18 years old child or adult psychology Yevtushenko. Psychology of guys

At the age of 17, value-semantic self-regulation of behavior occurs. If a person learns to explain, and, therefore, regulate his actions, then the need to explain his behavior willy-nilly leads to the subordination of these actions to new legislative schemes. The young man experiences a philosophical intoxication of consciousness; he finds himself plunged into doubts and thoughts that interfere with his active position. Sometimes the state turns into value relativism - the relativity of all values.

At the age of 17, a person is already considered an adult, which cannot but put pressure on a child who has not yet settled into the world. A turning point comes for a teenager - he graduates from school, and society demands that he decide whether he will continue his education at university or choose a job. There is a fear of not being able to cope with the current load, fear of new opportunities and possible failures.

The central activity of age 17 is social interaction. Girls' attention is focused on their own appearance. Sometimes shortcomings lead to stiffness and reluctance to appear in society.

Physiology of age

All properties of nervous processes reach the level of an adult.

The formation of the skull is completed. The proportions of an adult's head are formed. During this period, the growth and formation of the girls’ bodies basically ends. All the main dimensional characteristics of the body reach almost final size. The ossification of the tubular bones in girls is completed.

Age statistics

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period (15-19 years) is 11,088 thousand people. Of these, 5,651 thousand are young people, 5,437 thousand are girls.

Of the population of this age group (under 20 years old), only 1.8% are employed in the Russian economy

You were born in 2001 or 2002

2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

September 11th. The largest terrorist attack in world history was committed in the United States. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged, the Trade Center was destroyed, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

2002 - January 1. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

October. After 50 years, the restoration of the railway between North and South Korea began.

October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, all the terrorists were killed during the assault by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

May 1st. The European Union has expanded its scope with the inclusion of ten new countries.

2005 - January 5. Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system, has been discovered.

2006 - March 29. The first total eclipse of the sun in the 21st century could be observed in Russia.

August 24. Scientists have stripped Pluto of its planetary status. This decision was made at the congress of the International Astronomy Union in Prague, Czech Republic.

2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

November 4. Presidential elections took place in the United States. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of the state.

2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - March 18. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

April 10. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynskaya, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures (97 people in total) died.

The first living cell was created in which its own DNA was replaced with DNA created artificially. Humanity has received new tools for developing technologies for artificially growing organs.

2011 — March 11. An earthquake occurred in Japan, off the northeastern coast, with a magnitude of 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

May 2. Osama bin Laden, the “No. 1” terrorist in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack, was killed.

September 7. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the Lokomotiv hockey club, which was flying to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the group PussyRiot took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

December 1st. Russia has headed the G20 (G20), a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

2013 — February 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

February 15. Asteroid 2012 DA14 flew by at the minimum distance from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the entire history of astronomy.

March 18. Putin V.V. signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This agreement comes into force from the moment of ratification by the Federal Assembly - March 21.

2015 - January 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.

“When you go to college, go to work, you become an adult...” - this saying haunts us throughout our childhood and adolescence. Does passing the Unified State Exam, entering a university, or getting a job equal adulthood? Not everyone has it. What should you teach a child so that at the age of 18 he will truly be an adult? And what should I immediately stop doing for him and for him?

Recently, at the beginning of the fall quarter, the following event occurred at Stanford. One freshman, who had been living on campus for several days, received items from home by express mail. The boxes were unloaded onto the sidewalk next to the dorm. The young man left them there: they were large and heavy - he couldn’t handle it alone - and he didn’t know how to lift them to his room. The student then explained to the university employee who lived in the dorm and, after calling the student’s mother, who arranged for help, that he didn’t know how to ask someone to help with the boxes.

This is a failure of education. A child does not magically acquire life skills with the last stroke of the clock on his eighteenth birthday. Childhood should be a training ground. Parents can help - but not by always being ready to do everything or providing advice over the phone - but by getting out of the way and allowing the child to figure it out on his own.

Look at two situations that an adult should be able to handle - a life skill in itself: 1) illness outside the home and 2) car breakdown. Are we preparing for them? No, we don't cook.

Susan is an emergency room doctor at a hospital in downtown Washington. Nineteen-year-old students are her “most unpleasant patients.” Susan is a kind and loving woman, the mother of two children and three adopted children - all under eighteen. So I was a little surprised by her sarcastic tone.

"The students are generally healthy, and their parents take care of them at home. They come to our department with an upper respiratory tract infection - you would think it's the end of the world. They get very nervous if you don't give them an antibiotic and refuse to hospitalize them, but it's just a cold “It’s enough to drink more fluids and lie in bed for a couple of days.”

