Tarot Last Judgment. The combination of Judgment in combination with the suit of pentacles

The Arcana of Judgment is ruled simultaneously by such different planets as Uranus and Jupiter, and when they are in harmonious aspect to the Sun. Also close to this lasso is the Sign of Aquarius, which acts here as a symbol of liberation.

The Court cards, as well as the World, show the reward that must be received for the efforts that the Questioner has made and indicate the next stage in his life.

Judgment also provides atonement for the past in various forms, repentance, the receiving and giving of forgiveness, and the restoration of strength that follows. A mystical connection between what has ended and what begins. This card contains changes in the flow of life that can lead to much more lofty goals. The judgment points to such complex abstractions as immortality, redemption and conscience. It is characteristic that this card is also called the Resurrection of the Dead and is considered quite favorable. The Archangel who trumpets in the image of the card causes the Divine power to awaken in every person.

The card can show a readiness to free yourself from stagnation; it encourages you to abandon dull old knowledge and pay attention to new teachings. Strive to ensure that work is no longer burdensome and life is not constantly repetitive. You also need to judge situations very carefully. And in order to achieve such a balanced judgment, a very long process is needed, and a truly comprehensive view is achieved only with the help of the intellect.

Upside down court

In the opposite position, the card shows the meaning of a lack of decisiveness during a decision; the card will show a break in relations, or possible separation. The meaning of the Court in the reverse position is to slow down the resolution of some issues; drastic changes should not be expected. This contains a warning that the matter will inevitably be resolved, and the decision is ahead. In business, this is the absence or delay of payments.

Also an indication that at the present moment nothing significant is happening at all. There is either a permanent job or the same basic job. In the area of ​​health, the lasso indicates that there is a disease that, quite unexpectedly, can turn dangerous or present complications. Shows predisposition to strokes or heart attacks. The carat also indicates that repeated operations are possible.

In a relationship, it can show excessively protracted courtship before the wedding, or simply on the ordinary everyday life of the spouses. A direct question in this Tarot arcana reversed receives an answer according to the meaning of the question itself: everything that exists continues, is postponed and nothing changes. In affairs, the lasso indicates that you need to carefully understand the situation, then plans will change; in general, there is no need to rush into decisions.

The court is upright.

If the card lies straight, it means changes that indicate the resolution of both the bad and the good that happened. The lasso contains the seeds of a beginning for something new, as well as for gaining freedom and new hope. This card shows not just a revival, but also a return to those earlier things, when some changes occurred that led to the better. Arkan The Court may directly indicate the existence of prosecution, but at the same time says nothing about its outcome. The lasso, first of all, simply shows family.

Also indicates such an aspect of the situation as retribution of any plan. The card will indicate that responsible decisions should be made. A situation is indicated that will require immediate action, but whether the situation is negative or positive, you need to find out with the help of additional cards or look at the surrounding cards inside the layout. This Tarot card also symbolizes some important conversation or defining meeting, as well as a special test or examination.

From a work point of view, this can be either hiring or dismissal. For health, it is either a crisis condition or a good time to carry out operations. Also, the Judgment card often accompanies arcana that indicate death. The meaning of the Court implies an unexpected diagnosis, for example, or an exacerbation of a chronic type of disease. In close relationships, issues of marriage or divorce arise here, but any actual legal registration of your relationship and serious negotiations with your partner and explanations. In this case, the fact of decision making is recorded.

When posing a direct question that requires an unambiguous answer, the indication of the card depends on the essence of the question. The appearance of this card often warns of important and fateful moments. As a rule, the answer is “Yes,” but you will need to make an effort and not sit idly by. Also “Yes” regarding questions about what was before being resumed. “No” - to questions about whether it is possible to avoid a trial or an operation, etc.

You need to deal with matters as seriously as possible and resolutely engage in serious conversations. Less often, appealing to justice may be good advice. You need to take time and get away from acute situations.

The Major Arcana has always made more sense than the Minor Arcana. Although we must give them their due - without them the future, and any interpretation of the highest ranks, would not be so clear and understandable. The Tarot card Judgment (aka 20 Arcana) is a little scary with its name, but still it carries more positive meaning in its meaning - rebirth, the emergence of something new.

