Search advertising and thematic platforms of contextual advertising - differences, features of work and settings. Which is Better: Search Ads or Display Network Ads


The most visited resources on the Internet are search engines. They allow extremely precise concentration of information for the target audience.

Back in 1994, this user activity was used to place online advertising: the Infoseek search engine began to show banners to visitors depending on their queries. In 1998, this experience was brought to Russia: the first advertisement related to the content of search queries was shown on Yandex.

In 2000, the idea of ​​displaying search ads was put into the basis of the business model of the Google search engine. Google's success drew to search advertising close attention advertisers, as well as specialists who determined the direction of development of other search engines.

Now all three major search engines of Runet: Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru search offer advertisers a whole range of search advertising opportunities.

Trust (voluntary) marketing

The difference between search advertising and traditional advertising is related to the differences between traditional marketing and permission marketing. Task traditional marketing is to divert the attention of a person from what he is doing, and switch this attention to the perception of marketing communication. Trust Marketing is to involve the consumer in the marketing process, not to intercept attention, but to win the consumer's trust; not to annoy him with advertising, but to inform him of relevant information about what interests him at the moment.

Search advertising objectives

  1. Fast sales promotion. Search advertising has a direct focus "by interest" (direct targeting), most search engine user queries are transactional, that is, users are highly likely to become buyers. Demand for a product or service increases immediately after the start advertising campaign, the increase in demand disappears almost immediately after the end of the campaign.
  2. Creating demand. Search advertising allows you to use indirect targeting, highlighting a narrow group of consumers of a certain set of interrelated services or goods. This feature is used to create a demand that does not yet exist when new products are introduced to the market.
  3. Niche branding. Creating a stable association between a certain product category and the brand name (banner advertising has a special effect here).

Search ad-specific targeting types

In addition to these direct and indirect targeting, there are specific types of targeting that can be achieved with search advertising.

  • Socio-demographic. Another case of indirect targeting, in which the perceived characteristics of users entering queries are used to increase the effectiveness of advertising. (For example, expectant mothers are interested in clothes for pregnant women, and school curriculum- students of a certain age.
  • Semantic geotargeting. It is used if the advertiser's offer has a rigid geographical reference, while its target audience is not necessarily concentrated in this region. In such cases, they are guided by requests that combine the name of the city and keywords on the advertised topic.

Good day, dear readers. This is my first post of the new year. Vacation is already over for someone, for someone, on the contrary, it is in full swing. But we are once again immersed in work to reach new heights. Today we will understand the types of contextual advertising. I already wrote what search and thematic advertising are, but the information was superficial, based only on definitions. Today I will talk about this in more detail so that you have the most complete understanding of these types of contextual advertising.

So, if you forgot, then let me remind you that search advertising is advertising directly on a search site when it is issued for a query that a user has set. Featured ads are behavioral-based ads that appear on third-party sites.

What is search advertising

"Debriefing" will start with search advertising. All of you are constantly looking for something on the Internet. Search your carry out through any search engine. As a rule, in most cases it is either Yandex or Google (a little later I will talk about integration with other popular search engines). By asking a query, the search engine gives you results. Immediately below the search bar, advertisements are shown that are marked with the word "Advertising" - this is search advertising. This is similar for both Yandex and Google.

Impression blocks in search ads

As you already know, search ads are shown only on search sites in search results. It is shown both on the first page of search results and on subsequent pages with some exceptions. Impressions in search advertising are divided into blocks depending on the prices set by advertisers. And the display strategies they choose. The first page is divided into 3 blocks:

1) Before the search results, immediately below the search bar, there is the most clickable block - in Yandex this block is called "special placement", and in Google - "Top position". It can contain up to 3 ads.

2) Under the search results, at the bottom of the page, or to the right of the search results, there is a block that is called “Guarantee or guaranteed impressions” in Yandex, and “Other positions (placement in the side or bottom of the page)” in Google. The “Guarantee” on Yandex includes up to 4 ads, and the “Other positions” of Google has up to 8 ads. This block will be cheaper for advertisers, but there are fewer clicks from this block than from the top positions. This block is good for those who have a small budget, or, for example, you want to advertise non-core products or services from which you want to get an additional flow of customers.

3) Yandex also has another block of impressions called "Dynamic impressions". This block is located on the 2nd and subsequent pages under the search results. In fact, this is the same “guaranteed impressions” block, but it is not located on the first page. The effectiveness of this block is very low, so I do not advise you to show up in this block, because a very low percentage of users go to the second and subsequent pages of search engines.

Search Partners

Yandex and Google have search partners, that is, the same search engines, but with a smaller audience. Based on the agreements between these two giants and their partners, ad impressions that you place on Yandex or Google are also shown on search partner sites. For example, Yandex has Mail, Rambler, Avito, From hand to hand. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a separate advertising campaign, for example, in Rambler or Mail, because Yandex ads will still be shown there too.

