How to cook liver in sour cream sauce. Tender liver in sour cream sauce

Pork liver fried with onions in sour cream - it would seem that it could not be simpler. But unfortunately, few housewives know how to cook this dish deliciously. In addition to the nuances of cooking technology, it is very important to consider what products you use to make it. This is especially true for pork liver. Firstly, it is important to be able to determine the freshness and quality of the product, and secondly, to prepare it correctly.

There are many recipes for pork liver fried with onions. Let's look at some of them. But before that, we’ll try to figure out how to choose the liver correctly and process it.

Basic rules for choosing pork liver that everyone should know

The first thing you need to know is that pork liver is large. If you are confused by the size of the product, but the seller convinces you that it is pork liver, then it is better to leave the counter immediately.

The liver should look shiny and slightly moist. Color - rich burgundy. In all other cases, the liver will most likely be stale. And this can be hazardous to health. Therefore, if you are confused by the color or smell of the liver, it is better not to buy it.

Useful properties

Liver is a product rich in beneficial microelements. Therefore, it should be present in every person’s diet. Pork liver is a storehouse of vitamins B, E, K, A, D. It contains large amounts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, and chromium. The advantage of this offal over meat is that the liver contains protein, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

But despite the usefulness of the liver, many do not like it. Especially children, whose diet is difficult to imagine without this by-product, categorically refuse to eat dishes with liver.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to prepare it correctly. Many housewives resort to various tricks. And one of them is adding sour cream.

Pork liver fried with onions in sour cream will simply melt in your mouth if you manage to cook it correctly. For additional flavor, you can use various herbs and wine.

Secrets of liver preparation from experienced chefs

In order to get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in pork liver as much as possible, it must be soaked in milk for a couple of hours. Just before that you need to remove the film from it. After this procedure, the liver will not only lose its bitterness, but will also become softer.

If you don’t have time, but you need to cook the liver urgently, then you should resort to a faster method. To do this, scald the offal with boiling water. And do this until it changes color.

The article offers several recipes for preparing pork liver fried with onions in sour cream. But there are many others in which you can experiment not only with seasonings, but also with different ingredients. You can add potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, etc. Remember that pork liver in sour cream with onions, stewed or fried, will be delicious if you choose it correctly and take its processing seriously.

Product processing

Inside any liver there is a bag of bile. It is very important to remove it in such a way that it does not burst. Otherwise, you risk getting a bitter dish that you cannot serve. Remember that if you were unable to safely remove the bile bag and it leaked onto the product, it is better to throw it away immediately. Firstly, it will be very difficult to get rid of this bitter taste, and secondly, bile is a harmful liquid for our body.

It is necessary to cut out the gall sac correctly. Grab about 4-5 millimeters of pulp around the pouch. Basically, the pulp near the bile is greenish in color.

At the next stage of cleaning, it is necessary to cut off the film and cut out large ducts.
Next, the liver must be rinsed well under running water and soaked for an hour so that all the bitterness comes out. If you are preparing the liver of a young animal, then simply soaking it in water will suffice. If you come across the offal of an old animal, then after soaking it will need to be beaten with a hammer so that the product becomes softer and looser.

You can cook pork liver in sour cream that is juicy, soft, and melts in your mouth, but you will have to resort to some tricks. Before you start cooking it, you need to immediately after soaking it, place it in wine or apple cider vinegar for about 15 minutes.

Classic recipe for pork liver fried with onions in sour cream

As you know, simply fried liver with onions is a little dry. Therefore, it is always better to use sauce. In this case, sour cream sauce with added flour is best.

So, you need the following products:

  • pork liver - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 300-500 g;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt and other spices as desired;
  • bay leaf.

You can take 300 g of sour cream, or you can take 500 g. The more it is, the softer the liver will be. You can use oil or pork fat for frying.

Let's start the cooking process. Cut the already prepared liver into cubes or thin slices and place it in a heated frying pan.

Immediately mix it so that each slice is covered in oil.
Cut the onion into small cubes. And immediately add it to the liver. Salt to taste. Mix everything and fry for about 10 minutes. After this, throw in a couple of bay leaves and ground black pepper. Don't forget to stir the dish constantly.

At the next stage, add sour cream and cover the pan with a lid. Don't forget to turn down the heat. Fry in sour cream for no more than 5 minutes. After this, take out the bay leaf and turn off the heat. Let the dish stand covered for a while. If desired, you can sprinkle with herbs, such as dill, at the end.