The direct position of the Judgment card can promise pleasant events to the fortuneteller

Basic meaning or fortune telling for one card

Almost every source offers its own version of a fortune-telling interpretation of the 20th Arcana. Some people think this card is positive, while others have a different opinion. Basically, the plus or minus sign should be placed on the use of decks. If you decide to take dark decks (Vampires, Shadows), then the card will not be as promising and bring changes for the better. According to the classic explanation - deliverance, change, a new path or life.

The upright position can promise the fortuneteller pleasant events, an alliance, love that will change everything for the better. People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and who want to quit this business will definitely stop spoiling their health. The only negative point is that the Last Judgment Tarot card indicates that a person has a chance to restore and change his life, but will he be able to take advantage of it? It’s just that the card doesn’t give you time. Either you do it or you don't, but you were given a chance.

You cannot hesitate, you must take everything into your own hands and follow the light. Having missed your chance, the punishment will not take long to arrive. Fate does not forgive such mistakes.

If the questioner is going through a difficult period in life and needs to make a choice, then leaving everything as it is will no longer work out. Everything that bothers you or worries you must be resolved. If a person does not make the right choice and step towards a bright path, fate will do everything for him. But will there be luck and success in everything later? The card says that there will be no forgiveness, and nothing can be changed.

What else can the Court card mean?

20 Arcana Tarot is able to predict not only changes in relationships or indicate choice. This may be an impetus to the fact that it’s time to direct your health and strength to achieving more important goals in life. Don’t keep everything to yourself, but help other people get out of negative emotions. It may be that the fortuneteller is facing moments due to which he will need to change his professional activities. These changes will be serious and impressive. It is impossible to say for sure that everything will go smoothly. But the fact that everything will end well and the person will get more from what happened is for sure. It will change the status.

For those seeking truth, the twentieth Major Arcana speaks of gaining new knowledge, understanding what is happening and renewal. Thoughts will be clearer and more precise. It will be possible to decide which side to take and what to do in a given situation. Most likely, the decision will be difficult, but definitely the right one.

The Major Arcana speaks of gaining new knowledge

The name of the card indicates justice, which is blind and impartial. We must follow the rules. You cannot act in the name of love or honor to harm. The fortuneteller understands and realizes the importance of what is happening; he must act as a judge, whose decision cannot be appealed. There will be no second chance. Therefore, all trials, provided that a person is strong in spirit, he must withstand, and then move towards the light.

If we consider the personality that is hidden under the Arcanum, then this is a person who lives by principles, based on life experience and her knowledge. She is not a fan of communicating and is often alone, as she needs a break from everything that is happening. A person is independent, and does not want to give away or waste his strength on trifles.

Reversed meaning and combination with negative cards

It should be noted that the inverted meaning and combination in the layout with the Arcana, which bring negativity to fortune telling, significantly change the interpretation of the card. The essence will remain the same - the questioner is being judged. If the questions were related only to the situations in which the person found himself. The Supreme Court issued a verdict and it is disappointing. The mildest will be the condemnation of others, the heaviest - death. Not necessarily physically, but spiritually. The man has lost his face, he is no longer seen as a person. For gamblers or risk lovers, this is a definite loss.

An inverted meaning cannot carry positive emotions, but only negative aspects:

  • painful state of mind and body;
  • in case of serious illness - death;
  • unexpected expenses and losses;
  • for addicted people, the end of life’s journey is death;
  • shame and hatred of others;
  • parting.

For the Egyptians, the Judgment in an inverted position indicated only rebirth after death. A new path that you can take only after gaining certain knowledge, wisdom and strength. By becoming a shadow, you can find peace and freedom from a heavy burden.

The Last Judgment of the Tarot can be interpreted as stopping and not knowing where to go next, there are too many obstacles and barriers to solving issues and problems. The man is desperate and will remain in this state for a long time. But Arkan insists: the longer you stand in a stupor and do not take action, the longer the black streak in life will last. Only by moving forward, through strength and suffering, pain and humiliation, can you achieve your goal.

