Learning belly dance. How to learn to dance oriental dances at home? How to learn belly dancing

Belly dancing is one of the most ancient and at the same time popular dances of our time. Previously, the sacred art was taught to a literal select few in Babylon, India, Ancient Egypt and Turkey.

However, today belly dancing is still called a symbol of life. An elegant dance performance will not leave the stronger sex indifferent. Most ladies strive to master the basic elements of belly dancing precisely for the purpose of subsequently seducing men with it. The informational video offers everyone a unique tutorial for beginners.

Video lesson “Belly dancing – a tutorial for beginners”

Belly dancing - romantic performance and health benefits

Experts are convinced that belly dancing is not only a door to the sophisticated world of seducing men, but also has incredible benefits for the female body. Plastic movements during dance significantly ensure relaxation of various muscle groups.

Another good thing is that you don’t have to have an ideal figure to practice belly dancing. It is the presence of a small tummy that will make the spectacle even more fascinating. First of all, such an attitude adds confidence to ladies who are overweight.

Belly dancing is beneficial for health because, thanks to appropriate movements, blood circulation in the pelvic area is activated. So, in some cases, doctors recommend belly dancing as a means of getting rid of gynecological pathologies of the female body. Of course, before starting training, it is advisable to obtain the approval of a qualified physician. And in case of malaise caused by belly dancing, it is best to postpone classes and undergo a full examination. In addition, at the initial stage, the load can be determined independently, since a number of exercises are associated, in particular, with the technique of deep inhalation and exhalation.


  • start belly dancing after warming up your body muscles;
  • reduce the speed and amplitude of movements in the presence of serious illnesses;
  • relax the back muscles of the neck while moving your head to the right and left;
  • the distance between the hands and the head from above and on all sides should be the same;
  • relax the lateral and back muscles of the neck while swinging your head;
  • make a sharp movement of the head so that the hair does not fall on the face;
  • hand movements should be smooth;
  • the hair swing from the bend is carried out with the right hand, sliding down the leg and the hand located on the ankle;
  • your fingertips should be at the same point while moving the waves with your hands;
  • the requirements are similar when performing large circles with your hands.

The main principle of the dance is that when performing movements with the stomach, you need to control the movements of the rest of the body. Only the harmonious interaction of all parts of the body will ensure the expected result after a series of workouts.

For example, while moving the hips, the arms, shoulders and other parts of the body should be completely motionless. Belly dancing does not involve impossible movements. Of course, they will seem difficult to a beginner, but not for long. You need to live this dance, burn with it. Otherwise, the dance will be performed incorrectly and, most importantly, without emotion.

You just need to devote enough time to training. Fruitful work for results in the future will allow you not to think about which muscle group to relax or tense. This means that all the secrets of the most feminine dance in the world have been solved.

Every woman dreams of being graceful, attractive and sexy. Belly dancing, which since ancient times has been one of the symbols of passion and femininity, can help her with this. Perhaps this is why belly dancing is currently taught in almost all fitness clubs under the name fitness bellydance.

Our ancestors were well aware that belly dancing, thanks to its powerful energy, prolongs youth, strengthens the spine, corrects the figure and posture, and has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a woman.

How to learn belly dancing?

Many women dream of learning to belly dance. But there is nothing complicated about this, if only you have the desire. As mentioned above, belly dancing lessons are taught by experienced instructors in almost all fitness clubs. But if for some reason you cannot attend classes, then DVDs with video recordings of lessons will help you.

It is important to understand that modern belly dancing in fitness is somewhat different from traditional dance. Most of his rules for constructing joints are taken not from choreography, but from aerobics. The belly dance lesson, although based on traditional dance techniques, still takes place in a more intensive mode that does not include stops. Naturally, as a result of this, the human body is subjected to quite heavy physical activity. Therefore, belly dance lessons for beginners should be shorter in duration and should include simpler elements. When practicing, it is very important to follow the principle “from simple to complex” and increase the load gradually.

What are the benefits of belly dancing lessons?

Belly dancing itself is a combination of shaking, hitting and plasticity. As a result of regular exercise, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and the muscles become flexible and mobile. Belly dancing allows you to burn up to 300 kcal in one hour, but this is natural during intense exercise. Its elements allow you to reduce body weight, promote the redistribution of fat deposits, literally changing your body shape before your eyes.

