Is it possible to spray tomatoes with iodine to prevent illness? Environmentally friendly feeding using simple means: treating tomatoes with milk, iodine and water

In a greenhouse microclimate, tomatoes are less susceptible to diseases than in garden beds. However, even in closed ground there is a risk of viral and fungal infections that can destroy the crop. Chemicals and folk remedies are used to protect plantings. Iodine helps against late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse. The disinfecting properties of alcohol tincture can prevent the disease and stop its spread.

Iodine against disease

In the second half of summer, gardeners are faced with manifestations of late blight in beds and greenhouses. The nightshade family, to which tomatoes belong, is particularly susceptible to fungal disease. Late blight spreads in moist environments. The causes of the disease can be irrigation errors, thickened plantings or prolonged rainfall.

To increase the immunity of tomatoes against a dangerous fungus, various means are used. Iodine for late blight is one of the effective and crop-safe preparations in the fight for harvest. It does not harm the plant, accelerates ripening and improves the taste of the fruit. Iodine spraying of tomatoes promotes rapid absorption of nitrogen by the plant.

Until a certain time, the pathogen remains in the ground and does not appear on tomato shoots. Dampness, stagnation of moisture and temperature fluctuations awaken spores that gradually affect the leaves, ovaries and fruits of the crop.

Competent control of late blight in a greenhouse involves quickly identifying the symptoms of a fungal infection:

  • the appearance of brown spots on the lower leaves of tomatoes;
  • twisting and death of tissues of affected shoots;
  • spread of the disease on the ovaries of tomatoes in the form of darkening of the stalk and peel.

In a greenhouse, late blight can spread to all plantings within a few days and jeopardize the crop yield. Folk remedies against the disease, which include iodine, help not only prevent infection, but also quickly stop its spread. It is important to adhere to the recommended dosage and use the spray solution correctly.

Cooking recipes and processing technology

Treatment of late blight in tomatoes with iodine is carried out in a greenhouse for preventive purposes and at the first signs of the disease. In dry weather, if the temperature is maintained, the fungus does not appear. Prevention of the disease begins with the arrival of cold nights or during periods of prolonged rainfall.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, the soil and above-ground parts of plants are treated with an iodine solution. Based on the drug, you can prepare several effective means of control:

  1. The disease can be stopped by treating tomatoes with whey and iodine. As a result of using the solution, a film is formed on the surface of the shoots, preventing the spores from attaching. A solution for spraying tomatoes is prepared from a liter of whey, 10 liters of water at room temperature and 20 drops of iodine. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and used to spray bushes against late blight.
  2. Whey can be replaced with kefir or milk. The proportions of the solution are maintained. When using a fermented milk product, the infusion must ferment within two days. It is necessary to spray the tomatoes over the entire surface of the leaves, especially on the back side. It is recommended to spray tomatoes with milk and iodine every 15 days.
  3. To prevent late blight, you can use a solution to water the plantings at the root. A mixture of a dairy product, iodine and water is poured into a watering can, and the resulting mixture is used to water the beds at the rate of one liter of solution per tomato bush. Treatment of beds with milk and iodine should be carried out at moderate humidity in the greenhouse.
  4. You can protect greenhouse plants from fungal diseases using iodine with the addition of ash. The composition of the remedy for late blight consists of 10 liters of heated water, a glass of wood ash and 15 drops of the drug. The resulting liquid is used to disinfect the soil. The solution should be applied after watering the beds to prevent burns to the roots.

An effective remedy in the fight against late blight of tomatoes in a greenhouse is boric acid. To prepare the liquid, you need to take 10 liters of hot water and add a teaspoon of 1% boric acid. After the solution has cooled, dilute 30 drops of iodine in it.

It is necessary to use the medicine against late blight on tomatoes using the following technology:

  • Before treatment, all diseased shoots are destroyed.
  • Watering at the root is carried out only in moist soil.
  • Spraying of the ground part is carried out in dry weather and is accompanied by ventilation of the greenhouse.
  • Tomatoes are processed in the morning or evening.

