Russian language for Kazakh beginners. How to learn Kazakh at home

No. 1. What online services are there?

Exists large number sites where you can start learning the Kazakh language. One of the largest and most famous is the project created by the Development Fund state language.

The website says that more than 109 thousand people are already using the free service. They have access to an online Kazakh language course, thematic audio and video recordings, a dictionary and tests to test knowledge. In addition to the web version, there are applications for Android and iOS.

There is also a special course where the user will work with teachers - this is. This approach - direct communication with the teacher - can give good results, however, you must register for courses in advance.

There is another specialized site - “Kazakh language. Just about the complicated stuff". It is taught by Tatyana Valyaeva from Almaty, who learned the language to help children with their homework. The portal contains both individual lessons and information about grammar, books in the Kazakh language, a dictionary and much more.

There are many other courses on the Internet (including on Youtube) and self-instruction books. Everyone can choose the option that seems more convenient to them.

No. 2. Is it possible to learn a language on social networks?

Yes, you can. Popular in Kazakhstan social networks There is thematic groups for studying the Kazakh language. For example, there is a separate group on VKontakte, and a community on Facebook Bas Qosu. The description of the latter says that this is “a club for everyone who wants to improve their spoken Kazakh.”

No. 3. What dictionaries can you use?

The above courses already have dictionaries. But if you need a separate service, then one of the best is considered The Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian online dictionary project has been running since 2000, and now it has more than 60 thousand dictionary entries.

In addition, a translator and converter are available to users. The latter will help translate texts in Kazakh from Cyrillic to Latin.

Kazakh is also included in the list of languages Google service Translate. The word base is constantly expanding, and the system is gradually learning to more accurately translate words and sentences.

Watching movies and reading literature can be very helpful when learning a language. There are films and books in the Kazakh language on the Internet great multitude, and in cinemas you can watch popular films with Kazakh dubbing.

But you should also pay attention to thematic sites. Among them "Debit portals" where collected literary works, audiobooks and encyclopedic data, as well as interviews with contemporary Kazakh cultural figures.

No. 5. What's the best way to practice?

The best practice of a language is to communicate with native speakers. If you live in Kazakhstan, then any trip to the store or trip on public transport already gives you the opportunity to practice the Kazakh language. The main thing is not to be shy and remember that it is impossible to learn a language without practice.

You can also use applications with a Kazakh-language interface. For example, the iTys messenger has been working for a long time, and relatively recently a language localization for Telegram was created - to install it you need to find and launch the QazTransBot bot.

In addition, there are online games for smartphones in the Kazakh language. For example, in the application "Who is smarter" You can compete in knowledge of the Kazakh and Russian languages.

There are also various offline clubs, for example,

Today learning Kazakh language - urgent need every resident of the republic for study, work or just communication. Everyone needs the state language: schoolchildren, students, young professionals and experienced employees. With the help of ESHKO, if you have the desire to learn Kazakh and a minimum of free time, you can achieve inspiring results.

Get started teaching the Kazakh language from scratch using our progressive methodology, which has already proven itself. The course does not require students to preliminary preparation or special knowledge, it is suitable for people of different ages.

The "" program is suitable for those who want to master the basics or refresh existing knowledge. Classes begin with mastering the necessary base: the alphabet, articulation and specific sounds, rules for composing sentences. The lessons are supplemented by high-quality audio recordings made by native speakers. With the help of discs you can practice listening comprehension and correct pronunciation of words.

Data Kazakh language courses cover more than thirty lexical topics. You will be able to understand and use the language different situations, be it dating or going to the bank. The textbooks are rich in illustrations and include a large number of dialogues. The topics of the lessons are clearly presented in the form of diagrams. Transcription in Russian will help with reading and memorizing words.

ESHKO attracted Kazakh language for its distance learning the best specialists in this area. Each student is assigned a curator-teacher who gives consultations and checks homework with detailed comments. At the end of the course, students receive a Certificate that confirms the acquired knowledge and strengthens the employee’s position at the labor exchange.

You can sign up for these Kazakh language courses in Almaty, Astana and other cities of Kazakhstan are completely free, because training is conducted remotely. Our Kazakh language lessons- it's lightweight and interesting way master necessary knowledge. At the same time, you will not have to be distracted from other important matters. You will see the first visible results of your studies after just a few lessons.

NEW!: Available in ESHKO (student social network ESHKO).