When coming to belly dance lessons for beginners, a woman should accept herself as she is, with all the features of her appearance that are unique to her. Of course, this is very difficult. But as you practice, not only the shape of the body begins to change, but also female psychology. Various complexes disappear, the perception of the world around us and oneself in it changes, and self-esteem increases. And this is not surprising. After all, any element of belly dancing is performed by every woman in her own interesting and attractive way.

Belly dance lessons allow you to:

  • Harmoniously change your figure;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes, thereby achieving body weight loss;
  • Increase the elasticity of the abdominal muscles and skin of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Strengthen your back muscles;
  • Normalize intestinal function;
  • Reduce the severity of pain during menstruation;
  • Prevent the development of many gynecological diseases, due to the fact that they enhance the blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • Eliminate the effects of stress and increase self-esteem.

Belly dancing for beginners: choosing clothes

Beginners often wonder what is the most convenient way to practice belly dancing lessons. Well, since this is still belly dancing, it is natural that the stomach should be open. Therefore, we can advise you to wear sports tight pants with a low rise and a top made of soft and light material. It is advisable to avoid wearing sneakers, because... they will only interfere with you when performing various connections and turns. It is best to buy ballet shoes or practice in socks. To add additional magical charm to the dancer, you can use a special ringing belt. But if you don’t have one, then simply tie a large bright scarf around your hips instead.

Belly dancing for beginners: how does the lesson work?

Before you start the dance itself, you should do a short ten-minute warm-up. During it, various sliding movements of the body are performed. These simple exercises are aimed at pre-warming the muscles. Proper warm-up is a good preventive measure for muscle strains and other injuries.

The main part of the training includes working on previously learned movements and, of course, learning new elements. From the basic elements various combinations of the dance itself are created.

When conducting belly dance classes for beginners, the instructor pays special attention to the correct positioning of the body and the execution of the basic elements of shaking.

At the final stage of the training, the trainer conducts a cool-down, which consists of performing exercises aimed at restoring muscles and relieving fatigue.

Contraindications for belly dancing lessons

As strange as it may seem to you, not everyone can practice belly dancing. Therefore, if you decide to learn belly dancing, consult your doctor before starting classes. Contraindications to belly dance lessons are:

  • Severe flat feet;
  • Spondylolisthesis (displacement of vertebral bodies relative to each other0;
  • Intervertebral hernia larger than 8 mm;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Any acute inflammatory or purulent processes, as well as chronic ones in the acute stage;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cholecystitis complicated by inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • Heart defects;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Intracardiac conduction disorders;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • Obstructive bronchitis;
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • Pregnancy.

For what diseases can belly dancing be practiced?

There are a number of different diseases in which belly dancing lessons improve their course and promote recovery. These include:

  • Cervical erosion. When performing belly dance elements, the blood supply to the genital organs improves, which creates better conditions for the healing of the defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • Gastritis;
  • Mild scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal column);
  • Inflammatory processes in remission;
  • Adhesive disease;
  • Prolapse of the vagina and uterus. When practicing belly dancing, contractions of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor also occur, which helps to increase their elasticity and prevents further progression of the disease.

Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Happy reading! There are many types of sports that can help you lose weight, but nothing brings such pleasure and joy to a woman than dancing, of which there are a great many. You can go to dance training or buy a training video course, the main thing would be desire.

If you take care of how to learn belly dancing at home, then in a fairly short time you can comprehend this fascinating and beautiful body language, as well as tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. It is very useful to take up oriental dancing after giving birth. To begin with, the only thing you may need is a mirror and a selection of music. In oriental motifs, strong and weak accents are very clearly heard, on the basis of which the dance is built.

Belly dance movements are as follows:

    Shaking. The legs are relaxed and slightly spread apart, the knees alternately kick back and forth, the faster the movement, the more impressive it looks. Shaking the chest is performed with the shoulders: alternately the shoulders move back and forth.

    Eight hips. Bringing the right thigh forward first, the body weight must be transferred to the right leg, and then the left thigh forward. Performing these movements smoothly, it turns out that the hips outline a figure eight. In a reverse figure eight, the hip moves backward.

    Hip strikes are performed by straightening alternately bent knees from a shoulder-width position.

    Swaying hips differs from the previous movement in the position of the legs: they are connected together, and the knees still bend and extend.

    Belly blows. Put your feet together, bend your knees a little, then your stomach gathers in on itself, then pushes your muscles down.

