower" in preschool educational institution -

head of PC preschool educational institution -

7. Venue and timing:

7.1. Exhibition materials are collected by teachers of preschool age groups.

7.2. The teaching staff together with the curators during the period from 10/12/15 to 10/22/15 an exhibition is being organized from the presented works.

7.3. Results exhibitions close until 23.10.2015.

8. Summing up exhibitions:

8.1. All participants exhibitions receive a participant's diploma.

8.2. At the discretion of the curators exhibitions The most interesting works may be awarded with certificates.

We express our deep gratitude to all participants exhibitions! Thank you for your creation!

Publications on the topic:

The influence of arts and crafts on the development and education of children with disabilities In the context of modernization Russian education The problem of creating optimal conditions for education and development.

Open lesson “The relationship between decorative and applied arts and musical and poetic creativity of the Russian people” Topic: “The relationship between decorative and applied arts and musical and poetic creativity of the Russian people.” Program content:.

Decorative and applied art is one of the factors in the harmonious development of personality. Through communication with folk art.

At the beginning of the month in our kindergarten As usual, a mini teachers' meeting was held at which we, the teachers, learned that a city competition was taking place.

Autumn is a wonderful time when you can collect natural material for crafts with children. You just need to look around carefully.

Master class for teachers “I am a master of arts and crafts myself”“If you can teach a child in his childhood to feel beauty, to be amazed at the marvelous creations of human hands, the beauty of nature, then grow up.