The person the card indicates is clearly cowardly and cowardly. This is an opportunist. He survives and is unable to think soberly and develop.

Court in relationships

The meaning of Tarot card 20 in a relationship is quite simple - it is the formation of mutual understanding in a couple. Provided that the Arcanum has a straight position. Finally, an understanding of what love is will come. This feeling will completely capture the couple. A woman and a man deserve this feeling. A long search will be crowned with success. Understanding and respect - that's what the card promises. A person was able to go a long way towards achieving peace and tranquility. Idyll settles in relationships. There is a feeling that the meeting and union of two hearts is the destiny of higher powers. They cannot survive without each other.

If neighboring cards are positive, this is evidence that the union is successful and prosperous. As well as possible inheritance.

With negative cards, love is black in color. As some say, “it’s bad without him, but even worse with him.” It was so destined by fate to have a couple that only causes pain, but with variable white streaks in life. For a woman, this is a hint that she needs to act, and not cry into the shoulder of her girlfriends or parents after quarrels and showdowns. The only way to solve all problems in one fell swoop is to overcome your dependence on such a person. If there are other Major Arcana (Death or the Hanged Man), the help of a specialist is needed, since the problem will not disappear by itself, and the spouses cannot solve it.

The meaning of Tarot card 20 in relationships - the formation of mutual understanding in a couple

What does health mean?

In this case, Arkan has two meanings. You should rely more on the cards that are nearby.

Positive interpretation:

  • receiving vital energy;
  • positive emotions;
  • rapid recovery after a protracted illness or surgery;
  • improvement of psychological state and mental health as well;
  • state of rest.

The above values ​​in health layouts are present only when the card is in a straight position. This can include the desire to go in for sports, which can improve mental and physical well-being, carry out cleansing procedures or visit sanatoriums. That is, you need to take care of your health. All methods and methods will bring only positive moments.

If a person feels unwell, then he may have an allergic reaction or a lack of vitamins in the body, or anemia.

The inverted meaning is one: an incurable disease with a fatal outcome.

Court and other cards

Judgment in combination with other Tarot cards will reveal more secrets and mysteries related to health, work or relationships.

When reading Tarot, it is necessary to take into account each of the combinations that appear:

  • Connecting with the suit of Cups brings positive moments in life: conflicts will be resolved, family relationships will improve, holiday and peace will come in the soul. If the 20th Arcana falls next to the 5th of Cups - regret, and with the 4th - fixation on the old and reluctance to see the new.
  • With Swords the meaning is different. With an eight, there is a clear feeling of guilt and hopelessness. With the King - court and judges (trial). C 3 - a painful condition, and not necessarily a physical one. When the soul hurts, a person cannot act or think. The presence of this suit around the Court indicates isolation. A person does not want to see new prospects; he lives with old feelings and hopes, the time of which has already passed.
  • If there are Pentacles around the Last Judgment, then this is evidence that a person has new opportunities, projects and desires. All of them will be implemented and achieved. But if there is a Five of Pentacles and the question is about health or relationships, then Arcanum promises deterioration in both cases. With the Queen, King or Ten - prosperity, improvement of material wealth, inheritance or promotion.
  • Wands also have few negative meanings. They promise help in achieving goals, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects in everything, both on the personal front and for work. It may be that a person will find his calling or discover a talent. The clear meaning is help in everything, discovery of something new, good luck and prosperity.

If in one of the scenarios the Judgment occurs, then one should not lose hope, even if this is an inverted meaning. The Arcanum makes it possible to overcome one's fears, assuring the fortuneteller that sooner or later everything will work out, and what happens at this stage only helps to decide on the choice of path.


Among the universal fortune-telling, in which a large number of cards are used, one especially stands out - the “High Court” Tarot layout. This is exactly what we will talk to you about today. It is difficult to imagine a more informative and detailed analysis that can be useful for any occasion in life. We hope you will add it to your personal collection.