Pork liver, fried with onions in sour cream, can be served simply with white bread, or maybe with a side dish. Boiled rice seasoned with soy sauce is suitable as a side dish.

Pork liver stewed in sour cream. Recipe with added wine

For this dish you will need:

  • 700 g liver;
  • 3 medium sized onions;
  • 200 ml dry white wine;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 g bacon;
  • salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Let's start preparing the dish. Cut the pre-prepared liver into large pieces and fry in a frying pan on all sides until lightly crusted. There is no need to bring it to full readiness.

Next, transfer to a fireproof container and fill with wine. After this, the liver needs to be stewed in wine for 10-15 minutes. There is no need to pour out the oil in which the liver was stewed - we also fry the onions and bacon in it. Cut the onion into rings or half rings. Fry everything until a golden crust appears.

After that, put everything on the liver. Add sour cream, salt, pepper. Mix everything well and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it brew for up to 15 minutes. After this, you can serve it as a separate dish.

Liver dishes. Reviews

Many of us do not like pork liver dishes. But after trying to cook dishes according to our recipes, you can be sure that they will please not only you, but also your family. Reviews from culinary experts confirm this.

Do you want to cook a delicious, nutritious and simple dish that doesn’t require any special culinary talent? Then try stewing beef liver in sour cream with garlic and onions according to a very simple recipe. This dish is suitable for both children over three years old and adults. It will help increase hemoglobin levels and fit perfectly into the lunch menu.

Recipe for beef liver in sour cream in a frying pan

Kitchen appliances and utensils: Prepare a cutting board, knife, frying pan with a lid, and a spatula for frying. You will also need a stove.


How to choose the right ingredients

It is very important to choose a good quality liver. First of all, pay attention to the color of the product - it should resemble the hue of ripe cherries. Please note that dark, chocolate or brown liver is a sign of a sick or old animal. Also, the affected organ may have a brick color. A gray coating on the product is a sign that the liver has become weathered, it's stale.

Look at the films: in fresh liver they come off easily. Cut a piece of the product and examine the bile ducts - they should not differ in structure from the liver itself. If they are grayish in color or too dense, refuse to purchase.

Good liver - both beef and pork - should not have a pronounced odor: only in this case can it be eaten and used for various recipes, including making fried liver in sour cream. Allow only a light, slightly sweet aroma.

Step-by-step preparation

Recipe video

Do you want to know how to cook liver - beef or veal, so that it is tasty and tender, stewed in sour cream? Do you doubt how long it will take and how to properly stew beef liver in sour cream? Then pay attention to the following video, which shows all the stages of preparing such a dish.

How to decorate a dish

This dish, like or tender, looks very appetizing. Before serving, you can sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs. Decorate the liver with slices of carrots, preferably boiled ones. Curly stars or flowers from this vegetable will not only make the serving more original, but will also emphasize the delicate taste of beef liver stewed in sour cream according to this recipe.

The dish can be served with a side dish: place the side dish on a deep plate, then pour over the sour cream sauce that was obtained during stewing.

  • To chop onions quickly and without hassle, rinse it and the knife you will use under cold water.
  • Be sure to remove bile ducts and films - because of them, the dish may taste bitter. The film will come off faster if you soak the liver in warm water for a few minutes.
  • Try to use sour cream with a fat content of 15-20% - this will make the sauce a little thinner and the dish will acquire a delicate taste and it won't be too greasy.
  • Fry the dish over medium heat and simmer over low heat.
  • To make the liver pieces more juicy, try adding salt to the dish at the very end.
  • If the sour cream has thickened too much and the liver is still hard, add a little water or milk.
  • Chefs advise pre-soaking the liver in milk(at least for half an hour) or sprinkle the cut pieces with soda - leave them for an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
  • To make the dish cook faster, cut the liver into small strips, no more than 1.5 cm long.

How and with what to serve the dish

If either tartlets are perfect as appetizers, then stewed pieces of liver with sour cream will be an excellent main dish. It can be used in the lunch menu or for dinner.

This dish goes well with many side dishes - almost all porridges (rice and buckwheat are especially good), stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes. Add to this a salad of fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves, sliced ​​vegetables - and you’ll get a wonderful table.

It is very good to serve this dish with canapés on a dried white loaf with eggs and cheese.

