Candid shots of Amanda. Amanda Seyfried's sexy photos leaked online

Amanda Seyfried
It's always a disaster for celebrities when their gadgets are hacked by attackers and their secrets are revealed.

Oh, how many times have they told the world - do not store photos that can compromise you in your mobile phones and “clouds”! After all, just two years ago, a dozen popular Western stars walked around crimson, because their intimate parts of the body were discussed by the whole world.

The bride of Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Vladimir Klitschko, Hayden Panettiere, Canadian singer Avril Lavigne, as well as Hollywood actresses Emma Stone, Vanessa Hudgens, Mary-Kate Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence, Kirsten Dunst and others.

Today, Internet users around the world are discussing Hollywood beauties Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried, who have become the latest victims of hackers.

It is unlikely that Amanda is glad that the photographs of her love affairs with ex-boyfriend became public knowledge. Yes, and Watson filmed nudes in the bathroom, clearly not for the army of fans of the Harry Potter story.

True, it should be noted that Emma in a swimsuit and Amanda in a bare-chested dress look great. If you haven't bought the outfits yet, grab them!

However, what is a disaster for the stars is another reason for the people to show off their wit. Netizens have been making fun of the injured actresses all day.

“If you don’t take intimate selfies, hackers won’t steal them,” one of the “residents” of the popular social network Twitter teaches Amanda and Emma.

In one of the swimsuits, Emma Watson reminded domestic film fans of the main character of the cult film “Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik.”

Amanda Seyfried has appeared naked in films more than once. In the film "Lovelace" she played the role of porn star Linda Lovelace. But Emma Watson has never undressed on camera.

Amanda Seyfried saved more spicy photos, including from a vacation with her boyfriend Justin Long, where they were completely naked.

MOSCOW, March 15 – RIA Novosti. Hackers have once again stolen private photos of stars. On at the moment they published personal photos of actresses Emma Watson, known for her role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, and Amanda Seyfried, star of Little Red Riding Hood. There may be photographs of 20 more celebrities in the pipeline.

Pictures of the actresses appeared on the Internet on the night of March 15. Interestingly, this happened on the eve of the release of the film "Beauty and the Beast", in which Emma Watson played main role. In Russia, shows will start on March 16, in the USA and many European countries - on March 17. Some Internet users believed that the leak was organized as part of a PR campaign for the film.

In most of the pictures, Emma Watstone poses in various swimsuits and costumes. The archive contains several more candid photographs - while taking a bath. The intimate photos do not show the actress’s face, so their authenticity is difficult to confirm.

Amanda Seyfried was less fortunate: almost all of her photographs are of an intimate nature. In the photographs, the actress poses topless, naked in the shower with panties on her head, in the fitting room and during sex.

The hackers also promised that they would soon publish personal photos of actress Kirsten Dunst, model Kylie Jenner and others.

This is not the first time intimate photos of stars have been leaked. At the beginning of December last year, hackers stole photographs of actress Maisie Williams, known for her role as Arya Stark in the series “Game of Thrones.”

Attackers hacked the star's Facebook account. In one photo, the girl posed with her back bare while on vacation, another was taken during the filming of “Game of Thrones.”

But the biggest leak of intimate photos of stars occurred in August 2014. Hackers then hacked the iCloud of actress Jennifer Lawrence and some other celebrities. Intimate photographs quickly spread across the Internet, causing indignation among official representatives of the stars, who promised to sue everyone who reposted the footage. Threats did not stop Internet users.

In the photographs, Lawrence posed naked in bed, on the sofa and in the shower, took numerous topless selfies and froze in racy poses. The actress remained silent for a long time and did not react to the hype in the press, but later in an interview with Vanity Fair she admitted that she was shocked. According to her, every time she tried to write an official statement, she began to cry.

"I have nothing to apologize for. I was in a good, healthy, loving relationship for four years. It was a long-distance relationship, so your boyfriend either watches porn or watches you," she said.

Lawrence emphasized that this story is not a scandal, but a crime. She asked people to stop sharing her photos.

Rihanna, Kirsten Dunst, Kim Kardashian, Mary-Kate Olsen, Cara Delevingne and other celebrities also became victims of the 2014 leak.

At first, Emma, ​​through her representatives, threatened everyone involved in the theft and distribution of content with legal proceedings. Having learned that her “naked” photos were circulating on the Internet, Watson immediately.


The actress's friend in misfortune, Amanda Seyfried, also first went to lawyers. She got more than the performer of the role of Hermione.

If Emma mainly shows swimsuits everywhere, then Amanda is captured in the stolen photographs. And there are also porn footage of her making love to her ex-boyfriend.

The lawyers hired by Seyfried demanded that the owners of the pornographic site Celeb Jihad, where all the content leaked by hackers appeared, immediately remove intimate photographs of the artist.

According to, a letter from Amanda's representatives indicated that the photographs were stolen and made public without the actress's consent. The lawyers also demanded that the owners of the Celeb Jihad portal preserve all evidence related to the case for further legal proceedings.

In the situation with Emma Watson, not everything is so simple. The Daily Telegraph reports that the Harry Potter star's team has confirmed the leak, but denies that the stolen content contains nudity.

This is partly true - most of the photos show Watson during a fitting. However, there is another recording made in the bathroom. The intimate parts of a completely naked body are shown there. And the face of its owner is almost invisible. Based on the moles on the girl’s face and shoulder, as well as on the pendant, network experts determined that this was the actress playing Hermione and no one else.

However, the actress's press secretary assured reporters that none of the stolen footage showed Watson naked. “In the photographs she is wearing clothes that Emma chose with a stylist a couple of years ago. They were stolen. These are not nude photographs,” stated a representative for the star of the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

The actress’s press service did not discuss the recording in the bathroom, but the matter is moving into the legal field. “The lawyers have been instructed, and we are not commenting further,” the publication’s source snapped.

On the night of March 15, hackers leaked intimate photographs of American actresses Amanda Seyfried and. Hackers also threatened to leak more than 20 celebrities. Hackers broke mobile phones actresses and received all the information, including intimate photographs that instantly spread throughout the Internet.

Amanda Seyfried uncensored photo

Amanda Seyfried got the worst of it; her photographs with naked breasts in various variations are already circulating on all forums and blogs. An intimate selfie of Amanda with her ex-boyfriend, actor Justin Long, was also circulated.

Hackers leaked photos of Amanda Seyfried

The 31-year-old American actress and model, who starred in the films “Time,” “Big Love,” and “A Million Ways to Lose Your Head,” became another victim of Internet scammers. Naked photos Amanda Seyfried's very explicit photos were published online. They show the actress in revealing, risqué poses, completely naked or in lingerie. Also among the pictures are the love affairs of Amanda Seyfried and her fiancé, 40-year-old actor Thomas Sadoki, whose engagement was announced in 2016.

Stolen photos of Amanda Seyfried

Naked Amanda Seyfried uncut