Let them say that nine people were shot. The only survivor of the massacre near Tver was a Kirov resident

Last weekend, the whole country was shocked by the news from the small village of Redkino in the Tver region. On Sunday night, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Egorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle.

21-year-old Marina Konygina was the only one who managed to escape the brutal massacre.

New details of the terrible massacre in the Tver region have been revealed. Sergei Egorov could have shot nine summer residents because they refused to give him alcohol in their company.

According to the preliminary version, the motive for the murder was the ridicule of the electrician Egorov by a tipsy group of summer residents. Members of the gardening partnership did not believe that the killer served in the Airborne Forces or had ever served in the army. The “VDVshnik” got angry and shot five men and four women with a Saiga carbine. Recently it became known that the electrician did not serve at all: a neighbor said that Egorov is not a border guard, not a paratrooper, and, in general, he is nobody.

Tver murder of 9 people

A story that shocked the whole country: today on Channel One in the “Let Them Talk” program the confession of the only survivor of the bloody massacre near Tver. The tragedy happened this weekend - after a table quarrel, a 45-year-old man shot nine people and only she survived, hiding under a blanket. The girl will talk about what she had to endure in an exclusive interview with Andrei Malakhov.

“I look out of the window and see this picture: I hear swearing, first of all they kill Slava. He goes to Alexander, hits him several times with the butt of his gun, and says, “Go, dig a friend’s grave.” In the end, he grabs you by the hair, throws you to the ground, points the gun all the way and shoots,” she says.

Revelations of a girl who survived a bloodbath. “Let them talk” program. Watch online video.

The surviving girl denied the information that the electrician was sitting at the same table with them. Residents of the cooperative saw this citizen for the first time.

Now the version being considered is that this was a contract killing, which was planned by the current chairman of the cooperative, and the killer simply had the wrong address.

Electrician Sergei Egorov shot and killed 9 people in Tver

Before the bloody tragedy, the dacha cooperative “50 Years of October” was a quiet and peaceful place where all the neighbors knew each other well and had known each other for many years. The reason for a pleasant pastime on the night of June 4 was the birth of the granddaughter of the chairman of the garden partnership, Tatyana Arkhipova. She invited the Smirnov family and people whom she considered her social circle. Electrician Sergei Egorov showed up at someone else's party without an invitation, and the hostess refused to give him drink in her close company.

The killer electrician did not enjoy much authority in Redkino: he knew almost nothing about wiring, but he was constantly seen drunk. Offended by the caustic words of the summer residents, Egorov harbored a grudge and shot the company not in Arkhipova’s yard, but in Vyacheslav Savelyev’s house. There the company continued to relax with barbecue, but they all fell under a stray bullet. The killer did not even know some of them personally. The investigation will deal with all versions and find out the motives that pushed Yegorov to kill defenseless people.

Victims of a drunken man who shot nine people in the Tver region

Among those killed was her fiancé, with whom the girl soon wanted to get married.

Photo: Screenshot from the video “Let Them Talk”

21-year-old native of the Malmyzh region Marina Konygina, on the air of the “Let them talk” program, spoke about the tragedy that happened on the night of June 3-4 in the village of Redkino, Tver region. On that fateful night, a 45-year-old electrician summer cottage killed 9 people with a gun. Marina miraculously managed to survive.

The girl said that she was relaxing at her fiance’s grandmother’s summer cottage with friends. At about 12 at night, electrician Sergei Egorov came to them. The vacationers were not familiar with him. After a short conversation, a quarrel occurred between Marina’s acquaintances and Egorov. The reason was that those around him did not believe that the man served in the Airborne Forces.

My boyfriend, Slava, asked him what unit he served in. The man hesitated and was unable to answer. After a small verbal altercation, he was asked to leave, but no one insulted him, Marina said.

(Marina’s fiance with her grandmother 2 hours before the murder. Photo: vk.com)

After the quarrel, Egorov left. Marina went to bed with her fiancé's grandmother. She woke up already from the shot. In front of the house, the electrician began killing vacationers one after another. The first victim was Marina's fiance.

I called 112, called the police, and hid under the covers on the bed. My Spitz Benya was with me. Egorov came into the house several times, but by some miracle he did not notice me. Surprisingly, my dog ​​behaved very quietly and even practically did not breathe. It was only thanks to his behavior that I remained alive,” Marina says through tears.

(Marina with her Spitz Benya. Photo: vk.com)

After killing his victims, Egorov began bringing the bodies into the house. Probably to be set on fire later. When the attacker went to collect the body of his last victim, the police arrived and detained the killer.