    Hip reset. Feet together, place one in front on the toe and move your hip down and up.

In addition to movements, there are a number of important aspects that help you understand how to learn belly dancing at home:

- correct stance. The back should be straight, the shoulder blades should be slightly retracted, and the knees should be as relaxed as possible;

– hands have their own special place in dance. The thumb is not pressed tightly against the four fingers together, the elbow is rounded (the arm is not rigidly straightened);

- spacious room. If there is not enough space, then there is a chance of getting injured while performing the dance;

– dance either barefoot or in Czech shoes, it’s more convenient.

If you dance for an hour at least 2 times a week, you can quickly master this erotic and smooth dance.

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In the East, belly dancing has become a traditional art form that women are taught from infancy. Belly dancing among oriental beauties is not only energetic body movements, it is a special ritual with the help of which a woman becomes closer to a man. Belly dancing lessons for beginners can be found in any city today, and you can also buy or find training videos on the Internet.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, belly dancing brings a lot of benefits to the female body. This is an excellent physical warm-up accompanied by rhythmic music, during which all the muscles of the body work. Regular training allows beauties to acquire a slender figure and significantly increase self-esteem. For beginners, the best option is to study at home using videos. Lessons for beginners are offered by famous choreographers - videos with Alla Kushnir and Valeria Putitskaya will help you master the basic elements that you can hone at any convenient time.

It is especially useful for those who want to acquire a wasp waist and a flat stomach to engage in this type of art.

Belly dancing brings great benefits to girls who are preparing to become mothers. To dance beautifully, you need to use everything: body movements, arms, alluring curves of the neck, a mysterious look and a beautiful smile.

The main advantages of oriental dance classes:

To learn the intricacies of oriental dance, it is better to regularly visit dance halls, where the instructor can point out mistakes. If you lack the desire and opportunity, you can take lessons at home via video. The same applies to beginners who, for certain reasons, are embarrassed to visit public places. Home learning has one significant advantage - you can study movements at any convenient time.

Belly dance with Valeria Putitskaya

Video lessons with choreographer Valeria Putitskaya allow beginners to smoothly move from awkward hip movements to the beat of music to graceful oriental dance. The master clearly shows how to work the muscles correctly, make turns, maintain posture, combine movements of the arms and legs. The most complex dance consists of simple elements that professionals sometimes perfect for years. Therefore, for beginners, dance lessons with Valeria Putitskaya provide the basics, which are important for subsequent training.

The choreographer begins a belly dancing lesson with a warm-up and attaches great importance to stretching. During the warm-up, Valeria teaches:

  • movements of the hips, buttocks from lesson 3 (key, barrel, turns, shaking, figure eight, waves, etc.);
  • chest movements;
  • neck movements;
  • hand movements.
Belly dancing, which Putitskaya masters perfectly, is the result of her long training with the world's most famous choreographers. In addition, the dancer has her own studio and judges competitions. Fame came to her after participating in the TV show “Dancing” (issue 3).

Ballydance with Alla Kushnir

Alla Kushnir begins her lessons by mastering breathing techniques, then begins teaching basic elements. Breathing exercises before classes allow a woman to relax, better feel the rhythm, hear music and coordinate movements. Alla amazingly combines plastic body movements and monotonous muscle training in her lessons.

Alla Kushnir is a beautiful woman with an oriental appearance, a professional master choreographer who knows everything about belly dancing. In this training video, Alla will tell you how to correctly make simple movements with your stomach, hips, and chest. Her portfolio includes 32 lessons in which the master gives detailed instructions and reveals the secrets of oriental dances. Alla Kushnir became famous after participating in the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent”; in season 3 she was already greeted as an accomplished star.

Oriental dance lessons from Alla are suitable for both beginners and those who already have sufficient knowledge.

In one video, the choreographer practices tactics from simple to complex, gradually combining several simple elements into a single body movement. For those who already have basic technique, you can skip the first 3 lessons.

For beginners, the choreographer offers a course of 6 lessons, including:

  • Lesson 1 – learning basic movements;
  • Lesson 2 – working the abdominal muscles and arms;
  • Lesson 3 – work of the hips and buttocks;
  • Lesson 4 – burning fat;
  • Lesson 5 – combining elements into a dance;
  • Lesson 6 – generalization.