Exceeding the recommended concentration may cause burns to the shoots. It is necessary to spray the solution from a spray bottle with tiny drops of liquid. When processing adult bushes with ripening fruits, you can replace iodine with brilliant green.

Disease prevention

Late blight is a disease that is difficult to treat. In greenhouses, the appearance of fungus very quickly leads to loss of tomato yield. Iodine is used as a disease prevention agent in several ways:

  • Open bottles are hung in the greenhouse to disinfect the air. For 5m2 1 bubble is enough.
  • A working solution with the addition of dairy products is used to spray the greenhouse in wet weather.
  • During active growth of shoots, water the beds with fertilizing based on iodine and ash, increasing the resistance of tomatoes to late blight.

It should be remembered that the drug does not harm tomatoes and humans only when used in moderation. After preventive measures according to recipes based on iodine solution, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the greenhouse.

Folk remedies in the fight against late blight, including iodine, are most effective in preventing the disease and in the early stages of its appearance. Affordable and easy-to-prepare recipes help prevent dangerous diseases and have a positive effect on the quality of the tomato crop. If the fungus spreads massively, additional measures must be taken.

To fertilize and treat tomatoes, gardeners most often use traditional fertilizers and preparations, but some vegetable growers also use unusual methods, for example, feeding and fertilizing tomatoes with iodine. Tomatoes have little need for this element, but, nevertheless, they always react positively to it. Find out how to properly feed tomatoes with iodine and what effect you can get from it.

Iodine for tomatoes growing in home beds is used in 2 ways: as a fertilizer from which plants can obtain this element and as a simple and affordable preventive and therapeutic agent used to prevent or combat fungal diseases. In the first case, an iodine solution is also used to improve nitrogen metabolism in the soil, thus providing some replacement for traditionally used nitrogen fertilizers such as nitrate.

The use of iodine for tomatoes as a fertilizer stimulates a faster onset of fruiting. Such fertilizing becomes especially effective in cases where it is necessary to induce the onset of fruiting in plants that should already bear fruit, but due to iodine deficiency in the soil this does not happen.

A lack of this element in the soil can also lead to a decrease in the overall yield of plants, or to the formation of small quantities of fruits on tomatoes, as well as to their late ripening. It has also been established that this element helps tomato fruits quickly acquire a bright red color, that is, it makes them more attractive and tastier, and also enhances their ability to withstand subsequent storage.

The benefit of iodine for tomato seedlings is that it helps them to take root after transplantation and takes part in many processes occurring in tomato plants, which means it will be very useful for the growth and proper development of young plants, just like adult tomatoes.

Signs of iodine deficiency

Its deficiency in the tissues of tomato plants manifests itself in various ways, for example, in decreased immunity and their resistance to bad weather, various diseases and pest attacks. This is especially felt by plants that begin to suffer from fungal diseases such as brown spot, mosaic, root rot, and late blight.

Even if plants do not get sick due to a lack of a microelement, iodine is still important for tomato seedlings; if it is deficient in the soil, it can grow pale, thin and lethargic. In many cases, severe iodine deficiency can even lead to the death of plants, especially in extreme heat and drought, if they are not provided with timely feeding with this element.

Recipes for feeding tomatoes with iodine

There are fertilizers that contain iodine, but in the household you can also use a regular pharmacy solution; it can be bought at any pharmacy and at any convenient time. It can be used for any type of iodine feeding of tomatoes: root and foliar. Both of them are equally effective, so many experienced vegetable growers advise not to choose one of them, but to alternate them to get the maximum effect.


The first feeding of tomatoes with iodine in a greenhouse and in open ground beds is carried out when the young seedlings have 2 pairs of true leaves. The working solution is made from 3 liters of warm water and only 1 drop of iodine. This liquid is watered at the roots of tomatoes, spending no more than 0.5 liters per bush. Many vegetable growers have noticed that even after one such fertilizing, the tomatoes in the beds become stronger and healthier, and better resist various diseases (fungal and even viral). The same solution can be used to feed tomato seedlings after picking.