In what situations is the “High Court” Tarot spread used?

Very often, tarot readers have to deal with clients who do not have a clear specific question and just want to know the general forecast for all areas of life for the near future. It is in such cases that the “High Court” Tarot layout would be appropriate. It covers almost all areas of life and allows you to examine each of them in detail, identify existing problems, and tell a person which area is worth paying closer attention to. It can also be used as an annual forecast.

Fortune telling can be difficult for new tarot readers because the large number of cards can confuse them. But there is no need to be afraid - sooner or later, every novice fortune teller improves his skills and moves to a more professional level. Those who are still afraid of not being able to cope with the interpretation of so many cards are recommended to make the first layout for themselves or someone close to them, so that they can see how the prediction plays out in real life. For this purpose, you should not take too long a time period - it will be enough to specify an interval of a month or three.

“High Court” layout (rules, diagram, meaning of card positions)

The “High Court” Tarot layout, the diagram of which is shown in the figure, is essentially no different from most universal fortune-telling. Before shuffling the deck, you need to select a signifier and place it in the position of the picture under the letter S. The signifier is selected based on the personal preferences of the tarot reader: according to the person’s zodiac sign, his socionic type, or simply by appearance - whichever is more convenient for you.

After this, the time interval for which we will do fortune telling is determined - it can be a month, three months, six months or a year. Of course, you can make a general forecast for two or three years in advance, but with such a large time period, the accuracy of fortune telling may decrease somewhat. Can you imagine how many changes a person can expect in life during this time?

After choosing a significator, the remaining cards are shuffled (at this time the tarot reader must tune in to the person with whom he is working), and then random sixteen cards are taken from the deck and placed according to the diagram.

Card positions of the Supreme Court Tarot spread

  • S - significator of the questioner
  1. A person’s personality, a description of his character, internal changes that can occur within the time period specified by the schedule
  2. The material sphere and everything connected with it
  3. A person’s immediate environment, the people with whom he communicates most often
  4. Family, parents, relatives
  5. Things that bring joy: hobbies, interests, entertainment
  6. Health, wellness and changes related to this area
  7. Everything that concerns enemies, rivals, ill-wishers of a person
  8. The most important changes
  9. Travel, trips
  10. Career issues, professional activities
  11. Relationships with your closest friends and work colleagues
  12. Difficulties, obstacles awaiting a person in a given period of time
  13. The influence of the questioner's past on the events of the present
  14. The influence of a present person on what will happen to him in the future
  15. Something inevitable that the questioner will have to face
  16. The final result of the planned time period, general trends

When doing fortune telling, we use both groups of Arcana. The meaning of the cards in the “High Court” Tarot layout is standard - we interpret it according to the classics or intuitively, or by combining both of these methods.

Example of the “High Court” layout

To make it clearer for you how to interpret the cards, we will give an example of the “High Court” Tarot layout for a fictional person. Let it be an unmarried girl of twenty-five years old who wants to know her future for the next three months. We will choose the Queen of Cups as her significator, since the questioner’s Zodiac sign is Pisces, the element of Water.