Other preparation and filling options

  • For this dish You can use not only beef, but also pork liver or chicken by-products. Please note that for pork you will need less fatty sour cream, but for chicken liver - the opposite.
  • If you like offal, try making and, which will be a great snack.
  • You can stew the liver not only with onions, but also with carrots - the taste of such a dish will be richer and brighter.
  • Try replacing sour cream with tomato sauce, diluted with a small amount of water. You can also prepare this dish with cream.
  • If you don't have time, put the prepared (chopped and fried with onions) liver in pots and bake in the oven - this way you don't have to stand over the stove. This will take about 20-30 minutes, oven temperature – 160-180 degrees.
  • This dish is also suitable for a slow cooker.

Liver, especially beef liver, is a real storehouse of healthy substances, and it is prepared according to many recipes; for example, by stewing it with sour cream, you will get a very tasty and satisfying dish that will perfectly complement your daily menu. What kind of liver dishes do you prepare? Share your favorite recipes in the comments!

To prepare liver dishes, it is better to choose beef liver. It is more tasty than pork, does not taste bitter and contains more nutrients. Beef liver cooked with sour cream is very tasty. The liver is fried with flour, then stewed for a short time in sour cream sauce, becoming tender, “melting in your mouth.” And onions and carrots will add not only bright colors, but also a spicy, sweetish taste.


Beef liver- 1 kg.

Onion- 2 medium onions

Carrot- 1 large or 2 small

Sour cream 20%- 3 tbsp.

Flour- 0.5 cups

Vegetable oil for frying

Sugar- 0.5 tbsp. (optional, adds a piquant taste, removes bitterness)

Spices: salt, curry.

How to cook beef liver in sour cream

1 . First you need to prepare the beef liver. Thawed liver should be thoroughly washed. Remove the film, cut off all the veins and wreaths.

. Cut the liver into pieces.

Dredge the chopped beef liver pieces in flour.

4 . Pour a little vegetable oil into a cauldron or deep frying pan. Warm up. Place pieces of liver rolled in flour in a cauldron, salt and sugar with curry (optional). And fry, stirring regularly, for about 10 minutes. The liver should be covered with a golden crust.

While the liver is fried, peel and chop the onions and carrots in a manner convenient for you. Add the onions and carrots to the cauldron with the liver and fry for 5 minutes.

6. Add sour cream and add water (broth) to the cauldron so that it lightly covers the liver. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cover the cauldron (frying pan) with a lid. Stew the liver in sour cream for 15-20 minutes.

Delicious beef liver in sour cream is ready

Bon appetit!

By-product – beef liver, has long been used by housewives to prepare not only tasty and original, but also incredibly healthy dishes. A special feature of the liver is its high protein content - 18 g, as well as low fat and carbohydrate content - per 100 g 0 carbohydrates, 2% fat and 75% water. But the calorie content - 100 kcal per 100 grams of liver, allows this product to be consumed even by those who adhere to a healthy diet. A set of useful elements contained in the liver has a beneficial effect on vision - vitamin A (300-400 grams of the by-product contains the monthly intake of this vitamin). The liver also contains: vitamin B2, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus and sodium.

A set of useful micro- and macroelements of the liver normalizes the functioning of the immune, cardiac, and nervous systems. Due to its high content of iron and calcium, the liver helps strengthen the inert system of the body and improves brain activity. Liver is a product that quickly saturates the stomach, is well absorbed, and does not create a feeling of heaviness.

Beef liver is a very valuable food product. It contains virtually no fat, a lot of protein and microelements necessary for health. Include it in your diet and your body will not know the deficiency magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium, which is recognized as a leader among antioxidants. Liver contains vitamins A, E, D, folic acid, which is necessary for pregnant women and children, ensures the normal functioning of the circulatory and immune systems. Cooking beef liver in sour cream is quite simple and quick, because this product does not like long-term heat treatment. And the sour cream sauce that results from stewing can make even those who have previously been indifferent to beef liver fall in love with this dish.

Other offal recipes:

You will need:

  • beef liver 800 gr
  • milk 100 -150 ml
  • onions 2-3 pcs
  • sour cream 0.5 liters
  • flour 2 tbsp.
  • ground black pepper
  • allspice peas 4-5 pcs
  • bay leaf
  • little vegetable for frying

Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking beef liver in sour cream:

Wash the liver and clear it of films. Usually the films are easily separated by hand; if necessary, help with a knife.