Greeting from the teacher

Dear Student!
I greet you on behalf of the “European School of Correspondent Training”!
My name is Bekzat Momynova, I am a teacher of the ESHKO course and I am pleased to invite you to join distance learning ESHKO. As a student's personal teacher, I will supervise you throughout your studies. If you have any questions or problems during the training process, you can contact me in writing or by phone during consultations.

I wish you success in your studies!
Bekzat Momynova,
Course teacher

Traditional methods of teaching languages ​​have long since become obsolete. Most people don’t want to do the same type of exercises from a textbook and memorize dialogues, and they don’t have enough time for classes with a teacher. Therefore, more and more sites are appearing on the Internet that help everyone learn languages. different nations.

In our review, we offer you the best online resources that will help you not only improve your Kazakh, but also learn the language from scratch.
Free online Kazakh language course. Studying this course will allow you to master Kazakh literary and colloquial speech. The site contains sections with which you can learn correct pronunciation, reading and freely expressing your thoughts both orally and in writing. There is a convenient mobile application.
The state language portal, created with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The site presents language services for teaching basic communication in the state language: a large Kazakh-Russian-English online dictionary, an electronic terminological dictionary in the Kazakh language, a distance learning complex, a multimedia phrasebook, Kazakh fonts, a testing system to determine the level of proficiency in the state language and much more. .
The site on which it is presented best selection materials for studying Kazakh and English languages. The user can download textbooks and tutorials, dictionaries, translators, audio lessons, books, training programs and games for free. In addition, there is a lot of information in the Kazakh language, collected from all over the Internet: proverbs, congratulations, poems, riddles, fairy tales, cartoons.
A site that allows you to master basic knowledge state language in game form. This resource is suitable for those who want to replenish their vocabulary and refresh existing knowledge.
A site dedicated to learning the Kazakh language. Here you can find information about Kazakh people, its customs and culture. There are Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian dictionaries, articles on the history of the Kazakh language, structured grammar reference, 10 lessons on pronunciation, 4 documents on office work in Kazakh and the headings “New words”, “The meaning of male and female Kazakh names”, “ State symbols».
Video channel of Maksat Imangazi. The video hosting has already posted 24 lessons on learning the Kazakh language in English. Such lectures allow you to practice both languages ​​(Kazakh and English) in one approach.
This link provides texts in Kazakh, adapted according to the method of the famous polyglot Ilya Frank. This method can be used either as a support, a supplement to speaking practice, or simply for passive language acquisition.
Podcasts for learning Kazakh from Indiana University that you can listen to directly through iTunes.

Azat Shaueev

46 years old, Dzhambul region, director of the State Language Development Fund, author of the project


Founder: Azat Shaueev

Attendance: 1500 unique visitors per day


At the end of 2008, the State Language Development Fund was created. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization, and the author of the idea of ​​its creation is the head of state. I have been working here since its inception. Then the first director and I started everything from scratch: we rented premises, recruited people, bought equipment. We started with projects in schools and kindergartens, organized promotions, competitions, and Olympiads in the Kazakh language, for participation in which prizes were given out. Nobody finances us, does not give us money from the state budget, we ourselves look for sponsors and funds for the development of projects. In 2010, I became the director of our foundation.

I started teaching the Kazakh language when I was a student, then I studied at the Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abai. My first job was at Kazakhtelecom, I taught call center operators the Kazakh language. During three months of training, many employees mastered conversational Kazakh.

On the 150th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, we organized open lesson. The employees told poems, stories, sang songs, all in the Kazakh language. It turned out that the management of Kazakhtelecom invited many guests to an open lesson, including television. Among the guests there was a man who came up to me after the lesson, gave me a business card and said: “Boy, come up to me later.” I came, and he turned out to be the head of the languages ​​department of the Almaty city administration. He offered me a job, which I did not immediately agree to, but he convinced me. That’s how I started working in the Akimat.

Teaching is my thing, I have been doing this since my student years, I even taught for free. I have a friend Sergey Lebedev, I taught him the Kazakh language, now he speaks well.

The idea of ​​creating came to me when I started learning English. I studied it myself, using online services. There are many such sites for learning English, Russian, Turkish and even Tatar languages, and they are all free. But there are several similar services for the Kazakh language, but they are all paid and of poor quality.


As soon as I became a director, I began to deal with this issue. I assembled a team of linguists, philologists, programmers and designers. Then the question of financial resources arose. Working on such a project required large expenses; salaries had to be paid. We found support from the founder of our fund - the first President, and then reached out to Samsung and Samruk-Kazyna JSC. With the support of these organizations at the end of 2013 we opened the first level of training A1 on According to world standards, there is a level for beginners - A1-A2, now we are working on the intermediate level - B1-B2, then we will do an in-depth one - C1-C2.