The second feeding of tomatoes with iodine solution can be carried out when they begin to bloom and set fruit. In this case, a composition slightly different from the first is used. It is prepared in the following proportion: 3 drops of pharmaceutical tincture are diluted in 10 liters of water. The fertilizer consumption rate is 1 liter for each tomato bush.

To water tomatoes with iodine for the third time (in the fruiting phase), a more complex composition is used. This time, in addition to iodine, the fertilizing solution also contains ash and boric acid. The sequence for preparing this fertilizing solution is as follows: dissolve 3 liters of ash in 5 liters of heated water and leave the liquid to infuse for about 1 hour. After this, you need to add warm water and increase the volume of the finished solution to 10 liters. Add a bottle of iodine solution and 10 g of boric acid to the bucket, mix everything well until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Let the liquid infuse for 1 day, and then dilute 1 liter of this infusion in a bucket of warm water. The consumption rate of fertilizing solution is 1 liter for each tomato bush.


In addition to root fertilizing, foliar fertilizing is also carried out, that is, spraying tomatoes with iodine on the leaf. To prepare a simple feeding solution, take 1 liter of warm water and drop 5 drops of iodine solution and 1 glass of low-fat milk into it. Spraying is carried out only in the early morning or late evening, treating the plants with a spray bottle (wet the leaves on both sides).

It is impossible to increase the concentration of iodine when preparing the solution, as this can lead to burns to the plants. After spraying tomatoes with milk and iodine, they begin to grow better, bloom and set fruit.

Recipes for protection against diseases

You can start treating tomatoes that need to be planted on the site with iodine already at the seed stage. Soaking seed material in an iodine solution is carried out in order to disinfect it from various infections, as well as improve germination and growth of seedlings. A solution of weak concentration (0.1%) is prepared for soaking, that is, 1 drop of iodine is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Tomato seeds are dipped into this liquid for at least 6 hours.

Spraying seedlings with iodine solution helps protect them from such a serious disease as late blight. For this purpose prepare:

  • an aqueous solution of iodine (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water) and 1 liter of whey;
  • a solution of milk and iodine (for 10 liters of warm water you need to take 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine);
  • a solution of sour milk and iodine (0.5 l and 10 drops, respectively, per 10 l of water).

Spraying iodine against late blight on tomatoes is carried out several times in order to obtain the desired effect. Many vegetable growers recommend combining the processing of tomatoes with other methods of eliminating this fungal disease, for example, garlic infusion with potassium permanganate or saline solution.

A very simple way to protect tomatoes from late blight without treatments or spraying is to hang iodine in the greenhouse. To do this, hang 1 bottle with the lid open in its corners. The tincture slowly evaporates, saturates the air with the microelement and thus protects the tomatoes from infections.

In a greenhouse microclimate, tomatoes are less susceptible to diseases than in garden beds. However, even in closed ground there is a risk of viral and fungal infections that can destroy the crop. Chemicals and folk remedies are used to protect plantings. Iodine helps against late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse. The disinfecting properties of alcohol tincture can prevent the disease and stop its spread.

Iodine against disease

In the second half of summer, gardeners are faced with manifestations of late blight in beds and greenhouses. The nightshade family, to which tomatoes belong, is particularly susceptible to fungal disease. Late blight spreads in moist environments. The causes of the disease can be irrigation errors, thickened plantings or prolonged rainfall.

To increase the immunity of tomatoes against a dangerous fungus, various means are used. Iodine for late blight is one of the effective and crop-safe preparations in the fight for harvest. It does not harm the plant, accelerates ripening and improves the taste of the fruit. Iodine spraying of tomatoes promotes rapid absorption of nitrogen by the plant.

Until a certain time, the pathogen remains in the ground and does not appear on tomato shoots. Dampness, stagnation of moisture and temperature fluctuations awaken spores that gradually affect the leaves, ovaries and fruits of the crop.

Competent control of late blight in a greenhouse involves quickly identifying the symptoms of a fungal infection:

  • the appearance of brown spots on the lower leaves of tomatoes;
  • twisting and death of tissues of affected shoots;
  • spread of the disease on the ovaries of tomatoes in the form of darkening of the stalk and peel.

