Love lyrics by A.S. Pushkin

Everyone knows the poem by the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin entitled “I remember wonderful moment..." It is difficult to find lines filled with love and admiration for the woman you love that would surpass this work in its tenderness and reverence.

History of creation

When analyzing the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” a student can mention several facts about the history of its creation. It was written in the village of Mikhailovskoye in 1925. The Russian critic N. Skatov was convinced that not a single poet, either before or after Pushkin, could create such an image of love. One of these unusual works is the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” the analysis of which is discussed in this article.

This work was dedicated to a young beauty named Anna Kern. For the first time A.S. Pushkin saw her in St. Petersburg in 1819. was the wife of General Kern. Alexander Sergeevich first saw the girl while visiting mutual friends. The then young poet was amazed by the charm of the nineteen-year-old beauty. A.S. Pushkin and Anna Kern just exchanged a few phrases - there was no love connection between them.

A few years later, Alexander Sergeevich again had the opportunity to meet the general’s young wife. It was at that moment that beautiful lines were born, telling about the extraordinary power of love, which is capable of resurrection.

What is the work about?

The action of the poem begins with a description of one seemingly insignificant moment in the life of the poet. It describes a “fleeting moment” that is imprinted in memory. Then, through the description of emotions and experiences, the great Russian poet immerses the reader in the atmosphere real life. At the same time, the appearance of the lyrical hero of the poem becomes clearer and clearer. His future fate becomes clear:

"In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment

My days passed quietly

Without a deity, without inspiration,

No tears, no life, no love."

But the phenomenon of the “genius of pure beauty”, to whom the work is addressed, gives to the lyrical hero inspiration and ecstasy.


While working on the analysis of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” a student can talk about one of the characteristic features this work. Namely, about maintaining the same intonation throughout the entire poem. Despite the blows of fate occurring in life, the noisy bustle and various difficulties, it (intonation) remains unchanged.

And suddenly providence presents the lyrical hero with another meeting with his love. Only at this moment the intonation of the poem begins to change. The lyrical hero is filled with quiet and calm joy because he has the opportunity to once again see the creature dear to his heart. His triumphant voice does not subside, but rushes with even greater force into the heavens:

And the heart beats in ecstasy,

And for him they rose again

And deity and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

Theme, genre

When analyzing the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” by Pushkin, the student should also indicate the theme and genre of the work. At the end of the poem, the reader can again see the motive of awakening, the joy of life, the delight that the lyrical hero managed to regain. There is no doubt that in this work the dominant feeling is love, which can inspire a person and give him hope in a series of the most difficult storms of life.

So, the main theme of this work is love. The genre of the work is a love letter. However, you can also find in it philosophical reflections on how significant just one moment can be if it is remembered for a lifetime. Every moment like this is valuable.

Artistic media

It cannot be said that there are many artistic devices in the poem. But this is precisely what gives the work both simplicity and sophistication. The epithets used by the great Russian poet are distinguished by both sublimity and extraordinary harmony - “the genius of pure beauty”, “wonderful moment”, “favorite features”.

The simplicity of the image depicted by the author is achieved in the most familiar words. As for the passion of the work, those emotional impulses that are described in it, here Alexander Sergeevich actively uses the technique of metaphor. Love does not die, it lives despite all life circumstances. “Former dreams” are able to dispel the “rebellious impulse of storms,” but they still rise again. It is also worth noting the special melody of the work, achieved through the use of various syntactic means - anaphors, refrains, frames.

A brief analysis of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” shows that the work uses cross-type rhyme. The technique of alliteration is represented by the sonorant consonant sounds “l”, “m”, “n”. All these techniques contribute to the creation of a special melody in this unusual poem.


The entire work is written in iambic tetrameter. Regarding compositional features, then the poem has three equal parts. Each of them is connected with each other, while they are independent in their semantic content. The first of these parts contains memories of the poet’s wonderful meeting with his love.

The second part is more dramatic. Here there is a fading of tender feelings, until the complete onset of “silence”. The final part is structured a little differently. Here the movement goes, on the contrary, forward, with increasing spiritual elation.

Analysis of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment”: work plan

Sometimes students need to not only briefly analyze a poem, but do it according to plan. Let's look at an approximate diagram:

  1. Author and title of the work.
  2. History of creation.
  3. Artistic media.
  4. Rhythm, size.
  5. Features of vocabulary.
  6. Conclusion, student’s opinion.


The poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” which was analyzed in this article, today remains the standard of sublime love poetry. It is a real monument to sensual impulse and deep poetic experiences. The poem intertwines images of the beloved woman and love itself - this is something bright and fragile that is painfully familiar to everyone living on earth.

According to the famous critic N. Skatov, “no one, either before or after Pushkin, has created in Russian poetry anything similar to Pushkin’s image of love... Love - in embryo, in development, in formation, in obsolescence, love in the most diverse states... ." The poet captured one of these fleeting states, unique pieces of existence in the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”

This message was written under the influence of the poet’s passion for the young beauty, Anna Petrovna Kern. He first saw her in St. Petersburg in 1819. Then, a few years later, they were destined to meet again. It was then that these lines were born: “I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me...”

However, of course, we cannot consider this message in a purely biographical sense - this would simplify its meaning and content. As Ya. Skatov notes, “K***” in in this case“delicate concealment of a certain person. Here there is an appeal to... the lofty, heavenly and immense...” And the very image of the heroine in Pushkin is depicted fragmentarily, devoid of any characteristic, recognizable features. “A fleeting vision”, “a genius of pure beauty”, “a gentle voice”, “lovely features”, “heavenly features”, “divinity” - a certain ideal, perfection appears before us.

The action in the poem begins from a small moment, from one page in the life of the lyrical hero:

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

Then, through feelings and emotions, we become more and more immersed in this life, in its atmosphere, clarifying for ourselves at the same time the inner appearance of the hero:

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the worries of the noisy bustle

And I dreamed of cute features.
At the same time, the difficult fate of the hero becomes clearer: “The rebellious gust of the storm scattered my former dreams,” “In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment, my days dragged on quietly.” It is worth noting that in these lines researchers often look for hints of Pushkin’s biography. However, I think that to a greater extent we are talking here about the poet’s very perception of the world. For him, a life devoid of love and beauty can be compared to the “darkness of imprisonment,” to spiritual captivity.

It is characteristic that in the hero’s confession about “the languor of hopeless sadness,” about the noisy bustle of life, about the blows of fate, the same, even, measured intonations are preserved everywhere. And suddenly fate sends an unexpected meeting and the hero’s intonations gradually begin to change: the quiet, calm joy of the meeting, compared to the awakening of the soul, suddenly turns into a sharp emotional outburst - all the hero’s feelings are alive in his soul, they break out and with great force again embrace him. And the triumphant voice of the lover no longer fades away, but rushes forward and upward, into the heavens:

And the heart beats in ecstasy,

And for him they rose again

And deity and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

Here the motive of newfound inspiration, delight, a newfound ability to enjoy life arises; of course, love here dominates all human feelings, determining all the states of the lyrical hero.

The message is written in iambic tetrameter; compositionally, the poem has two parts. The first part is the difficult fate of the hero, his life “in the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment,” “languor of hopeless sadness,” imbued with the memory of a “wonderful moment,” of his past impression. The second part is the real embodiment of the “wonderful moment” stored in memory.

As N.L. Stepanov notes, semantic and melodic unity and integrity of the poem are given by “intonation-syntactic pick-ups and repetitions that create... the romantic melodiousness of the verse.” Thus, the same lines (“Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty”) are repeated in the first and fifth stanzas. The repetition of the epithet (“tender voice”) is present in the second and third stanzas. We notice the similarity of epithets in the second and third stanzas: “lovely features” - “heavenly features.”

In addition, we note the repetition of words in the fourth and sixth stanzas. In the past, the hero’s life was gloomy and dull, “Without deity, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love,” - in the present, all feelings come to life, in the heart, “And deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love." This repetition already emphasizes the contrast between the two parts, the contrast between the past and the present of the hero. However, in the finale this opposition is removed, thanks to the repetition of the plot situation of the beginning. In this sense, we can talk about a ring composition.

The message uses inversion (“you appeared before me”), comparisons and emotional epithets (“Like a fleeting vision”, “like a genius of pure beauty”, “heavenly features”, “tender voice”, “noisy bustle”), non-union (“ Without deity, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love”), polyunion (“And deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love”), non-union complex and compound sentences.