Susan tells how students burst into tears on the cold linoleum of the intensive care unit and cry on their mobile phones about this great grief - probably to friends and family. “They don’t know how to fight at all,” she says.

If you've ever planned a trip by car, you know that breakdowns are common. Todd Berger is the CEO of AAA Mountain West, a chapter of the American Automobile Association that covers Alaska, Montana and Wyoming. Seeing how needy millennial drivers are for support drives him crazy.

“Kids today are completely unprepared,” Todd says. He himself was born in Montana, owns a ranch and raises his own teenagers. When he talks about the life skills that are so lacking in most of the young people he now interacts with at work, there is both sternness and weariness in his tone.

The American Automobile Association's mission is emergency roadside service, not full service. They will change the tire, charge the battery, tow you somewhere, but will not deal with a comprehensive solution to problems with the car. However, young drivers demand full service on site.

“They have this mentality: “I don’t know anything, fix it quickly, my parents paid for it.” We also often notice that they don’t trust us. The team arrives, and they take out their phone and ask their friends on Facebook to help with the car. We don’t We know what to do with them. We really don’t.”

I've spoken to parents all over the country and many admit there are skills issues. They tell amazing stories.

“The children are in the last grade and don’t know how to ride the subway”;

“If I take my teenager into town and say, ‘Find your way home,’ he’ll get confused.”

“My daughter didn’t learn to cook because she had to do homework every night”;

"My biggest fear is that my daughter will go to college in a year and a half. I don't know how she'll get up in the morning." The mother in the last example added that she asked her daughter to cook her own breakfast. When she asked why, the parent replied: “I need to know that you can do this.”

That's the whole point. We need to know what they can do.

But how to achieve this?

You can't give another person life skills. Everyone must acquire them independently, with their own labor. If we don't prepare our children—and ourselves—for the inevitable moment when they have to fend for themselves, we're all in for a rude awakening.

Do we want our children—technically adults, but often still children—once they go to college or start working, standing bewildered on a sunlit sidewalk, not knowing how to carry a package into their room? Is the only way out to call mom and dad so they can solve the problem?

What does it mean to be an adult
There are all sorts of legal definitions of "adulthood": it is the age at which a person can start a family without parental consent (16 in most US states), fight and die for one's country (18), and drink alcohol (21). But what does it mean developmentally to think and behave like adults?
For decades, the standard sociological definition quite reflected the social norm: graduate from school, leave the parental home, become financially independent, start a family and have children. In 1960, 77% of women and 65% of men achieved all five points by age 30. In 2000, only half of thirty-year-old women and a third of their male peers met this criterion.
These traditional milestones are clearly outdated. Marriage is no longer a prerequisite for a woman's financial security, and children are no longer an inevitable result of sexual activity. If you measure "adulthood" by milestones that young people no longer strive for, you won't get very far. A more modern definition is needed, and this can be found by interviewing young people themselves.
In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, researchers asked people between the ages of 18 and 25 which criteria of adulthood seemed most indicative of them. In descending order of importance the following were named:

  1. responsibility for the consequences of one's actions;
  2. communication with parents as equals;
  3. financial independence from parents;
  4. formation of values ​​and beliefs independent of parents and other influences.
Respondents were then asked: “Do you think you are an adult?” Only 16% answered yes. The parents of the study participants were also asked whether their offspring had become adults. Mothers and fathers overwhelmingly agreed with their children's opinions.
Based on observations of almost 20 thousand young people from 18 to 22 years old during the period of my work as a dean, I agree with these data and believe that this is a problem.

What to learn before entering university: 8 basic life skills

If we want our children to have a chance of surviving in the adult world without the umbilical cord of a cell phone, they will need a set of basic life skills. Based on my own observations as a dean, as well as advice from parents and educators across the country, here are a few practical skills a child should master before entering college. Here I will show you the “crutches” that are currently preventing them from getting back on their feet on their own.

1. An eighteen-year-old must be able to talk to strangers.- teachers, deans, consultants, homeowners, salespeople, HR managers, colleagues, bank employees, health workers, bus drivers, auto mechanics.

Crutch: We ask children not to talk to strangers, rather than helping them learn the more subtle skill of distinguishing the few bad strangers from the many good ones. As a result, children do not know how to approach a stranger - politely, making eye contact - to ask for help, advice, or advice. And this would be very useful to them in the big world.

2. An eighteen-year-old must be able to navigate the campus, the town where the summer internship is taking place, or where he works or studies abroad.

Crutch: We carry and accompany children everywhere, even if they can get there by bus, bike or on foot. Because of this, they do not know the way from one place to another, do not know how to plan a route and cope with traffic chaos, and do not know how to make plans and follow them.

3. An eighteen-year-old must be able to manage his or her tasks, work, and deadlines.

Crutch: we remind children when to turn in work and when to take it on, and sometimes we help or simply do everything for them. Because of this, children don't know how to prioritize, manage workloads, and meet deadlines without regular reminders.

4. An eighteen-year-old must be able to do housework.

Crutch: We do not very persistently ask for help around the house, because in a childhood that is planned to the smallest detail there is little time for anything other than studying and extracurricular activities. Because of this, children do not know how to run a household, look after their own needs, respect the needs of others and contribute to the general well-being.

5. An eighteen-year-old must be able to cope with interpersonal problems.

Crutch: we intervene to resolve misunderstandings and soothe hurt feelings. Because of this, children do not know how to cope with situations and resolve conflicts without our intervention.

6. An eighteen-year-old must be able to cope with changes in academic and workload at a university, with competition, strict teachers, bosses, and so on.

Crutch: in difficult times, we step into the game - we complete tasks, extend deadlines, talk to people. Because of this, children do not understand that in life, not everything usually goes the way they want, and that even in spite of this, everything will be fine.

7. An eighteen-year-old must be able to earn money and spend it wisely.

Crutch: children stopped working part-time. They receive money from us for everything they want and do not need anything. They do not develop a sense of responsibility for completing tasks at work, they do not have a sense of accountability to a boss who is not obliged to love them, they do not know the value of things and do not know how to manage their finances.

8. An eighteen-year-old must be able to take risks.

Crutch: we pave the way for them, level out the holes and prevent them from stumbling. Because of this, children do not understand that success comes only to those who try, fail and try again (i.e. persist), and to those who endure adversity (i.e. persevere), which is a skill that comes from struggling. with failures.

Remember: children must be able to do all this without calling their parents. If they call and ask, they won’t have a life skill.

Women are unpredictable creatures. Especially if these are girls in adolescence or adolescence. Youthful maximalism, groundless complexes and unbridled fantasies - this is what fills the young head. The psychology of a 17-year-old teenager, especially a girl, is so unpredictable, stormy and uncontrollable that it’s hard for parents to imagine. All fathers and mothers believe that they know their daughters well, about their experiences, thoughts and current events. But the process of transformation of a girl into a girl is so filled with psychological and physical metamorphoses that even the mother, who once upon a time experienced the same changes herself, but later forgot about them, now has not the slightest idea about what is happening.

  1. Complexes
  2. Peer opinion
  3. Herd effect
  4. Love and sex


The word “complexes” is integral to the difficult adolescence. Absolutely unfounded shortcomings, invented or inspired by other sources, appear to girls as something terrible, irreparable and frightening. And don’t underestimate girls’ worries about too thin legs, acne on the face and small breasts. All these shortcomings at a young age can turn into the most serious complexes that will get stuck in a woman’s head for life. The main goal of parents is to conduct conversations and try to convey to the child real and true problems that may indeed be problematic, but not fictitious, in nature.

Peer opinion.

At such a young age, few teenagers are immune to general influence. Usually the thoughts and statements of friends and classmates have serious imprints. This is an adult who has the ability to think and act on his own. And young girls of 17 years old listen to the words and advice not of their mothers, but of their friends. Not every mother manages to remain a best friend.

Psychology of a 17 year old teenager video

Herd effect.

We all remember our first miniskirts, elegant dresses, sexy necklines and high heels. And, of course, the concept of fashion has a special place in school and student life. Oh, these fashion trends and new items. How many young hearts dreamed of torn jeans, like Yulka from 11th "B" and Alena from apartment 5. The herd effect in clothing does not look ridiculous at this age. Dressing in the same “fashionable” way is not a lack of individuality, but on the contrary, it is an indicator of awareness of the latest fashion trends. There is no point in explaining to your daughter that being one of the herd is stupid, because the realization will come later, when she develops her own style and taste in clothes. In the meantime, teenagers are paying such special attention to this issue. It is the duty of parents, and this is not a small thing, to let the child feel his own beauty and interest from others, with the help of his wardrobe.

Love and sex.

In our youth, it seems to us that love and sex are only for the young. That after 40 comes old age. And when can you love and enjoy life if not at 17? Vivid feelings, the first sexual experience and knowledge of the opposite sex are such serious experiences that they simply cannot be underestimated. During the first experience of matters of the heart, the perception of oneself as a partner is formed, the concept of how to behave and what kind of attitude one should have towards oneself, what love, fidelity and relationships are. Sex has a special place in the life of every young girl. But these days this event is not of the same nature as in the time of our parents. According to young nymphets, the absence of virginity at this age is considered normal, but it’s worse if it’s the other way around.

  • Current advice for girls who cannot get pregnant!

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

The age of 18 is characterized as late adolescence. Youth is a period in human development that corresponds to the transition from adolescence to independent adulthood. The main task of this stage is to choose a life path and profession. Boys and girls are still concerned about problems inherited from adolescence, due to age-specific characteristics - the right to autonomy from adults, etc. Youth is considered the optimal time for self-realization. 18 years is the peak of intellectual capabilities.

Cognitive and professional interests and the need for work are formed. A person at this age begins to make life plans. A person is full of strength and energy, the desire to achieve his goals and ideals. In youth, the most complex types of professional activities are available.

Many are under pressure from the responsibility imposed by the state on an 18-year-old person. Young people are rethinking their lives and establishing their own system of views on current events. In childhood, many difficulties and crises have already been overcome, and therefore optimism develops.

Communication occurs most fully and intensively, relationships of friendship and love are most easily established and most fully developed. This is the time of first falling in love and developing the character of an ideal partner. During this period, the first serious relationship may develop, and activity in the sexual sphere increases. In relation to friendship, selectivity develops: now the teenager controls who enters his environment and “weeds out” those who are unsuitable.

To describe the crisis of adolescence, it is necessary to indicate the initial conditions of its development. When young people enter independent life, a wide space for applying their strengths and abilities opens up. Subjectively, the whole world is in front of them, and they will enter it along the path that each has outlined for themselves. In their choice, the boys and girls built a perspective for their lives. Entering an independent life begins with the implementation of personal life plans.

The most obvious manifestation of the crisis of adolescence, the transition to independent life, occurs among young men and women who have not entered universities or colleges. The collapse of hopes is very difficult to experience - it is necessary to begin the work of self-determination again. Some girls and boys insist on their choice and postpone entering universities until next year. Others choose educational institutions where there is less competition and change their initial choice. However, this path is fraught with the danger of subsequent disappointment.

Young men and women who enter educational institutions and thereby confirm their life plans face their own dangers and difficulties. The process of adaptation of first-year students to university is usually accompanied by negative experiences associated with the departure of yesterday's students from the school community with its mutual help and moral support; lack of preparation for studying at a university; inability to carry out psychological self-regulation of one’s own behavior and activities, aggravated by the lack of habitual, everyday control of teachers; searching for an optimal regime of work and rest in new conditions; establishing everyday life and self-service, especially when moving from home to a hostel, etc.

Due to insufficient life experience, young people confuse ideals with illusions, romance with exoticism. The behavior of boys and girls reveals internal self-doubt, sometimes accompanied by external aggressiveness, swagger or a feeling of incomprehensibility and even the idea of ​​one’s own inferiority. At student age, disappointments in professional and life choices and discrepancies between expectations and ideas about the profession and the reality of mastering it are not uncommon.

For boys and girls who have chosen practical professional activity, difficulties are associated primarily with the discrepancy between ideal ideas about the conditions and content of activity and the real nature of its course. The greater the discrepancy, the stronger the internal experiences and conflicts. But for all boys and girls it is important to find their place in society and build new relationships with others.

In the crisis of adolescence, young people first face an existential crisis - a crisis of the meaning of life. Topical questions are about the meaning of life in general and the meaning of one’s life, about the purpose of a person, about one’s own self.

Hence the interest in moral and ethical problems, the psychology of self-knowledge and self-education. The lack of internal means of resolving the crisis leads to such negative development options as drug addiction and alcoholism. An extreme form of inability to cope with a crisis leads to suicide. Out of the protest against the mass character and impersonality of relationships in adult life, associations and movements of hippies, rockers, and punks grow.

The crisis of adolescence is the beginning of the formation of true authorship in defining and realizing one’s own outlook on life and individual way of life. Separating himself from the image of himself in the eyes of his immediate environment, overcoming the professional, positional and political determinations of the generation, a person becomes responsible for his own subjectivity, which often developed against the will and without the knowledge of its bearer. This motive of biased and tireless declassification of one’s own self, experiencing feelings of loss of previous values, ideas, interests and the associated disappointment allows us to qualify this period as a critical one - a crisis of youth.

The transition to adulthood, like any transitional stage, contains internal contradictions associated with the characteristics of personality development. On the one hand, a young person who begins an independent life in society acquires the status of an adult. But on the other hand, he does not yet have the experience of “adult” life; the young man has yet to acquire it. He does not learn various “adult” roles immediately and not at the same time. Young people try in every possible way to emphasize their independence in choosing and making decisions, but they often make this choice impulsively, under the influence of circumstances. He is sensitive when it seems to him that his independence is being limited, when his ill-considered decisions are criticized, but his internal self-control is not yet sufficiently developed.

Like any critical period in mental development, the crisis of adolescence has its negative and positive sides. Negative aspects are associated with the loss of established forms of life - relationships with others, methods and forms of educational activities, familiar living conditions - and the entry into a new period of life, for which there are still no necessary vital organs. The positive beginning of the crisis of adolescence is associated with new opportunities for the development of human individuality, the formation of civic responsibility, and conscious and purposeful self-education. The beginning of the stage of individualization (according to V.I. Slobodchikov’s periodization) means the entry of a person into a period of not only age-related (common for all) but also individual development.

“He looked at me like that! Yes, he only thinks about one thing! I think he likes me." Agree, familiar phrases? Surely, each of us at least once in our lives mentioned such expressions in a conversation with friends. Sometimes we all think that all males are bad, and we speak different languages ​​with them. But the fact is that guys’ psychology is completely different from girls’, and their thinking will never coincide with women’s logic. What to do and how to find a common language with our men? Let's try to figure it out.

Psychology of guys - how to understand them?

Let's start with the fact that we begin to think about relationships at the beginning of adolescence. And throughout this entire period, and it lasts from 14 to 22 years, views on life change under the pressure of circumstances and experience. All guys experience this age individually. But still, there are common characteristics that apply to everyone.

The psychology of young guys can be divided into several stages. They all depend on age and those needs that are leading at that moment and, undoubtedly, affect relationships with girls.

Psychology of boys at 14 years old. This age is the most difficult to start any relationship. Guys' concept of love is confused with biological sexual feelings. And if we take into account that girls at this age have an emotional-romantic mood for relationships, then in most cases relationships end with the classic belief that “they only need one thing.”

Psychology of boys at 16-17 years old. This period is wonderful because most of the young men have already decided on their feelings and worldviews. This is the time of pure and bright first love. A guy’s attachment to a girl at this age is very strong and any termination of the relationship on the girl’s initiative can become a serious mental trauma for the guy. But again, we should not forget about the second type of men who are still in search of their ideal. If you notice that your boyfriend communicates with your girlfriend with the same interest as with you, or constantly makes new acquaintances, you should think about whether you are dealing with a classic womanizer?

Psychology of guys aged 18-20. This age is equally associated in both sexes with choosing a profession and determining one’s place in life. The personality of guys, as a rule, has already been formed, and they clearly imagine their future. Here you can meet several types of young people:

  • The first type is interested in everything except girls. As a rule, these are either guys obsessed with their careers, cars or friends. If you meet this type, then know that he either hasn’t “walked up” yet, or, on the contrary, there have already been relationships in his life in which he got burned;
  • the second type of guy, on the contrary, is too fixated on the weak field. Such people are very open in companies, have a lot of ambitions, and do not miss a single skirt. Moreover, such men are a huge success among girls. However, it is important to remember - the psychology of behavior of guys of this type is the presence of a bunch of complexes and a desire to assert themselves;
  • The third type of guy is the subject of the famous female belief that “all good men are already taken.” These are independent people who take relationships seriously and respect their lover. The secret of the uniqueness of such guys is simple - a lot depends on the girl herself. What do you need to do to get a guy like this? Let's figure it out further.

Since we are talking about male logic, let's dispel all the myths lovingly created by the female mind. Guys will never think the way we imagine. If you want to understand your boyfriend, learn to think more simply. Coming up with different problems, panicking out of nowhere, drawing terrible pictures of betrayal in your head after a guy received a text message is a purely female prerogative. Men think differently. It doesn’t matter to them that in a cafe someone has the same sweater as him, they never worry about their hairstyle, manicure, dry facial skin and a thousand other small women’s problems. If you want the perfect guy next to you, remember a few simple rules:

The psychology of a guy in love is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. If they give you flowers and show signs of attention, then they certainly like you, and they will try to win you over. Exceptions here are extremely rare. If a young man is interested in you, he will do everything to keep you close. And your task is to make sure that his interest in you does not fade away. Don’t make scandals, trust him, let him know that he is needed and loved. And then your life will be filled with the happiness of harmonious and comfortable relationships.