In a greenhouse, late blight can spread to all plantings within a few days and jeopardize the crop yield. Folk remedies against the disease, which include iodine, help not only prevent infection, but also quickly stop its spread. It is important to adhere to the recommended dosage and use the spray solution correctly.

Cooking recipes and processing technology

Treatment of late blight in tomatoes with iodine is carried out in a greenhouse for preventive purposes and at the first signs of the disease. In dry weather, if the temperature is maintained, the fungus does not appear. Prevention of the disease begins with the arrival of cold nights or during periods of prolonged rainfall.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, the soil and above-ground parts of plants are treated with an iodine solution. Based on the drug, you can prepare several effective means of control:

  1. The disease can be stopped by treating tomatoes with whey and iodine. As a result of using the solution, a film is formed on the surface of the shoots, preventing the spores from attaching. A solution for spraying tomatoes is prepared from a liter of whey, 10 liters of water at room temperature and 20 drops of iodine. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and used to spray bushes against late blight.
  2. Whey can be replaced with kefir or milk. The proportions of the solution are maintained. When using a fermented milk product, the infusion must ferment within two days. It is necessary to spray the tomatoes over the entire surface of the leaves, especially on the back side. It is recommended to spray tomatoes with milk and iodine every 15 days.
  3. To prevent late blight, you can use a solution to water the plantings at the root. A mixture of a dairy product, iodine and water is poured into a watering can, and the resulting mixture is used to water the beds at the rate of one liter of solution per tomato bush. Treatment of beds with milk and iodine should be carried out at moderate humidity in the greenhouse.
  4. You can protect greenhouse plants from fungal diseases using iodine with the addition of ash. The composition of the remedy for late blight consists of 10 liters of heated water, a glass of wood ash and 15 drops of the drug. The resulting liquid is used to disinfect the soil. The solution should be applied after watering the beds to prevent burns to the roots.

An effective remedy in the fight against late blight of tomatoes in a greenhouse is boric acid. To prepare the liquid, you need to take 10 liters of hot water and add a teaspoon of 1% boric acid. After the solution has cooled, dilute 30 drops of iodine in it.

It is necessary to use the medicine against late blight on tomatoes using the following technology:

  • Before treatment, all diseased shoots are destroyed.
  • Watering at the root is carried out only in moist soil.
  • Spraying of the ground part is carried out in dry weather and is accompanied by ventilation of the greenhouse.
  • Tomatoes are processed in the morning or evening.

Exceeding the recommended concentration may cause burns to the shoots. It is necessary to spray the solution from a spray bottle with tiny drops of liquid. When processing adult bushes with ripening fruits, you can replace iodine with brilliant green.

Disease prevention

Late blight is a disease that is difficult to treat. In greenhouses, the appearance of fungus very quickly leads to loss of tomato yield. Iodine is used as a disease prevention agent in several ways:

  • Open bottles are hung in the greenhouse to disinfect the air. For 5m2 1 bubble is enough.
  • A working solution with the addition of dairy products is used to spray the greenhouse in wet weather.
  • During active growth of shoots, water the beds with fertilizing based on iodine and ash, increasing the resistance of tomatoes to late blight.

It should be remembered that the drug does not harm tomatoes and humans only when used in moderation. After preventive measures according to recipes based on iodine solution, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the greenhouse.

Folk remedies in the fight against late blight, including iodine, are most effective in preventing the disease and in the early stages of its appearance. Affordable and easy-to-prepare recipes help prevent dangerous diseases and have a positive effect on the quality of the tomato crop. If the fungus spreads massively, additional measures must be taken.

Every summer resident knows that the fewer pesticides used when growing vegetables, the safer and healthier they are. Today in the article we will look in detail at the treatment of tomatoes with ordinary iodine and brilliant green.

Important! The first feeding after planting in a permanent place is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Why do gardeners use iodine and brilliant green?