“I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is a masterpiece of Pushkin’s love lyrics. This poem is about the eternal mystery of Woman, about beauty, about the secrets of the human heart. But this is also a reflection on the vain and eternal, a thought about the whims of fate, about the vagaries of happiness. “Anxiety of noisy bustle” is the routine of everyday life, absorbing the feelings and impressions of the lyrical hero, layering new and new emotions in his consciousness. Love, beauty and inspiration are what are eternal and unchanging.

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The poem by K*** “I remember a wonderful moment...” by A.S. Pushkin dates back to 1825. The poet and friend of Pushkin A.A. Delvig published it in “Northern Flowers” ​​in 1827. This is a poem on the theme of love. A.S. Pushkin had a special attitude towards everything connected with love in this world. For him, love in life and work was a passion that gave a feeling of harmony.

For the full text of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...” by A.S. Pushkin, see the end of the article.

The poem is addressed to Anna Petrovna Kern, a young attractive woman whom the twenty-year-old poet first saw at a ball in St. Petersburg in the Olenin house in 1819. It was a fleeting meeting, and Pushkin compared it with the vision of the divine beauty from Zhukovsky’s beautiful work “Lalla Ruk”.

When analyzing “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” you should pay attention to the fact that the language of this work is unusual. It has been cleared of all specifics. You can notice five words repeated twice - deity, inspiration, tears, life, love. Such a roll call " forms a semantic complex related to the field of artistic creativity.”

The time when the poet was in southern exile (1823-1824), and then in Mikhailovskoye (“in the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment”) was a crisis and difficult time for him. But by the beginning of 1825, Alexander Sergeevich had come to grips with himself, with his gloomy thoughts, and “an awakening came in his soul.” During this period, he saw A.P. Kern for the second time, who came to visit Praskovya Aleksandrovna Osipova, who lived next door to Pushkin, in Trigorskoye.

The poem begins with a review of past events, the time spent

“In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of the noisy bustle..."

But the years passed, and a period of exile began.

“In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment,
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love."

The depression did not last long. And to new meeting Alexander Sergeevich comes with a feeling of joy of life.

“The soul has awakened
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

What was the driving force with the help of which the poet’s life regained its bright colors? This is creativity. From the poem “Once again I visited...” (in another edition) you can read:

"But here I am with a mysterious shield
Holy Providence has dawned,
Poetry as a comforting angel
She saved me, and I was resurrected in soul"

Regarding themes of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”, then, according to a number of literary experts, the love theme here is subordinate to another, philosophical and psychological theme. Observation of " different conditions inner world the poet in relation to this world with reality” - this is the main thing we are talking about.

But no one canceled love. It is presented in the poem on a large scale. It was love that added much-needed strength to Pushkin and brightened his life. But the source of the author’s awakening was poetry.

The poetic meter of the work is iambic. Pentameter, with cross rhyme. Compositionally, the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is divided into three parts. Two stanzas each. The work is written in a major key. It clearly contains the motive of awakening to a new life.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” A.S. Pushkina belongs to the galaxy of the poet’s most popular works. The famous romance by M.I. Glinka, based on the text “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” contributed to the even greater popularization of this creation.


I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time,
And I dreamed of cute features.
Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.
In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.
The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

A.S. Pushkin, like any poet, experienced the feeling of love very keenly. All his experiences and sensations poured out on a piece of paper in wonderful verses. In his lyrics you can see all the facets of feeling. The work “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” can be called a textbook example of the poet’s love lyrics. Probably, every person can easily recite at least the first quatrain of the famous poem by heart.

In essence, the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is a love story. Poet in beautiful shape conveyed his feelings about several meetings, in this case about the two most significant ones, and was able to touchingly and sublimely convey the image of the heroine.

The poem was written in 1825, and in 1827 published in the almanac “Northern Flowers”. The publication was handled by the poet’s friend, A. A. Delvig.

In addition, after the publication of the work of A.S. Pushkin, various musical interpretations of the poem began to appear. So, in 1839 M.I. Glinka created the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” based on poems by A.S. Pushkin. The reason for writing the romance was Glinka’s meeting with Anna Kern’s daughter, Ekaterina.

Dedicated to whom?

Dedicated to the poem by A.S. Pushkin to the niece of the President of the Academy of Arts Olenin - Anna Kern. The poet first saw Anna in Olenin’s house in St. Petersburg. This was in 1819. At that time, Anna Kern was married to a general and did not pay attention to the young graduate of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. But that same graduate was fascinated by the beauty of the young woman.

