Description of polka dance movements in kindergarten. Dance mosaic

As part of the course you receive:

Video course(from 6 parts duration5 hours)
- Methodological manual(electronic version)
- Audio collection(14 tracks)
- Certificate(on completion of the training course ( 72 hours), with the right to teach and use this material in working with children)Certificate information.

This video course has two bases: theoretical and practical.
In the theoretical part, there is a story and demonstration of the main types of dance patterns (linear, circular, combined.)
In the practical part of the course, we are analyzing and learning dance performances based on the above mentioned drawings. Also, the teachers of this seminar showed in practice their work on choreographing dances. It turned out very interesting and exciting. This video course provides a unique opportunity to replenish your dance “knowledge” with a competent approach to dance production.
Choreographers, teachers, music directors will be able to learn methodological principles, advice, and familiarize themselves with drawings and dance diagrams for their future productions.


1.Dance drawing as one of the expressive means in choreography.
- The origins of the dance pattern.
- The relationship between dance design and dance vocabulary, drama and musical material.
2. Types of dance patterns:
- Linear dance figures
- Circular dance figures
- Combined dance figures
3.Dance patterns and examples of dances for children:
- Scheme 1. Example of the dance “Polka with a turn”
- Diagram 2. Example of the “Slavic Polka” dance
- Diagram 3. Example of a round dance “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”
- Scheme 4. Example of the dance “Dance of Snowflakes”
4.Staging dances based on linear, circular and combined patterns.
- Dance “Round dance with wreaths”
- Dance “Polka - introduction”
- Dance “Karelo-Finnish polka”
- Dance “Charming Waltz”
- Dance “Graduation Waltz”
- Dance “Spring round dance”
- Dance “Round dance with scarves”
- Dance “The Month and the Stars”
- Dance “Solemn Polonaise”

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Olga Krikun
Drawing of the dance “New Year's Polka” (L. Ducomin)

Children stand in pairs sideways to the tree, hands on their belts. I usually place the boys closer to the center of the tree (“they protect the girls from prickly needles,” since usually the girls’ costumes are more elegant and the dance looks more advantageous.

First part of the music.

You can skip the first 4 measures, replacing the movements with greeting bows and thereby allow the children to prepare for the start of the movement, since sometimes it is difficult for preschoolers to immediately catch a fast tempo polkas.

You can divide the first part into a gallop (1-16 measures) and whirling in boats (17-24 bars, as a complication dance, depending on the level of your students.

1-2 bars – twirling on toes in place. Stop facing each other.

Second part.

1-8 beats - side gallop along the direction of movement in boats.

1-8 beats - side gallop against the direction of movement in boats.

1-8 measures – circling with jumps in boats to the right.

Beats 1-8 – circling with jumps to the left.

The third part of the music.

1-24 measures – gallop with a change of foot every 2 counts. Hands on the belt.

1-4 measures – lunge to the side with the free hand moving to the side and returning to place.

1-2 bars – twirling on toes in place. Stop facing each other. Bow for the last beat.

Publications on the topic:

The recording shows a rehearsal for graduation. Introduction. We listen to the first chord and then small triangles 6 times. Part 1. I picked up the crystal ones.

Our kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in the city of Yadrin celebrated Safety Month in September. One of the main tasks of which was education.

Autumn is the most beautiful time, although a little sad. We are sad for the past summer, for the hot sun, for swimming in the river, for long warm ones.

Drawing of the dance “Girls-Boys” Children stand in pairs facing the audience. If it is raining in the yard, - 3 steps from the right foot in place to 4 - left to the side on the heel. If there are puddles in September.

Drawing of the dance “Snowflakes are spinning” Dance of Snowflakes (“Snowflakes are spinning”) Verse 1 Coming out from behind the tree on tiptoes, plumes in hands Moving in a circle in front of the tree or around.

Drawing of the dance “Sailor” (music and lyrics by O. Gazmanov) Children stand in two lines near the central wall. Introduction Part 1 Boys clap Girls line up along the right side.

Drawing of buffoon dance(music “New Year's Polka” by I. Strauss) 1-16 Coming out from behind the tree by jumping in a circle in front of the tree and running by jumping in a circle (you can around the tree...

Drawing of the dance “Educator, you are our first teacher” Dance “Educator” The children have a gel ball behind their back. For the 2nd part of the introduction, the children jump out alternately in 3 links, verse 1. Parents.

Let's try to learn together some basic polka movements that are used in many ballroom and folk dances. This dance is often included in the repertoires of children's ballroom and choreographic groups.

Jump step

The most characteristic movement for the polka is the jumping step, which must be performed easily. In addition to the polka pas, the dance also uses gallop pas; it is often performed while rapidly moving along the line of the dance. To perform jumps easily and airily, try practicing the compound jump movements:

The half-finger lift is performed on two quarters of a beat. At the “i” of the beat, do a small squat; suddenly straighten your knees and rise onto your toes; Gently lower yourself to “two” and relax your knees.