I jumped out from under the covers and ran up to the corpse of my fiancé, but he was already cold. I asked the police to let me kill this monster. And they would pass it off as self-defense. But they didn’t allow it,” the Kirov resident shares her experiences.

(Marina with her fiance Vyacheslav. Photo: vk.com)

As it turned out, Sergei Egorov himself lived in this dacha community. He lived in the same house with his mother. I recently started working as an electrician. He was often seen drunk. So he committed the murder while in drunkenness. The man has not previously been brought to criminal liability and has the right to bear arms.

I don’t understand how you can kill people with such cruelty! They begged him for mercy, but he still shot at them in cold blood! - Marina says through tears.

The presenter of the program, Andrei Malakhov, and many guests of the program listened to this story with tears in their eyes.

Investigations are currently underway against the perpetrator.

Yesterday I watched “Let Them Talk,” where the only survivor told about the events when an electrician killed nine people at the dacha.

Until this moment, I said: don’t drink with strangers, who knows how they’ll get screwed. I know several people who, like this, in a new company, got into trouble, because the drinkers did not become more cheerful and sociable, but aggression and inadequacy began to creep in. But here, it turns out, everything was actually different.

Of course, dragging a girl who has gone through such stress into the studio is very cruel. She, poor thing, was shaking all over with large tremors, it is clear that she is in a severe state of shock and how all this will come back to haunt her psyche is a big question. There is so much pain and grief in her... On the other hand, I got the impression that she needed to speak out, but looking at her and listening to her was truly scary, the hair on my head was moving.

Still, how much I read in the press about those events, and lies upon lies. They changed everything, even down to the smallest detail, that the girl was hiding on the second floor, and not lying under a thin blanket on the first. They said that the dead were drinking together, and the future killer was simply driving past their dacha and stopped to introduce himself (apparently, he wanted to ask for a visit, but it turned out that he began to brag about the Airborne Forces service and they joked about him). And he didn’t go straight away to get the gun, but returned only two hours later. He shot at two neighboring dachas.

All this is some kind of madness, a squirrel or something like that, and not just a drunken state, and maybe drugs. Why was it necessary to kill everyone, including the 92-year-old grandmother? Women who never said a bad word to you and begged you to spare them? Why go and finish off the dead - definitely dead, maybe he shot in the head? Why strip the corpses naked and drag them into the house? How can you stand close to the bed, where a girl and a dog were lying under a thin blanket, and not notice it?

Poor girl, she lay there and thought that she was finished, that’s all. Before this, see with your own eyes how her fiancé and friends are killed. Hear how the killer brings bodies into her room. You can just go crazy from all this... although, judging by the fact that she was shaking and trying to revive her boyfriend, who was missing half his head... I feel incredibly sorry for her.

I was struck by her dog, which, as I understood, was not particularly intelligent and would just start barking, and then lay next to her under the blanket, gasping for breath, but silent, as if dead. What is this, what kind of animal intuition?

The girl asked the police to let her kill this creature and blame it on resistance, and it was right that they didn’t give it - it would have been too easy a way out for him. I hope that he came to his senses and grabbed his head: “What have I done?” This would be the worst punishment.

PY SY and in fact he is not an airborne soldier, but a border guard. It's all so stupid and pointless...

A week ago, the country was shocked by the murder of nine people in the Tver region. And then a week later there was another massacre. A resident of the village of Kratovo near Moscow, 49-year-old Igor Zenkov, shot his neighbors with a hunting rifle. Four were killed, and the killer himself was shot by special forces. An entire arsenal of weapons from the times of the Great Patriotic War was discovered at Zenkov's site. Patriotic War. Among the dead is Igor Zenkov’s uncle, with whom he lived in the same house. Miraculously, the wife of the murdered man managed to escape; for several hours the woman hid in the basement of the burning house. Why did a relative start shooting people? Today in Let Them Talk: How does a harmless wild neighbor become a merciless killer?

Let them talk - Kratovo Shooter issue (06/13/2017)

Watch online show Let them talk today's episode dated June 13, 2017 on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, June 4, in the village of Redkino, Tver Region, companies were buzzing at their dachas, gathering on the occasion of the first summer weekend. But one stayed up late. 10 people: local summer residents, all neighbors, knew each other. They also invited a local electrician - he had recently appeared at the dachas, but he seemed like a good guy, why not invite him. In the morning, the police will find 9 corpses here and detain that same electrician on suspicion of mass murder. Investigators, as well as Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents, worked all day yesterday at the site of the bloody massacre. We managed to reconstruct the picture of what happened.


It was already well after midnight when the conversation between the tipsy friends turned into tales and “you respect me.”