The poet’s second meeting with Kern took place in 1825; it was this meeting that served as the impetus for writing the work “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” Then the poet was in exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye, and Anna came to the neighboring estate of Trigorskoye. They had a fun and carefree time. Later, Anna Kern and Pushkin had more friendly relations. But those moments of happiness and delight were forever imprinted in the lines of Pushkin’s work.

Genre, size, direction

The work refers to love lyrics. The author reveals the feelings and emotions of the lyrical hero, who recalls the best moments of his life. And they are connected with the image of the beloved.

The genre is a love letter. “...You appeared before me...” - the hero turns to his “genius of pure beauty”, she became a consolation and happiness for him.

For this work A.S. Pushkin chooses iambic pentameter and cross rhyme. Using these means, the feeling of the story is conveyed. It’s as if we see and hear the lyrical hero live, who slowly tells his story.


The ring composition of the work is based on an antithesis. The poem is divided into six quatrains.

  1. The first quatrain tells about the “wonderful moment” when the hero first saw the heroine.
  2. Then, by contrast, the author paints the difficult, gray days without love, when the image of the beloved gradually began to fade from memory.
  3. But in the finale the heroine appears to him again. Then “life, tears, and love” are resurrected in his soul again.

Thus, the work is framed by two wonderful meetings of heroes, a moment of charm and insight.

Images and symbols

The lyrical hero in the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...” represents a man whose life changes as soon as an invisible feeling of attraction to a woman appears in his soul. Without this feeling, the hero does not live, he exists. Only a beautiful image of pure beauty can fill his being with meaning.

In the work we encounter all kinds of symbols. For example, the image-symbol of a storm, as the personification of everyday hardships, everything that the lyrical hero had to endure. The symbolic image “darkness of imprisonment” refers us to the real basis of this poem. We understand that this refers to the exile of the poet himself.

And the main symbol is the “genius of pure beauty.” This is something incorporeal, beautiful. Thus, the hero elevates and spiritualizes the image of his beloved. Before us is not a simple earthly woman, but a divine being.

Topics and issues

  • The central theme in the poem is love. This feeling helps the hero live and survive in harsh days. In addition, the theme of love is closely related to the theme of creativity. It is the excitement of the heart that awakens inspiration in the poet. An author can create when all-consuming emotions bloom in his soul.
  • Also, A.S. Pushkin, as a real psychologist, very accurately describes the state of the hero at different periods of his life. We see how strikingly contrasting the narrator’s images are at the time of his meeting with the “genius of pure beauty” and at the time of his imprisonment in the wilderness. It's like two completely different people.
  • In addition, the author touched upon the problem of lack of freedom. He describes not only his physical captivity in exile, but also an internal prison, when a person withdraws into himself, fences himself off from the world of emotions and bright colors. That is why those days of loneliness and melancholy became imprisonment for the poet in every sense.
  • The problem of separation appears to the reader as an inevitable but bitter tragedy. Life circumstances often cause a rupture, which hits the nerves painfully, and then hides in the depths of memory. The hero even lost the bright memory of his beloved, because the awareness of the loss was unbearable.
  • Idea

    The main idea of ​​the poem is that a person cannot live fully if his heart is deaf and his soul is asleep. Only by opening up to love and its passions can one truly experience this life.

    The meaning of the work is that just one small event, even insignificant for those around you, can completely change you, your psychological portrait. And if you yourself change, then your attitude towards the world around you changes. This means that one moment can change your world, both external and internal. You just need not to miss it, not to lose days in the hustle and bustle.

    Means of artistic expression

    In his poem A.S. Pushkin uses a variety of paths. For example, to more vividly convey the hero’s state, the author uses the following epithets: “wonderful moment”, “hopeless sadness”, “tender voice”, “heavenly features”, “noisy bustle”.

    We meet in the text of the work and comparisons, so already in the first quatrain we see that the appearance of the heroine is compared with a fleeting vision, and she herself is compared with the genius of pure beauty. The metaphor “a storm of rebellion scattered previous dreams” emphasizes how time unfortunately takes away from the hero his only consolation - the image of his beloved.

    So, beautifully and poetically, A.S. Pushkin was able to tell his love story, unnoticed by many, but dear to him.

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