An example of the interpretation of the layout

  • S - this is our significator
  1. . We can say that the girl who comes to the reception will have to demonstrate her strong qualities more than once in the next three months. Patience, perseverance, courage - this is what she will cultivate in herself under the influence of upcoming events. In short, she has to strengthen her character
  2. . In the material sphere, profit awaits her and, it must be said, quite large. Financial affairs will go well, there will definitely be no problems with money
  3. . This card can be interpreted in two ways. It may indicate that the girl will be surrounded by a romantic and emotional young man with whom she will develop a fairly close relationship. Or, in general, communication with others will be filled with sincere joy, a sense of novelty, and romance
  4. Inverted. Based on this card, we can say that the questioner is in for a conflict or misunderstanding with her father. If the girl were married, it would be possible to assume that the Emperor is her husband, showing despotism, but since the client is not married, this Arcanum most likely points specifically to her dad
  5. . The girl will have a lot of meetings with friends, parties, and entertainment. In a word, one cannot say that her life will be boring.
  6. . Since there are no clearly negative Arcana next to this card in the layout, it can be assumed that the client will end up in the hospital or have a rather long illness, from which she will have to recover in bed rest
  7. . This card symbolizes a period of struggle, defending one’s views, and competition. We can say that the enemies are not asleep and over the next three months the girl will have to face them
  8. The card of the most important changes in the “High Court” Tarot layout was the Major Arcana. He says that in a specified period of time the client will have to make some extremely important decision that will significantly affect her future life.
  9. . The girl is clearly expecting a trip or trip, but it will most likely be forced rather than entertaining. Circumstances will be such that she will have to go somewhere
  10. . Professionally, the girl can expect recognition of her merits, a possible transition to a higher position, and success in her work.
  11. Inverted. Based on this Arcanum, we can confidently say that our client will need to break off relations with some important person from her environment - friends or colleagues, but she will resist this with all her might and will not want to let go of this connection
  12. . Senior Arcana Moon may report any illusions or unpleasant emotions that will have to be experienced in the next three months
  13. . Most likely, the events of the present are greatly influenced by the fact that the girl in the past “closed her eyes” to some situation, never found the right solution, and now this affects what is happening to her now
  14. . If the questioner manages to reconcile some contradictions and go through a certain test, then in the future she will experience a period of calm and harmony
  15. . Our heroine will have to go through an emotional crisis, a period of sadness, regret and longing. If we remember that the previous cards spoke about breaking ties with some close person, we can assume that melancholy and sadness will be associated precisely with this event
  16. . In general, the girl expects to achieve her goal. Events will line up in such a way that everything will fall into place, everything will become clear, and some new promising opportunities will open up for the questioner.

As you can see, interpreting the “High Court” Tarot layout is not as difficult as it seems at first. If you cannot understand in any way what this or that Arcana means in a given situation, simply pull out a clarifying card from the deck and determine the meaning by the combination of these two Arcana. This is not forbidden.

Interpretation of the tarot card court in the upright position

Rebirth, renewal, sexuality. New status, reward. A successful start, a new successful opportunity, problem solving.

  • transformation, change of situation, renewal, renewal, rebirth
  • change, decisions, achievements, decisiveness, determination, result
  • innovation, fresh start, new beginnings, new birth, positive change in your life
  • expect news, important news that will positively affect your progress

The Judgment Tarot card speaks of passing stages. In this case, change is a natural, logical conclusion of events, and not a sudden end. Perhaps a person has to make an important decision that will begin a new stage. Then he will be able to do this with confidence in the correctness of his choice. In this position, the Questioner will be able to review recent events with a feeling of satisfaction with what has been done.

The Tarot Court signifies improved health and increased goodwill. The decision to start a new business that will change your life for the better. Joy, thanks to the fulfillment of a dream. It can also mean a situation where, after a long period of stagnation, change has come for the better. Reward, salary increase, rest after long work. In a word - achieving the goal. The Tarot Court points to the need to rethink the past and learn from it.

Interpretation of the court tarot card in an inverted position

Loss of wealth, reduction in status. Illness, weakness. A futile undertaking, aimlessness. Delay, regret, procrastination. Don't let future weakness ruin your chances of success.

  • reluctance to transform, weakness, cowardice, unluckiness, incurable illness
  • delay, sluggishness, caution, postponement, procrastination, remorse

The Judgment Tarot card reversed also indicates change. However, any assessment by a person of his behavior or actions will cause a feeling of regret and a feeling that he could have acted better. The reversed Tarot Judgment signifies delays and delays. In personal matters, the card can symbolize separation. A symbol of regret, repentance, remorse, mutual reproaches and accusations.

Description of the map

At the top of the Tarot Judgment card is a divine figure, usually represented by a winged angel, looking out from the clouds and blowing a trumpet. Below - naked human figures rise from coffins or from the ground; their faces express surprise and awe.

The number of human figures on the map can vary from three to six. Among them there may be men, women, and sometimes children. In some decks, people are gathered in a circle and their hands are clasped together. In other decks, people's hands reach out to the angel; combinations of these and other poses are possible. Aside from this slight variation, most decks on this card have very similar artwork.