Diamond green alcohol solution is synthetic in nature. At the beginning of the twentieth century, its antiseptic and fungicidal properties were noticed: the drug inhibits most fungi and infections. In the agricultural industry, brilliant green has long been used as a herbicide and is included in many preparations for the corresponding purpose. In addition to destroying pathogenic microorganisms, brilliant green has a long-term protective effect against their reappearance.
Iodine is a natural element that is used in the agricultural sector as a means of combating viruses and fungal infections. The content of the element in the soil depends on its structure, but with its deficiency, tomatoes do not form fruit ovaries well, which affects the harvest. After iodine supplementation, part of the element remains in the fruit, which has invaluable benefits for humans, because everyone knows that iodine deficiency leads to endocrine diseases and memory disorders. The insecticidal properties of the solution are also important.

Did you know? Iodine is used in the electronics industry for the production of liquid crystal screens.

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs

  • Both drugs are antiseptics; if we consider their action in detail, other positive characteristics will be visible:
  • fungicides for disinfection of planting material;
  • growth and development stimulants;
  • support the protective properties of the plant from the influence of external factors;
  • allow better absorption of microelements from the soil;
  • promote active flowering and fruiting;
  • improve the taste of fruits.
There were no shortcomings in the products; with the correct doses, there is no negative effect on garden crops. Exceeding the dosage will lead to burns of foliage and deformation of the fruit.

How to treat tomatoes with greens and iodine

The method of processing plants depends on the purpose of the procedure. For example, as a preventive measure against pests, it is more effective to water the soil around the bush in early spring, even directly over the snow.

To fight diseases

Tomatoes are susceptible to many diseases if the rules of agricultural technology are not followed; diseases are also possible under unfavorable weather conditions.

Root rot

The reasons are sharp temperature fluctuations, the use of cold water when watering and the lack of loosening after it.

Important! For better plant protection, especially in the rainy season, the treatments described above are alternated with spraying with copper-containing preparations.


  • brilliant greens are diluted with 10 ml/5 l of water, the mixture is smeared on the stems;
  • Spray the planting with an iodine solution in a ratio of 10 ml/10 l of water.

Powdery mildew

Symptoms of the disease are white spots on the green parts and fruits of the plant. The fight against the disease is carried out in two steps: cultivating the soil and then cultivating the bushes. Treatment is carried out by spraying the soil and bushes with solutions:

  • brilliant green, urea, whey, water - 10 ml/50 g/2 l/10 l;
  • iodine, milk, water - 4 drops/350 ml/3 l.

Late blight

This is a fungal infection that develops in conditions of high humidity. Damage is also possible due to excess nitrogen in the soil. Treatment:

  • whey, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, water - 1 l/10 ml/15 ml/10 l, mix and process one sheet at a time;
  • Mix both alcohol products, 4 drops each, in a liter of warm water and spray.
The mixtures, having reduced the amount of alcohol solutions by half, should be used as a prophylaxis against late blight, treating the plantings three times a season both in the greenhouse and in the open ground.

White rot

In greenhouse conditions it develops due to lack of ventilation, in open ground - when the soil is waterlogged. The danger of the fungus is that its spores are easily carried by the wind. Treatment is carried out by spraying plants and soil with the following mixtures:

  • brilliant green, whey, water - 2 ml/1 l/7 l;
  • iodine, laundry soap, milk, water - 4 ml/25 g/1 l/10 l.

Gray rot

It is fungal in nature and affects tomatoes, penetrating through injured parts of the plant. Most often this happens after pinching or pinching. Treatment:

  • garlic, iodine solution, water - 0.5 kg/3 ml/10 l, spray plants;
  • brilliant green, water - 4 ml/10 l, spray the bushes.

As a fertilizer

Tomato seedlings are fertilized a week before transplanting into a greenhouse or plot, and both solutions are used, watering the seedlings at the root. The solution is prepared from 1 drop of pharmaceutical product and 1 liter of water. Adult plants are also watered under the bush, diluting 3 drops of one or another product in 10 liters of water. For each bush, use 1 liter of mixture.

