Triangle choke from a woman. Arm triangle in BJJ: main types and basic defense

The arm triangle choke, also known as Gatame Kata, is one of the most basic yet most effective submissions you will learn in your first months of BJJ training. There are several variations of this technique and below you can learn more about them and understand how best to implement it into your own game.

Arm Triangle from mount

Probably the easiest way to reach a triangle with your hands is from the mount. The first thing you need to do is move your hand under your opponent's neck. But be careful, because then you will not be able to rest your hand on the tatami in case of an opponent's bridge. After this, you need to block the opponent's hand on the other side between your neck and his own. You can help yourself with your second hand to raise your opponent’s hand higher and have time to lower your head to the tatami so that he does not return his hand back. If the opponent's hand is blocked between your neck and his own, and on the other side the opponent's neck is blocked by your hand, then you have almost completed the technique. All that remains is to squeeze your opponent’s neck properly, using your own weight, of course, but be patient, this is far from the fastest choke in BJJ.

We strongly advise you to learn to catch your opponent with this technique using only one hand (with which you clasp the head) and your head (with which you catch the opponent’s hand and block it) - if you learn how to enter the technique in this way, then use your other hand to finish it will be much easier for you. You can make the submission even easier by going down to side control on the side on which the opponent’s blocked hand is located. This will significantly increase the pressure and the opponent will knock much faster, and this way you will protect yourself from your opponent’s attempts to turn you over.

Arm Triangle in stance

Such a performance can be seen very rarely, due to its complexity and the availability of more convenient exits for this choke. The problem here is that it is almost impossible to control your opponent and maintain the desired angle of application of force in the stance, unless you have your opponent's back against the cage, as you can see in the video below.

Arm Triangle from side hold

Another variation, almost identical to the first option, but here all the movement and access to the reception begins from side control. As in the first option, you first need to grab your opponent's neck with one hand. Now you are waiting for the moment to counterattack. If your opponent tries to push your head away with his other hand, this will be an excellent opportunity to catch him in a triangle with your head. All you have to do is jump to the other side or cross over the mount.

Arm Triangle from half guard from below

The technique can also be performed from the half-guard position from below. In the same way, you catch your opponent in the desired position and with a light bridge you can distract him and adjust the grip - it is quite possible that you will be able to complete the technique, but remember that finishing from this position will be much more difficult than from the options described above.

Arm Triangle Protection

Defense against a triangle with your hands is extremely simple and it is called a telephone. With your trapped hand, you make a movement as if answering a phone call, placing an imaginary device to your ear. This action will create a small space between your neck and the blocked arm, which will likely allow you to breathe and blood will flow better through the “dream books”. Remember that you should not linger in such a position; you must make every possible effort to finally get out of this disastrous position. Please note that this is just a basic PROTECTION against reception, which will buy you some time, but not the grooming technique itself. There are many techniques for getting out of this situation and this issue deserves a separate article.

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Chokehold " triangle"(eng. Triangle Choke, port. Triângulo) or as it is called in " sankaku-jime", is a type of chokehold in which the arm and neck are grabbed by the legs. Externally, this grip is shaped like a triangle. As with strangulation, the carotid artery, through which blood is delivered to the brain, is compressed, causing the opponent to lose consciousness. The creator of the technique is judoka Tsutane Oda. Triangle often used in mixed martial arts, BJJ and martial arts.

Description of the triangle design

The triangle hold is one of the most powerful chokes using the legs. Most often, this grip is achieved from a position from below, grabbing the opponent’s neck with the legs, forming a kind of lock. The position from which the strangulation is carried out is called "". This is a defensive position in which the wrestler performing the technique lies on his back with his legs wrapped around the opponent’s body.
At this moment, you need to press your chin to your chest, try to block your opponent’s blows and watch his every action so as not to miss a blow.
Then the legs perform an oblique grab through the opponent’s neck and armpit, after which the leg that is on the opponent’s neck (right) is placed under the second leg (left). And then the left leg needs to be lowered down, thereby closing the lock.