Thematic advertising

Now let's talk in more detail about thematic advertising. So, this is behavioral advertising, that is, it is based on the interests of potential customers. The principle of its operation is quite simple: the user sets a certain query in the search engine, the browser saves his cookie, and in the future, third-party sites will show exactly the ads that corresponded to the requests of this user that he asked during the week.

Now with regards to the direct information for you, as for advertisers. Thematic advertising in Yandex is placed in the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN), while in Google it is placed in the Display Network (KDN). It's actually the same thing, just called differently.

Thematic sites are sites that have been verified and that search sites have given the right to place ads for their clients. To become such partner-participants, you need to meet certain requirements, the main of which are unique content, a certain number of users per day (at least 500 people per day for a month). Therefore, as a rule, sites are of high quality, but the quality of all of them is different: there are young sites, there are those that have been on the Internet for a long time and have a large daily audience.

YAN and GMS have different ad formats.

  • In YAN - image and text.
  • There are many more of these formats in the KMS. There is a regular text, there is a graphic, there are media and commodity - any of them belongs to the Display Network and ads will be shown only on thematic sites.

Setting up ads

You need to set up ads for search and topics according to different principles. This is due to the fact that during search results, the client clicks on a “hot request”, and on the subject, ads can be shown in a couple of days or a week, when a potential client no longer sets any query in the search engine, but simply engages in the so-called “surfing the Internet” ” and our task is to interest him so that he goes to the site.

Therefore, for search ads, you need more specifics with a deadline and a call to action, and more creativity on the topic, since the client needs to be interested and motivated to act. It is better to run ads on both search and thematic sites at the same time, but only create different advertising campaigns for them. This will allow you to get more traffic at a lower cost.

Some results

  1. In search advertising, there are various blocks of ad impressions: “special placement”, “guaranteed impressions” and “dynamic impressions” for Yandex, as well as “Top position” and “other positions” for Google;
  2. It is best to place ads in the “Special Placement” block if it is Yandex, and in the “Top Position” block if it is Google, as they are the most clickable;
  3. In addition to advertising on the search, it is necessary to advertise on thematic sites, as this will give an additional flow of customers;
  4. You need to set up ads for search and thematic sites according to different principles.

Well, that's basically it! See you in new articles. The next article will be on Wednesday at next week, so do not miss and subscribe to new articles of the site. If something is not entirely clear, ask questions in the comments.

Search advertising benefits

  • Immediate result. You get clicks to your site as soon as the campaign starts.
  • Ability to set any budget. You can start with at least 1000 rubles.
  • Pay only for clicks. All impressions of your ads are free, you pay only if the user clicks and goes to your site.
  • Targeted "warm" visitors. Only people who are interested in your products/services click on ads.
  • You are always on the first page Google search and Yandex. And also on search through mobile devices.
  • Most fast track to increase traffic and sales. Of all the methods of promotion on the Internet, search advertising generates the most sales.
  • Just the right geography. Advertising can be shown only to people from the regions, regions, cities and even districts of the city that interest you.

Who is search advertising for?

Of course, there are a number of exceptions. For example, search advertising is not the most the best choice for branding purposes, event advertising, channel advertising or new products. But, in most cases, this type of advertising is a great solution:

  • For the market of organizations and for the market of individuals;
  • For goods and services;
  • For local businesses, as well as national and global ones;
  • For small firms and large businesses

The cost of search advertising Yandex Direct and Google AdWords

Our laboratory offers more than 300 types of services for setting up and optimizing search advertising, but for simplicity, we have formed three comprehensive packages - Economy, Standard and Leader. Each package focuses on different levels budgets for advertising campaigns, as well as for different volumes of keywords and ads.

Setting search (contextual) advertising

Optimization of search (contextual) advertising

Individual packages of search advertising services

All of our comprehensive packages include many individual search advertising services. They are formed on the basis of the most popular sets among our customers.

The cost of the package depends on parameters such as the advertising budget, the number of keywords, ads, ad groups, and the characteristics of your target markets. Therefore, it is often more profitable to calculate an individual package of services that is most suitable for your situation.

Additional services that significantly increase the effectiveness of search advertising

In addition to the standard features of search advertising, there are many more tricks, subtle tactics and additional methods that greatly improve the result. Below are just some of the services we highly recommend to our clients.