Today, oriental dancing is popular all over the world - it is a great way to get your health in order, get back in shape and become desirable to your beloved man. Belly dancing is accessible to any woman, especially since it is possible to learn how to move beautifully at home for free with the help of an instructional video.

Posted on 11/11/2017

  • severe flat feet;
  • cholecystitis,
  • pregnancy;

What are the benefits of belly dancing?

Video. Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

It should fit your legs tightly enough to show the movement of your knees and hips, but not slip or squeeze. For control by a trainer or self-control using a mirror, it is desirable that the stomach is open. If you have large breasts, it is very important to choose a comfortable bra. It is better to wear socks on the carpet, and light, non-slip shoes on the floor. A belt with beads or coins is a nice touch, not a necessity.

In addition, belly dancing is very useful for the internal female organs and is a fairly effective and popular fitness trend. This dance can be learned not only in the gym or in special courses.

Where to start learning dance?

Of course, it’s easier than ever to sign up for oriental dance classes and study it under the strict supervision of an instructor. However, not every modern woman has enough free time for this, and perhaps her finances are not designed for such purposes. This is why there is a technique that allows you to learn how to dance this beautiful dance at home.

To study on your own, you will need video lessons that can be found on the Internet, a suit for classes, a few hours a week of free time and a great attitude. This dance can only be danced in a good mood, because it involves something like meditation. You feel every muscle of your body, communicate with the body with the power of thought, feel how you begin to move to the beat and perform new movements and ligaments to the music.

Which movements should you learn first?

Of course, the simplest, or in other words, the most basic. Turn on a video lesson, or just any oriental, preferably slow, music. Such music will help you understand the principle of dance, teach you how to connect the movements and beats of this music, which will be very useful in the future when performing complex combinations. So, in belly dancing only the legs, hips and arms work. All other parts of the body remain motionless.

What hip movements are performed?

So first, try to master the movements of your hips. You can put your hands on your belt or spread them in different directions. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and try to raise and lower each thigh in turn. Try to do this in time with the music. As you perform these movements, make sure to keep your shoulders still and your feet flat on the floor. Belly dancing involves not only smooth movements, but also rhythmic ones, which even go as far as shaking the hips.

Try to speed up a little, then again, again, and finally try to bring the movements to such a frequency that visually they resemble shaking. If you use a special belt decorated with coins for belly dancing, then you will hear their lungs and the winding ringing. After you have mastered this first movement, then try to perform a movement with your hips that will resemble an infinity sign.

How to learn to dance belly dance

Your hips should kind of draw this sign in the air. Next, try combining the first and second movements to music.

What movements should you perform with your hands?

As already mentioned, to begin with, you should keep your hands at your waist or spread them to the sides. After the movements of the legs and hips are fully mastered, you can use your arms. To do this, try moving your hips to move your arms straight in front of you, first in one direction and then in the other. If your right hip goes up, then your hands should move to the left, and, conversely, if your left hip goes up, then your hands should move to the right. In this case, use your brushes to perform a movement that will resemble that you are using your fingers to grab jam or honey from a vessel, and then offer it to the viewer. So, the hips began to move, the hands scooped up the jam, the arms moved in the opposite direction.

What step to use in dance?

It is clear that just standing still and swinging your hips in different directions does not mean that you have learned how to dance oriental dance. An extension step is used for movement in belly dancing. The steps should be small, almost in place. In this case, it will seem as if you are floating in the air. Circular movements of the hips are used from one element to another. To do this, after shaking your hips, try to move them in a circle around your axis. However, make sure that the body and neck remain on the same line, that is, do not bend. Remember, only the hips move.

How to learn to play with your stomach?

Everyone has seen how belly dance masters perform them at incredible speed. There is nothing impossible in this movement, but in order to learn it, you need very long training. To begin with, try to pull in your entire stomach, and then release different parts of it gradually.

For example, you pulled in your entire abdomen, then released your lower abdomen, then the navel area, and then the stomach area. Next, try doing the same in the opposite direction. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can speed up the pace, master it and move on to a higher one.


Brief description: We advise all young ladies who want to learn oriental dances in the comfort of their own home to watch this video. The story describes in detail the option of the first independent lesson for people with little dance experience. The main key to a pleasant dance is a proper warm-up, during which you need to thoroughly warm up all parts of the body.