Leg bending is performed at one quarter beat. On the “and” of the beat, relax your knees; “once” straighten the knee of your left leg, and bend your right leg at the ankle; on “and” - place your right foot in a position with the ball of the entire foot. After this, relax your knees.

When performing this movement, make sure that your knees are relaxed only after the last time you lower your heel to the floor. In the half-toe position, the foot should touch the floor with the entire plane of the pad; and the body must maintain a straight position.

Stepping over

Performed in one measure. At the “and” of the beat, bend your right leg and lift your left foot onto the toes; on the count of “one” you need to take a step with your right foot in place; then on the count “and” - step with the left foot in place; on the count of “two” – step with the right foot in place; On “and” lower your left leg into position. Steps are performed alternately with the right foot and the left foot, as well as with advancement. In this case, the first step is performed forward, right, left or backward. The second step is performed as a prefix step.


Pas (French) - step

Polka - Czech folk dance

Pas polka (Polka Pa) - polka step, the main movement of the Polka dance.


Musical time signature: 2/4.

The polka step takes 1 bar.

Score: And-1-And-2

Preparatory exercises

  • Transferring body weight from two legs to one.
  • Raising the leg onto the toe - battement tendu - battman tandu in 3 positions with a cross, one at a time (right leg and left leg).
  • Lifting on half fingers (relevé - releve) in 3 positions.
  • Position of the leg in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied) front and back: foot - at the ankle of the supporting leg with the toe pulled out, the knee is bent and set aside. Sur le cou-de-pied (French) literally - “on the neck of the leg” (on the ankle).
  • Throwing the leg with the knee straight and the toe pointed out - jeté (jeté).


Starting position:

1 measure - Polka steps forward from the right foot:

Description of movement

Zatakt (I)

With a slight jump on the left leg, the right leg is thrown forward with a straightened knee and a pointed toe (jeté). The leg rises low above the floor.


On the chasse with the right foot forward:

Count 1 - Pa glissé (sliding step) with the right foot forward in 4 positions. from the toe to the entire foot. The knee of the right leg softens slightly. The left leg remains on the back of the toe (in 4 positions). The knee of the left leg is straightened.

Count I - Straightening the knee of the right leg, with a sliding movement of the toe along the floor, pull the left leg towards the right leg in 3 poses. (behind the right leg) and rise onto the toes of both feet. The knees are almost straight.

Count 2 - Second Pa glissé (sliding step) with the right foot forward in 4 positions. from the toe to the entire foot. The knee of the right leg softens slightly. The left leg remains on the back of the toe (in 4 positions). The knee of the left leg is straightened.

Bar 2 - Polka steps forward from the left foot:


  • When performing the Pa Polka forward, the throw of the leg forward on the beat - jeté (jeté) should be low and restrained. The knee is straightened, the toe is pulled back.
  • When performing the forward polka step, the head turns slightly towards the leg that is performing the step.


Starting position:

The dancers stand in a circle, facing along the line of dance.

Legs – in 3 positions (right leg in front).

Hands - on the belt or in the ballroom position.

1 bar - Polka steps back from the left foot:

Description of movement

Zatakt (I) Before starting the movement, slightly soften the knee of the supporting right leg.

With a slight hop on the right leg, the left leg rises from the floor and remains behind the ankle of the supporting right leg with the knee bent and the toe pointed out - in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied) behind. The knee of the left leg is directed to the side.

1 Straightening your left leg back and slightly to the left (extended toe on the floor), take a small sliding step with your left leg back in 4 poses. on low half toes.

The body turns slightly to the left. The head remains in the full-face position.

AND With a sliding movement of the toe along the floor, pull the right leg towards the left leg forward in 3 poses. (in front of the left leg) on ​​low half-toes. The weight is transferred to the right leg.
2 Take a second small sliding step with your left foot back into 4 poses. on low half toes.

The right leg with the toe on the floor is pulled forward towards the left leg in 3 poses. (in front of the left leg) on ​​low half-toes.

The weight remains on the left leg.

Bar 2 - Polka steps back from the right foot:


  • Back polka steps are performed on low half toes.
  • When performing the back polka pa, the body turns slightly towards the leg that is performing the movement (to the right - when performed with the right foot, to the left - when performed with the left foot). The head remains in the full-face position.


Starting position:

The dancers stand in a circle, facing the center.

Legs – in 3rd position (right leg in front)

Hands - on the belt or in the ballroom position.

The movement takes 2 beats of musical accompaniment.

Description of movement

Zatakt (I) Before starting the movement, slightly soften the knee of the supporting left leg.

With a slight jump on the left leg, the right leg is thrown forward/to the side with the knee straightened and the toe pointed -

jeté (jet). The leg rises low above the floor.

The head turns to the right.

1 Starting to turn your body to the right, take a small sliding step with your right foot forward/to the side (along the line of dance) onto low half-toes. Shift your weight to your right leg.
AND With a sliding movement of the toe along the floor, pull the left leg back into 3 poses. (behind the right leg) on ​​low half-toes.
2 Take a second small sliding step with your right foot forward/to the side (along the line of dance) onto low half-toes. