Write out a word from the text in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning.

Spelling of prefixes


Spelling of prefixes

I. It is necessary to remember that Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable. That is, they are always written the same way. In any words.

For example:

O-: run around, stop, think again

u-: take away, ran away, calm down

to-: survive, reach, delivery

po-: run, courtyard, look

pro-: ride, space, view

great-: used in the sense of “distant degree of relationship”: great-grandmother, proto-language

on-: attack, cover, press

for-: close, prisoner, confuse

over- (must-): bite, inscription, overstrain

under- (under-): swim up, suggest, wait

from- (oto-): give away, move away, open

ob-(about-): to fly around, wipe off, go around

in- (in-): plenty, up, involve

you-: catch, exit, survive

pre- (pre-): preference, predetermine, warn

over-: break, overflow, distortion

s- (co-): move, get off, bend (be careful, there is only the prefix s-, no prefix z-)

! Borrowed foreign language prefixes are also unchangeable:

dis-: to misinform

counter-: counter-argument

trans-: transatlantic

post-: postmodernism

sub-: subculture

super: superhero

pan-: pan-European

II. In the Russian language there are several small groups of prefixes that do change under certain conditions. In other words, their spelling depends on something. Let's look at these groups of prefixes.

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the deafness/voicing of the subsequent consonant. What does it mean?

If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -z, and if it is voiceless, then, accordingly, -s.

This includes the so-called prefixes with -з, - с, there are exactly six of them:

without-/bes- unemployed, immortal

dis-/dis- scattered, dissolve

sun-/sun- (sun-/sun-) return, sunrise

from-/is- avoid, fright

bottom-/down- to overthrow, descend

through-/over- (over-/over-) excessive, too much

2. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the lexical meaning.

These are consoles pre-/pri-.

In order to do right choice prefixes, you need to understand what meaning it brings to the word.

So, what meanings are typical for each prefix:

Prefix meanings:

1) The meaning of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this meaning is equal to the meaning of the word very.

For example: beautiful, exaggerate, surpass, calm.

2) A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix re- (it should be understood that in such cases the prefix pre- can not always be replaced by the prefix re-, the similarity of their meanings is important here)

For example: interrupt, criminal, teacher, transform, obstacle. Prefix values ​​for:

1) “approximation”

For example: come, come

2) “accession”

For example: sew, glue,

3) “non-action”

For example: cover, sit down,

4) “completed action”

For example: invent, cook

5) “closeness to something”

For example: coastal, roadside

3. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the stress.

This group includes prefixes:

race-/ros (time-/rose-)

If you have not forgotten, these prefixes also belong to the first group, therefore they have the spelling option - z/-s.

Without an accent, the letter A is written in them, but under the accent... - there is no problem with the accent, what we hear is what we write, as a rule, it is the letter o.

For example: painting, schedule, conversation, search.

Problems with solutions

Problem 1

In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

without...tongue, with...capacity, without...cloudy

be...road, get...out, ra...think

rose...sk, flirt, s...mitate

pro...open, pr...education, pr...superiority


According to spelling dictionary the suggested words are written as follows:

tongueless, filming, cloudless

off-road, climb, think

search, flirt, imitate

open, transformation, supremacy

As you can see, the same letter is missing in row 2 of words. Choose option 2.

1) infield 2) cling 3) subdued 4) hide

In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning - “the highest degree of quality”?

1) transform 2) terrible 3) transform 4) successor

4. In which word does the spelling of the consonant at the end of the prefix depend on the voicedness/voicelessness of the next consonant?

5. In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its proximity to the prefix “re-”? 1) interrupt 2) wonderful 3) calmly 4) wise

6. In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning – “attachment”? 1) danced 2) became thoughtful 3) roadside 4) stuck

In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by the rule: “In prefixes with –З and –С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and S is written before voiceless consonants”?

1) collection 2) here 3) break 4) intractable

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

Verochka understands his condition. And she doesn’t like that Gosha talks down to her. Verochka’s face becomes thoughtful. She tilts her head to the side and narrows her eyes. Before, about three years ago, with such an expression Verochka rushed to fight (and fought worse than the boys). Now she doesn't fight.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant.

Mom often invaded my relationship with toys.

-Do you like to punish? - she asked half-jokingly. And she added half-seriously: “You can’t do that to dumb people.” They cannot respond to either good or evil.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

Mom and father went on business trips very often: together they designed factories that were built somewhere very far from our city. I stayed with my grandmother - my mother's mother.

In dysfunctional families, parents, having left home, do not send letters at all; in prosperous families, they write about once or twice a week - my grandmother and I received letters every day.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in -Z and -S, Z is written before vowels and voiced consonants, and S is written before voiceless consonants.”

This one will not burn in fire and will not drown in water! This is what love can bring!

And I don’t like it at all that everyone at home praises me. Is it difficult to answer a three?

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “attachment”

I washed it, stuffed it with new cotton wool, carefully sewed it up and even lightly ironed it; in place of the lost eye I attached a black bandage, like a pirate’s. And later, with the help of a friend from the studio, the bear dressed himself in a leather biker jacket with small studs.

From now on, the bear sits in my garage in a very visible place, and sometimes I install it on the fork of a motorcycle, and we ride around the city or in motorcycle convoys. Our colleagues from the club laughed at first, but then they got used to it, and the toy even became our talisman in some way.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant.

What does he care about Elena Frantsevna, he forgot to think about her. His friend betrayed him. Calmly, casually and publicly, in broad daylight, for the sake of a penny gain, he was betrayed by a man for whom he, without hesitation, would go through fire and water.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “location near something.”

I heard Naila’s voice and imagined her: her hair should be dark, her eyes should have coals in the middle, her lips should be slightly swollen, with barely noticeable cracks from water and wind. Along with her voice, her breath reached me, similar to the rustling of leaves when the wind smells. When her voice fell silent, I was afraid that it would not sound again - it would soar and fly away like a bird. I wanted it to sound forever and no one but me would hear it.

She sat on the coastal sand, her legs crossed and her chin resting on her knees.

Find a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning close to the meaning of the prefix re-

Listen,” Lina interrupted him, bending over her hat. “Another day and he would be ready.”

Yes, he said. – But everyone has some kind of natural limit.

Task 5.

“One and two N in suffixes of adjectives, participles and adverbs”



NN is written in adjectives formed:

From nouns with a stem on n: sleep - with NN th, autumn - autumn NN th, length - length NN th, window - eye NN th;

Using suffixes -onn- And -enn-: lectures onn th, station onn th, morning enne th, time enne th, letters enne th.

With one n adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes are written -en-(-yan-) And -in-: leather en th, sand en th, hemp yang th, clay yang th, silver yang th, goose in th, swan in th.

Exceptions: -young, pork, rosy, green, blue(formed without the help of the suffix -n); -wind en th(same-root words with prefixes are written with two n: without wind enne th, under wind enne th); -tins Jann th, tree Jann th, glass Jann th.

Words with the prefix s- or other are not uncommon in the Russian language. It is especially important to correctly designate this morpheme, because the correct spelling of a word sometimes depends on this. In the article we will understand what prefixes are, and we will also clarify specifically complex cases their writing.

What is a prefix?

The prefix in the language plays the role of a sculptor - with its help words are created. Even one of the ways of word formation “named after her” is a prefix. What kind of morpheme is this? This is the one significant part the word that precedes the root. That is, during the parsing of a word, the prefix, the root, and then other morphemes are distinguished by composition. This part of the word is often called a prefix, that is, what comes before the root.

The main task of prefixes is to form new words. For example, from the verb “to walk” new words are formed with the help of prefixes: come in, go out, come, move. And from the word “sonorous” you can easily get the adjectives “silent” or “consonant” using a prefix.

What types of consoles are there?

Speaking about what prefixes are, it should be noted that they are divided into several types. The writing of these morphemes directly depends on this.

The Russian language has a fairly extensive group of prefixes that do not have variable spelling. They are always written the same way; pronunciation or any other factors do not play a role here. Let's name the most common of them: co- (resistance); in- (enter); pre- (further investigation); from-/fromo- (tear off, tear off); under- (boletus); pro- (passage); dis- (tear); s- (to do).

Some prefixes in the Russian language have a variable spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant at the end. These include: dis-/raz- (calculation, fragmented); demon-/without- (dowry, peremptory); all-/up- (to turn up, to collect); voz-/voz- (increase, recreate); is-/from- (frenzied, spew out); nis-/low- (descend, overthrow); over-/through- (too much, excessive).

The prefixes pre-/pri- stand apart from everyone else. They belong to a group in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its lexical meaning.

Spelling of prefixes into voiceless and voiced

As mentioned above, there is a whole group of prefixes with variations in the spelling of the consonant at the end. These are words with the prefix "s-". The spelling option is the ending of the prefix with the letter "z". What should you start from? this rule? From the first sound of the root. If it is voiced, the prefix must have a “z” at the end, if it is voiceless, it must be written “s”.

Here are a few examples: a break, but a story. In the first word, the “r” following the root is voiced (sonorant), so you need to write the prefix r-. In the second word, the “s” with which the root begins is unvoiced, and accordingly the prefix ends in an unvoiced “s”.

Carefree - unprincipled. The root of the word "carefree" begins with a voiced "z", so it is correct to write the prefix "bez-", while in the second word the root begins with a voiceless "p", which regulates the writing of "bes-" as a prefix.

There is one more rule regarding prefixes with z-/s-. It concerns the prefixes roz-/ros- and raz-/ras-. The spelling of the letters "a" or "o" in them depends on the stress. In a strong position you need to write "o", in a weak position - "a". For example: painting, stroke, search; to lose faith, to repent, to blush.

The spelling of the letters “e” or “i” in pronoun prefixes also depends on the stress: in a strong position, “e” is required, in a weak position, “i”. Someone, but no one; nothing, but nothing; nowhere, but nowhere.

The influence of the prefix on the vowel following it

Not only the first consonant of the root can influence the spelling of the prefix. It happens that the prefix does not remain in debt and affects the first vowel of the root, changing it to another. This applies to those words in which the prefix ends in a consonant followed by “and”, which refers to the root. So it will change to “s”.

For example: unknown. The prefix "without-" ends in a consonant, the root of the word "-izve-", so it is necessary to write it with the letter "s".

Another example is a prank. The word formed from the noun “game” has the prefix “roz-”, so we will write the root “-igr-” and not “-ig-”.

It should be remembered that there are two prefixes that do not change the letter at the beginning: inter- and super-. Examples: inter-institutional, ultra-refined.

This is what prefixes are in the Russian language, how interesting and varied they are in use and spelling.

Spelling of prefixes at-/pre-

The prefixes pre-/pri- are particularly problematic. Their spelling is regulated by the lexical meaning of the word in which the given morpheme is used.

The main thing here is to know exactly what prefixes are so as not to confuse them with part of the root.

The rules for writing the prefix are as follows:

  1. It denotes approaching an object: to arrive, to come, to gallop.
  2. Conveys the meaning of close proximity to something: Caspian, school, homestead.
  3. Words with this prefix can have the meaning of attachment: sew, tie, wrap.
  4. An indication that the action has not been completed completely: open it slightly, embellish it, listen.

There are slightly fewer words with the prefix pre- in the Russian language. It expresses a meaning close to “very” (disgusting, very funny, wonderful) or akin to words starting with “pere” (to transgress - to step over, to block - to block, to interrupt - to interrupt).

In the Russian language exam, students may encounter different formulations of task 4, related to the spelling of the prefixes PRE- and PRI-. Let's consider possible options:

1. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

2. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “attachment”.

3. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

4. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “location nearby.”

5. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning, close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-.

Let us recall the corresponding rule.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-

(summary table)


prefixes PRE-



prefixes PRI-


High degree qualities or actions (= very, very, very, too)



very funny

most unpleasant

very pretty

most important






get fed up






(the meaning of connecting something with something);


(the meaning of movement towards a goal);


(the meaning of increasing the size of something, adding something to what already exists)











gallop up





drag in


Exceptions: free





Similarity with the meaning of the prefix re-

(however, please note that direct replacement

most often it is impossible to do)






Incomplete action

(= a little bit)

open slightly

shut up

sit down

crouch down


stand up


Being close

anything (near, close)










Bringing action

to the end or performing an action in someone's interests

get used to

come up with





It is very important to consider the following:

1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:

DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter)

BEND (knees) – BEND (branch)

TO UNDERBE (difficulties, misfortunes) – TO BE ENDURED (to circumstances)

TRANSITORY (moment) – COMING (postman)

STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach)

PICK (door) – bicker (quarrel) and many others.

2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated in the table. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer distinguished (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In these cases, it is necessary to use a spelling dictionary.

I suggest you practice.

Task 1. Insert the missing letters into the words.

Pr...press, pr...rich, pr...respected, pr...attractive, pr...open, pr...amusing, pr...grown, pr...wonderful, pr. ..exalted, pr...silence, pr...poor, pr...cut, pr...climb, pr...oven, pr...form, pr...satiation, pr... pinch, sweep, pr...rub, pr...put, pr...sharp, pr...plump, pr...tasty, pr...cook, pr...clicking, pr...risen, pr...being,pr...flight, pr...provide, pr...appropriate, pr...application, pr...spread, pr...fallen, pr...fect, pr...dpr... accepted, pr...delivery, pr...chairman, pr...creator, pr...sent, pr...sign, pr...rise, pr...neglect, pr...imagine, pr...ludia, successor, pr...omen, pr...closing, pr...taste, pr...ascending, pr...delivery, pr...entry, pr. ..crashed, pr...supposed, pr...jerky, pr...dstart, pr...raise, pr...wash,pr...haymaking, pr...creative, pr...deliver, pr...send, pr...see, pr...similar, pr...bite, pr...extinguish, pr. ..boring, pr...will, pr...strange, pr...disposition, pr...educator, pr...howl, pr...detail-thematic, pr...bent, pr. ..earthy, pr...valued, pr...pre-Olympic, pr...offer, pr...mial.

Task 2. Insert the missing letters into the phrases.

Excellent...excellent result, honor...increase the speed, honor...the tribute to deep antiquity, protect the road,...defy the law, honor...the evil of fate,...stop screaming.

Task 3. Insert the missing letters and read the story to the kids - sisters and brothers.

One... red evening, Vasilisa, the... wise... dreamed of a... wonderful dream. All...funny and all...pretty little bunnies were jumping and jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a huge cloud. This flew...flying the evil, evil...evil Serpent Gorynych. He... landed, sat down on the grass and... thought. Kashchei ordered him to find Vasilisa wisely, to frighten him, to bring him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych .


Task 1

press, very rich, highly respected, attractive, slightly open, most wonderful, grown, very wonderful, exalted, become silent, become poor, cut down, crawled, bake, transform, satiation, pinch, sweep, rub in, attach, sharp, swollen, delicious, weld, snapping, surpassed, arrival,preflight, provide, opportunist, application, foreshadow, fit, prefect, undertaken, etc.edelivery, chairman, pretender, foreshadowed, foreshadow, surpass, neglect, transform, prelude, receptionist, omen, reptile, smack, etc.eascending, betrayal, crime, discontinued, intended, intermittent, pre-launch, exceed, overthink,pre-hay, feigned, bearer, send, despise, reverend, bite, extinguish, boring, freedom, strange, predisposition, transformer, scion, subject-thematic, bowed, squat, ask the price, pre-Olympic, present, premium.

Task 2

Excellent result, exceed the speed limit, ancient legends, block the road, break the law, vicissitudes of fate, stop shouting.

Task 3

On a beautiful evening, Vasilisa the Wise had a bizarre dream. The most amusing and very pretty little bunnies were skipping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a huge cloud. It was the evil, despicable Serpent Gorynych who arrived. He landed, sat down on the grass and became thoughtful. Kashchei ordered him to find the wise Vasilisa, intimidate him, and bring him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.


    Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: a guide for applicants to universities. M., 2000.

    Russian language lesson in 6th grade

Answers please: Test 1 “Spelling of prefixes”
1. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the subsequent
1) hopeless
2) slow down
3) pick up
4) bad luck
2. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the stress.
1) elect
2) right
3) unbending
4) no one
3. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical
1) interrupt
2) worn out
3) take a bite
4) throw
4. Indicate the word with a traditional (unchangeable) prefix.
1) voiceless
2) wise
3) intractable
4) overcome
5. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning -
"incompleteness of action."
1) open slightly
2) seaside
3) block
4) assign6. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning -
"spatial proximity".
1) close (door)
2) teach
3) school
4) add
7. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning -
“an action completed to completion.”
1) sit down
2) enormous
3) crush
4) come up with
8. Indicate a word in which the spelling of the prefix does not depend on the subsequent
1) travel around
2) blossoming
3) unmade
4) unclench
9. Indicate the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the meaning -
"distant degree of relationship."
1) involvement
2) great-grandfather
3) take a break
4) none
10. Indicate the word in which the spelling of a voiced consonant at the end of the prefix
depends on the voicing of the subsequent consonant.
1) price
2) lakeside3) find
4) reckless
Test 2 “Spelling of prefixes. Merged, hyphenated, separate writing»
1. In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning - “attachment”?
1) got used to it
2) put
3) powdered
4) took a closer look
2. In which word the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning
"incomplete action"?
1) attached
2) ducked
3) accept
4) came running
3. In which word the spelling of the prefix depends on
deafness/voice of the sound indicated next after the prefix
1) shrank
2) discarded
3) avoided
4) confirm
4. In which word the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning -
"incomplete action"?
1) freeze
2) open slightly
3) come running
4) roadside
5. In which word does the spelling of the prefix depend on the deafness/voice of the sound?
1) team
2) dissuade
3) expel
4) tighten
6. In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning - “proximity”?
1) powder 2) comb your hair
3) homestead 4) threatened
7. In which word the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incomplete
1) tide
2) suburban
3) came up with
4) accept
8. In which word does the spelling of the prefix depend on the deafness/voice of the sound?
denoted by the letter following the prefix?
1) you'll do
2) give
3) climbed up
4) take a bite
9. In which word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning - “proximity”?
1) preen 2) shame
3) station 4) get used to it
10. In which word does the spelling of the prefix depend on the deafness/voice of the sound?
denoted by the letter following the prefix?
1) behind 2) guessed right
3) story 4) bribe