  • Remarketing- this is a "tracking ad" that "catches up" with a visitor to your site. Very effective, because many customers after viewing your site may go to the site of competitors. Remarketing allows you to return them, or make them a special offer.
  • Mobile advertising - a very important method, because. more than 50% of customers are looking for goods and services on the Internet not on a desktop computer, but on a smartphone or tablet.
  • Address and reference promotion- significantly increases the effectiveness of advertising. Expands the capabilities of ads and increases their clickability. Ads are shown on Google Maps and Yandex.Maps.
  • Competitor analysis- often the analysis allows you to find promotion opportunities for you that your competitors are not using, as well as ideas for new keywords, etc.
  • Analysis of advertising campaigns- allows you to understand which advertising, keywords or promotion channel bring you the maximum number of customers at minimum cost.
  • Split testing - advertising can lead a visitor to a page on your site, but if it doesn’t “hook” him, he will leave without becoming your client. With the help of split testing, you can create pages that "cling".

Partizzan is your search advertising partner

  • openness. Unlike those who take advantage of the client’s ignorance and play a “muddy game”, we always share complete information and select the most beneficial services for the customer, even if they do not bring us super profits. For example, most agencies avoid publishing prices for their services, and we openly place our prices on the site pages.
  • Experience. We have been running customer search advertising campaigns for over 7 years, but our team has marketing experts with over 20 years of professional experience.
  • Focus. Partizzan focuses on working with small and medium businesses, so we are able to give results even on micro-budgets and for local companies.
  • Qualification. Our team consists of 7 certified specialists in search advertising and web analytics, and the company is a business partner of Google and Yandex.
  • Scientific approach. This is our trademark. We are experts in business technology, marketing strategy and tactics. And, of course, we actively use scientific tools in search advertising.
  • Own technologies. We have developed branded techniques for search advertising campaigns, in particular, a keyword selection technique, a competitor analysis technique, an ad creation technique, and a campaign optimization technique.
  • New technologies. The online advertising market is changing rapidly. Almost every couple of weeks, search engines announce new promotion technologies. Therefore, we spend a lot of time tracking new products and offer them to customers literally the next day.

Hello to all readers of our blog! Search engines provide several types of advertising and ways to get traffic from the #1 source (yes, search engines bring the most target audience to your site). More specifically, today we will look at 3 types of advertising in search engines:

  • contextual advertising
  • Contextual display advertising
  • Search promotion

If contextual and contextual display advertising can be bought without problems, then the position of your site in SERP ( search engine results page,search results page) search engines do not sell. There are a large number of companies that will increase your site position. The choice of tool depends on the goals you want to achieve.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is advertising in search engines, which is a small text message placed on the search results page. This ad is shown when a user enters a query in the search box on the same topic as the ad. For her characteristic inscription "Advertising" in a yellow rectangle.
This ad works very simply. The advertiser sets a list of keywords for which he wants to receive traffic, then indicates the address of the page (URL) to which he wants to receive transitions, writes the text of the same ad and indicates the price that he can afford (or just wants to put) for 1 transition. For frequent such advertising, several people buy for the same request. And then you ask, and by what principle will one have a better position of an advertisement than another? And everything is very simple, the one who puts big price for 1 click on the ad, that one will have the best position. Auction principle 🙂 Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this type.

Advantages :

  • fast ad launch
  • quick and easy editing of an advertising campaign
  • hitting exactly the right audience (in the top ten, as they say 🙂)
  • the ability to accurately predict results


  • for getting a large number traffic needs a good budget
  • whether the person who clicked on the ad will buy from you or not depends very much on the quality of the page

Contextual display advertising

Display advertising is a type of advertising based on graphic images. Here the ad buyer pays for the number of impressions of his ad (banner). Most often, I use this advertisement when promoting a brand or a new product that has just entered the market, promotions, discounts.

Advantages :

  • the ad is much more visible on the page
  • opportunity to show the product
  • Significantly increases brand awareness


  • Again, the cost of this ad is high.
  • the need to create a banner (additional costs)
  • need a specialist in the selection of keywords (not all keywords are suitable)

Search engine promotion

Website promotion (most often called it) is a set of actions to increase the position of your site in the "natural issue" for given keywords. This type of advertising is not exactly advertising. Here the user is sure that he himself found this page (site, company) using a search engine. That is why of all the types I have listed, seo has a large percentage of conversion (this is a situation when a site visitor becomes a buyer).

They use search promotion most often to increase visitors to the site (a large number of low-frequency queries) and to recognize their brand (promotion by specialized keywords).

Advantages :

  • low cost per visitor
  • regionality of this advertisement (work with geo-dependent requests, i.e. requests tied to a specific region)
  • flexibility of the advertising campaign (you can increase and decrease the number of keywords)
  • close relationship between keywords (the promotion of some affects the promotion of others, and accordingly, less money will need to be spent)


  • time to achieve a significant result (depending on the subject of the site, the state of the site and its age, the withdrawal of words to the desired positions in the search results takes from 3 months or more, but the first positive changes are visible after the first month of work)
  • the difficulty of working with some web technologies (working with flash technologies, iframe - these technologies are not understood by search engines)