“And I served in the Airborne Forces,” Sergei Egorov suddenly boasted. And he began to tell how they hit bricks with their heads and jumped with a parachute.

But no one in the company knew about the new friend’s army background, and they began to make fun of the man.

Come on, you didn’t serve at all! - someone waved his hand. - You don’t look like a Vedeveshnik, look at yourself!

They began to say that he was not a sporty man, an ordinary guy, he was playing around in his company, but there was no normal work. In general, it doesn’t look like a military man in the past (during the interrogation, the accuracy was brought in by the shooter himself).

Egorov flared up and jumped out the door. The company continued to “buzz” further. But soon the man returned: full of anger, in his hands a Saiga carbine.

Now I’ll show you how I can shoot,” with these words, the drunken Yegorov pointed the gun at the people. No one even had time to figure anything out. A deafening shot - and one of the vacationers fell dead, then the second. The rest rushed to run, jumped out into the street, but Egorov methodically and accurately killed everyone. The footage that appeared on the Internet, taken in the yard after the massacre, shows bloody paths, bushes, and grass. One of the men tried to hide in wooden toilet near the house, but Egorov shot him down too. Only one 21-year-old girl was able to hide under a blanket on the second floor while the shooting was going on in the street. With trembling hands, she dialed the police number.

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Murder of 9 people in the Tver region - testimony of a survivor. The terrible murder of 9 people in the Tver region. The miraculously surviving girl told the details

The district police officer and local traffic police inspector were the first to arrive at the scene. It was already dawn. They were afraid to go for capture right away. Having crept up to the house, we saw a man with a carbine in his hands in the yard, pulling down corpses and placing them in a row. When he put down his weapon to take on another body, the police pounced on him and pinned him down. Moreover, law enforcement officers found one of the dead only in the morning in the trunk of a car. Apparently, Egorov stole the corpses for a reason - he wanted to cover up the traces of the crime: either take the bodies out or burn them. As a result, four women and five men became victims of this night massacre.


The gardening partnership “50 Years of October,” where everything happened, hid in a forest belt next to the railroad. A police checkpoint has been set up a couple of kilometers away since this morning:

Not allowed in cars. The press is not allowed, they say. But grandmothers with knapsacks are allowed through unhindered.

In addition to the police, there are Investigative Committee investigators from Moscow, emergency services, hearses, psychologists - many summer residents are very scared. Someone is trying to distract themselves with work: somewhere a lawnmower is humming, somewhere buckets are rattling.

The houses are mostly on six hundred square meters, there are no wealthy people here, new metal tiles are already a sign of prosperity. The mass shooting took place on Michurina Street. Let's go there.

The house where the tragedy took place belongs to one of the dead men. An old two-story dacha, the owners apparently were doing renovations - they replaced the windows with plastic ones, in the courtyard scaffolding along the facade. There's an ATV in the yard.

Egorov never had any problems with the law before. He owned the weapon legally. The most he has is fines for speeding,” Vadim Levshin, head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tver Region, dryly comments to KP. Law enforcement officials are tight-lipped. Therefore, versions are beginning to appear on the Internet that the shooter allegedly forced the victims to dig their own graves. The police deny it.

Why he did this is unclear. Horror. After all, everyone who was there were decent people - the elderly woman from the house next door still cannot recover from the shock. – I knew the deceased Smirnov family well. They are the same age as Egorov. They are hard workers, I often opened greenhouses for them. They have a daughter who is a student, I don’t know if they informed her or not.

Little is known about the shooter himself. He was born and raised in Yaroslavl. But it’s been 20 years since he moved to Moscow. According to one source, lately was unemployed. It appeared in the holiday village quite recently. Nobody knows whether he bought the house or is renting. He came mainly on weekends with his 90-year-old mother. I started working as an electrician.

The first time I saw him was on May 10th. He produced good impression - normal man. “No inappropriate behavior,” Marina Lobanova, the chairman of the gardening partnership “50 Years of October”, was terse in a conversation with KP.

But another neighbor, from a house nearby, recalls:

He came to us to take meter readings, and he smelled so bad, I thought he was drinking or something.

A criminal case has been opened into the mass murder of summer residents. Police and investigators from the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are working at the scene. The investigation of the criminal case has been entrusted to the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.


Now all the necessary investigative actions are being carried out, our specialists are examining the scene of the incident using the latest forensic technology,” said Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the RF Investigative Committee. - The suspect's personal file is being studied. On at the moment It is known that the crime was committed during a domestic conflict; there were ten people in the house; one 21-year-old girl managed to hide from the suspect and call the police. He is currently being interrogated. The surviving girl is receiving psychological help.