The symbolism of the tarot card is judgment - in those rising from the dead, in the Last Judgment. This is the time when all souls will be called to account for their actions on the path of life, and then they will be finally told what result they can expect.

Notice, however, how tense the figures are. They have not yet announced a decision; they only know that it will be passed. This is an allegory of awakening. And when they awakened, they discovered that the faith that brought them here was based on fact. Indeed, there is something beyond this life that is worth striving for.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

You moved blindly towards your goal, making mistakes and stumbling. Now the time has come when success and understanding are guaranteed to you. Don't be afraid. Grab this opportunity with both hands. If you put off making a decision, if you hesitate, the rarest opportunity of your life may slip through your fingers. Rest assured that you are on the right track. It doesn't matter how big the doubts were. It doesn't matter that the results so far have been negative, in fact you have already made the right choice regarding your own life and the lives of others who may be affected by your choice. Expect positive results in the very near future. Important questions will be answered, guarantees will be received, doubts will be resolved. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

Like the Death card, the Tarot Judgment symbolizes the end of your old life and the beginning of a new one. But in this case, the changes, whatever they may be, are for the better. Your questions will be answered; your doubts will be resolved. Finally you will know the truth.

These questions may concern both the spiritual and worldly aspects of your life. In worldly life, you can, for example, learn what to expect from a new career, from a new romance, or learn about a change for the better in your general lifestyle.

On a spiritual level, the answers from the Tarot Court are more important. Until now, you have been pursuing a goal, supported only by your own belief that it should exist and that it is worth striving for.

Now you will be shown that your goal really exists, that there is nothing more valuable to strive for. The Tarot Court promises a reward for your faith and your aspirations. From now on, you don't have to have blind faith. You know for sure. Note that, contrary to the imagery used here, the card does not indicate the Last Judgment in the sense of the end of the world. But it does indicate the end of the seeker's old life, and that means the end of confusion, despair and doubt. Judgment Tarot is a positive card symbolizing new birth, new understanding. The most important thing is that you are entitled to these rewards because you have earned them with your faith and your determination against all doubts. Judgment is placed on our behavior and our character.

The Supreme Court awaits us when we have to answer to the Almighty for everything that happened to us in life. This trial is a kind of drawing a line - a discussion of the outcome. It is difficult to live with an eye on the Supreme Court. Sometimes our actions do not withstand human judgment, let alone the judgment that will yet come. The layout with the name “High Court” is done not with the goal of condemning a person, but to tell what happened in his life earlier, what will happen next.

"High Court" - your chance to look into the future

The layout of the Waite Tarot cards will allow you to make the most detailed analysis of events. This is the best and most accurate layout for predicting the future in detail in all areas of life. Most often it is produced when:

1) it is difficult to clearly describe the situation that interests you;

2) I want to know what awaits you in the future.

So, we choose a significator and begin the layout. To make the description of fortune telling more accurate, it is advisable to let the Tarot cards feel you. Therefore, feel free to touch the Waite Tarot deck and hold it in your hands. And the cards, warmed by your warmth, will begin to speak to you:

  • The first three cards of the layout will mention the personality of the person being told fortunes, his financial situation and environment.
  • The next three cards will tell us about the fortuneteller’s parents and family, consider what entertainment there is in his life, and what he finds pleasure in. Health problems will be investigated from all angles or their absence will be confirmed.
  • Later you will learn about possible enemies and rivals.
  • Next, we will consider issues related to significant changes in your life and possible trips. The secret of your professional future will be revealed. You will learn more about your friends and employees, about the obstacles and difficulties that will prevent you from moving forward. It will be examined in detail how the events of your past affect the future, what it is like today.
  • The last card of the layout will show the final outcome of the development of the situation.

The “High Court” layout once again confirms its characteristics as the most detailed layout. It doesn't matter what deck the layout is made with. And remember, Tarot cards cannot help but point out what is inevitable. We must take this situation for granted and learn to live with it.