Remove large vessels, which may be inside the liver - cut them out with a knife.

Cut the liver into large pieces 1.5 cm thick.

Place the prepared liver pieces in a bowl and pour milk- this technique is used to make the liver tender and remove remaining blood from it. Leave for 30 minutes.

Clean and chop the onion.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft. Transfer the fried onions to a clean bowl or take another frying pan to fry the liver.

Every piece of liver dip in flour from all sides.

Fry the liver on both sides in vegetable oil. There is no need to fry for a long time, just enough so that the liver is covered with a light crust. The liver does not like long heat treatment.

Place in a thick-bottomed or non-stick pan pour 100 ml hot water, add bay leaf, allspice peas and pieces of fried liver, salt and pepper it.

Place the liver on top fried onions and sour cream, salt and pepper. Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the liver to cook. Longer simmering will cause the liver to become tough. A couple of times during the simmering process stir the contents of the pan, taste and add salt if necessary. If the sour cream is very sour, you can add a teaspoon of sugar. Balance the taste.

Liver prepared in this way turns out very tender and juicy.

Bon appetit!

Beef liver in sour cream. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • beef liver 800 gr
  • milk 100 -150 ml
  • onions 2-3 pcs
  • sour cream 0.5 liters
  • flour 2 tbsp.
  • ground black pepper
  • allspice peas 4-5 pcs
  • bay leaf
  • little vegetable for frying

Wash the liver and clean it of films, remove large vessels.
Cut the liver into large pieces 1.5 cm thick.
Place the prepared liver pieces in a bowl and cover with milk for 30 minutes.
Peel and chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until soft.
Transfer the fried onions to a clean bowl or use another pan to fry the livers.
Dip each piece of liver into flour on all sides and quickly fry until lightly browned.
Pour 100 ml of hot water into the bottom of a thick-bottomed or non-stick pan, add bay leaves, allspice and pieces of fried liver, salt and pepper it.
Place fried onions and sour cream on top of the liver, salt and pepper.
Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Stir during simmering process.

Today I will tell you how to cook beef liver quickly and easily. The dish will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. Beef liver itself is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended for pregnant girls and athletes to eat it, because 100 g of boiled liver contains the daily requirement of vitamins that are easily absorbed. Beef liver contains a lot of iron, making it especially useful for people with low hemoglobin in the blood. Regular consumption of liver promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves vision, and strengthens the immune system. See more liver recipes to diversify your healthy menu.

Before you start preparing stewed liver, I want to say a few more words about how to choose beef liver. The fact is that the liver is a natural filter that cleanses the animal’s body of harmful substances and toxins that enter there. The quality of its liver depends on how and what the cow was fed. And of course, how tasty the second dish will be and whether it will be healthy depends on this question. Fresh beef liver should not be brown or beige, but rather a rich dark red color with a dense and not loose structure, shiny and beautiful. The brighter, more tender and lighter the liver, the younger the cow was. Accordingly, the darker and more stringy the liver, the older the animal was and such a liver will make a coarser dish.


  • 1 beef liver (about 1.5 kg);
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for beef liver stewed in sour cream and onions

1. Finely chop the onion.

2. We wash the liver under running cold water and cut out the large veins. Cut the liver into small cubes.

3. Pour 2 tbsp into a cauldron, thick-walled saucepan or frying pan. vegetable oil and heat it. Pour the onion into the oil and fry it over medium heat until transparent.

4. Transfer the liver to the cauldron with the onions and mix.

5. Fry until the liver turns white. Stir occasionally.

6. Add sour cream and tomato paste to the liver.

7. Pour in hot boiled water until it almost completely covers the meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Stir, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally. Make sure that there is always liquid in the cauldron; you can add water if necessary. The main thing is that the liver does not burn.

8. Simmer until the liver becomes soft and tender (30-60 minutes, depending on the age of the animal). In this case, most of the liquid should evaporate, and a small part of the liquid will turn into a flavorful gravy.

9. Add finely chopped parsley and garlic squeezed out using a garlic press. Mix everything, let the liver simmer for about another minute. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let brew for 10-15 minutes.

Delicious beef liver with gravy is ready! It goes great with boiled buckwheat, rice, mashed potatoes or noodles as a side dish. Bon appetit! 🙂