We came up with the name ourselves. There were many options, for example “Kazakhsha online”, but this turns out to be too long. Then one of the programmers, Aset, suggested calling it briefly - “Soyle”.

Our goal is to create conditions for learning spoken Kazakh without the help of a teacher. To do this, simply register on the site or log in through one of your social networks. Each lesson is designed so that the user can listen and read words at the same time. There are also several levels of testing tasks, and if the result does not suit you, you can go through the training again. The duration of one lesson is about 30-40 minutes.

We have a service where you can test your knowledge. Tasks are given, you complete them, and another student checks you, and you check him. There is also a library where various works in the Kazakh language are collected.

We have a forum on our website where you can ask questions to teachers. You can ask more questions in our groups on social networks. We answer them daily, free of charge and around the clock. Currently, 34,603 people have registered and are studying on And every day 1,500 people come to us.


I have been “sick” with this project for five years now. I work and get paid, but it's not just a job. My dream is to finish everything to the end and create an English version of the site with Kazakh and the Latin language. Then many foreigners and Kazakhs from abroad will be able to teach Kazakh language. I don’t like to brag, but this is the first site in Kazakhstan where you can learn the Kazakh language for free.

We will improve all sections of the site; we want to upload films and TV series in the Kazakh language.

Technologies do not stand still, we will develop with them. We have a mobile application for Android. About five thousand people downloaded it within a year. We have now started developing an application for iOS users, should be finished by spring.


For children we have separate project- This is the same site for learning the Kazakh language, but only for children. The very first section is the alphabet, it must be in pictures and with voice acting, we teach children the correct pronunciation. There are audio fairy tales that you can listen to and read at the same time, cartoons and songs in karaoke format.

We made a separate website where we collected only vocabulary - All words are divided into sections. When learning, you can create your own dictionaries and learn only selected words.

Thanks to, last year the President received me on the eve of the Nauryz holiday. He received the $600,000 Silk Road Peace Prize. And he donated these 600,000 dollars to Aruzhan Sain and me. We received certificates worth $300,000.

With this money I realized my old dream. Since independence, Kazakh children's literature has been abandoned, and all my life I have been collecting children's prose and poetry. And last year we published two volumes of children's patriotic books “Tatti Alma” (Sweet Apple). We distributed about 2,000 copies free of charge to children throughout Kazakhstan, and sent books to schools and children's libraries. But you can’t reach all children, so we immediately developed and launched a children’s literary website

And in the summer, in August, our foundation launched the internet portal The site is dedicated to Abai Kunanbaev. For 25 years of Independence, there has not been a single such portal in Kazakhstan. This is another old dream of mine. All works of Abai are collected on, it is possible to read them in Russian, Kazakh and Arabic.

We also have a mobile application iTys. iTys is an analogue of WhatsApp, only in Kazakh. And in September we launched the game for smartphones “Kim bilgish” (“Who is smarter”) in both Russian and Kazakh languages. This is mobile mind game. You can play with your friend or with any registered user. The peculiarity of this game is that it helps prepare for UNT.

And just recently, at the end of December, we announced the release mobile application"My Kazakhstan". In it we have collected the most beautiful photos our homeland, they can be set as wallpapers and themes for your smartphone screen.

We do all these projects for people, so that they don’t just sit on the Internet, but do something useful things, for example, they learned their native language.

Order Kazakh language teaching services from private specialists in Moscow and the Moscow region registered on Yuda. Experienced teachers will develop an individual training program for learning a foreign language, taking into account your current level of knowledge.

Individual lessons will be held at your home or office at a time convenient for you. Applications for private tutoring services are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, seven days a week.

Level teaching system

Order inexpensive services for teaching the Kazakh language in Moscow from private teachers with extensive experience. With Yudu's help, you will quickly find a suitable specialist who will teach you the language until you reach the required level of education. Individual study sessions foreign languages are carried out in several stages:

  • development of communicative competence - the ability to conduct a conversation in short dialogues, oral communication skills
  • formation high level language proficiency that allows you to speak fluently with native speakers
  • formation of a high level of professional language proficiency

Private Kazakh language lessons will allow you to professional activity in all areas of linguistic communications.

Learning a professional foreign language

Kazakh language courses may be needed in various situations. Contact private teachers if you need to learn professional language for work in the following areas:

  • economics and finance
  • medicine
  • jurisprudence
  • banking
  • entrepreneurship
  • social protection

The services of private teachers are provided at a minimal cost.