Video: processing tomatoes with green paint and iodine

General rules of application

In order not to harm your vegetables, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of using pharmaceutical products:

  1. You should not increase the concentration - you should take no more than 1 drop per 1 liter of water.
  2. It is necessary to prevent the solution from getting on the root collar of the treated plants.
  3. It is recommended to fertilize on moist soil.
  4. During flowering, wood ash is added to fertilizing with iodine for greater efficiency.
  5. It is better to spray from a sprayer with small holes - this way the fertilizers are better absorbed.
  6. Root fertilizing is not used during fruiting, only on the leaf.
  7. The drugs should not be used together with Trichopolum and Aspirin.
  8. Boric acid is used no earlier than 3–5 days after iodine.

Did you know? Brilliant green solution is used in forensic medicine as a reagent for determining toxic substances.

The quality of the tomato harvest and the taste of the fruit depend on the quantity and quality of nutrients that the plants receive during development. It is always better to give preference to natural fertilizers and preventative agents, but do not forget about the application rates.

Late blight (late blight) is a common disease that can destroy tomato crops. To prevent damage, garden crops must be treated regularly. Spraying tomatoes with milk and iodine is excellent for these purposes.

What is late blight and how to recognize it on tomatoes

Late blight (late blight) is a fungal disease that can affect all nightshades, which include tomatoes. The causative agents of the disease are very tenacious. Their spores can be found in the soil and, under conditions favorable for the development of the fungus, tomatoes become infected.

The occurrence of late blight is promoted by:

  • dense plantings, untimely removal of leaves;
  • excessive watering;
  • excess nitrogen and lime in the soil;
  • temperature changes;
  • insufficient fertilizing.

Late blight usually develops in the second half of summer, when the nights become cold and there are fogs in the morning.

The leaves of tomatoes affected by late blight first turn brown, and then dry out and fall off. Brown spots appear on the stems.

Tomato leaves affected by late blight

The fruits of affected plants become covered with brown spots. The danger of a fungal disease is that the crop can be destroyed in just a week.

Fruits affected by late blight

How to spray tomatoes with milk with iodine against late blight

Experienced gardeners know that it is easier to prevent late blight than to subsequently fight the disease. There are many effective methods, one of which is spraying the bushes with a solution of milk and iodine.

Iodine is a disinfectant. It prevents the proliferation of fungus and protects tomatoes from damage by other diseases. Iodine is also included in some fertilizers, since this microelement is necessary for the normal growth and development of garden crops. It normalizes nitrogen metabolism in the soil, which additionally protects tomatoes from late blight.

Milk forms a thin film on the surface of plants, which prevents pathogens from infecting leaves, stems and fruits. Lactic acid bacteria create an environment unfavorable for fungal development.

How to properly prepare the composition for spraying

To protect tomatoes from late blight, they need to be regularly sprayed with a composition that is very easy to prepare. For 4 liters of water you need to take 1 liter of milk, add 15 drops of iodine, mix the ingredients and pour the composition into the sprayer.

To prevent late blight and improve fruit set, you can spray tomatoes with a solution containing boric acid. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 liters of skim milk, 8 liters of water, 5 g of boric acid, 20 drops of iodine. Boric acid should first be diluted in warm water.

Spraying tomatoes with iodine and whey

I use milk with iodine to fight late blight all the time. This method has never failed. Sometimes I replace milk with any fermented milk product, preferably whey. If it’s cold and damp outside, I treat greenhouse tomatoes with a more concentrated solution. To prepare it, I mix whey with water in a ratio of 1:3 and add 1 tbsp of iodine.

Treatment should be carried out in the morning or evening hours in dry and windless weather. Milk and iodine are completely safe for both plants and humans, so personal protective equipment does not need to be used.

The first spraying can be carried out after the tomatoes bloom and subsequently repeat the treatment every 10–14 days. Over the entire season, tomatoes are processed up to 6–8 times. If the first signs of infection do appear, it is worth using chemicals to save the crop. A solution with the addition of milk and iodine in such concentrations is not able to stop the process of reproduction of the fungal pathogen. In this case, it is more advisable to use potent antifungal agents.