Belly dance

Particular importance in the plot is given to hand movements, which are given special importance in oriental dances. The main thing is to achieve the ability to dance by immobilizing certain parts of the body, which is the main criterion for quality in Arabic dances.

Added: 2015-05-07

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Belly dance

Oriental dance (Arabic dance, belly dance) - feminine, charming. Belly dancing also helps you lose weight, improves posture, reduces cellulite, and has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. The number of people wanting to learn how to dance oriental belly dance is increasing. For beginners, we suggest watching a belly dance video lesson. Simple but effective basic dance movements, with a good instructor you can learn belly dancing in just a few minutes.

This is a video lesson on learning belly dancing for beginners from the largest dance and vocal center “Headquarters Apartment”. This is one of the best belly dance training videos for beginners! Everything is simple, clear and accessible.

In addition to online lessons, belly dancing is, of course, also taught in dance schools. Now there are such schools in every city, and in Almaty and Astana in virtually every quarter. Prices vary, depending on the popularity of the dance school, the popularity of the instructor, location (city center), and class of premises. The cost is approximately from 1,000 tenge for a separate lesson, a month of lessons from 5-6,000 tenge and above. Belly dancing training is more expensive in Almaty and Astana.

Belly dancing is usually called Belly dance. This name is accepted all over the world and translated from English “belly” means belly, and “dance” means to dance. This is how it works in Russian: belly dance. In Arab countries, this dance is usually called Raqs Sharqi, which can literally be translated as the dance of the East. In these countries, Belly dance was traditionally performed at weddings, in honor of the birth of children, at holidays dedicated to the New Year, sowing and harvesting.

Contraindications to belly dancing:

  • severe flat feet;
  • diseases of the spine: hernia, etc.;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • cholecystitis,
  • diseases of the ovaries, tumor, cyst, fibroids;
  • pregnancy;
  • You need to consult a doctor if you have heart disease or varicose veins.

What are the benefits of belly dancing?

Belly dancing is good for women, for example, oriental belly dancing increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is an excellent prevention of adhesions and other inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. If you already have pelvic diseases, you first need to cure them, or first consult with your doctor whether you can practice belly dancing.

Belly dancing is a wonderful way to lose weight, shape your figure, reduce cellulite, make the figure more feminine - highlight the waist, remove folds on the sides and fat on the hips. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of unwanted pounds very quickly, but this is only beneficial for the body.

Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

Firstly, rapid weight loss visually adds age: the skin becomes flabby, the breasts become sagging, and wrinkles on the face are more noticeable.

Secondly, excessive physical activity leads to an increase in the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which “preserves reserves” and prevents getting rid of fat deposits.

In dance, the loads are moderate, alternating with relaxation. It’s not just the stomach that works, almost all the muscles are involved, making the figure look slim and sculpted, and not “dried out.” In addition, dancing is pleasure, and therefore the body is easier to part with excesses.

Another positive side of belly dancing is its gentle effect on the spine. and the muscles that support it. By exercising regularly, you can solve problems with posture, which in itself will improve your figure, since often a sagging or protruding belly is a consequence of back problems.

It is better to start dancing under the guidance of a trainer, then the classes will be more effective. He will show you how to perform basic elements correctly and correct errors when performing them. Perhaps the trainer will select a program for independent home training and explain what you need to pay attention to for faster weight loss. Usually, after the first few sessions, problem areas that require increased loads are felt. The trainer should be friendly and pleasant to you, otherwise, exercising through force, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Clothes for beginners in belly dancing should fit tightly enough to the legs so that the movement of the knees and hips is visible, but not slipping or squeezing. For control by a trainer or self-control using a mirror, it is desirable that the stomach is open. If you have large breasts, it is very important to choose a comfortable bra. It is better to wear socks on the carpet, and light, non-slip shoes on the floor.

A belt with beads or coins is a nice touch, not a necessity.

When practicing belly dancing to lose weight, you should not resort to too strict low-calorie diets. During regular training, a fairly large amount of energy is consumed, but this happens unnoticed. Severe dietary restrictions can lead to deterioration in well-being, as a result of which classes will have to be interrupted.

Don't eat too much before training- a full stomach will interfere, reminding you of nausea and heartburn. You can have a light snack so that after training you do not have an unbearable feeling of hunger. Since most beginners are just learning to breathe properly while dancing, they may experience a dry throat, so it's best to have a bottle of water with you.

By dancing for fun, you can ensure your health and slim figure for many years.

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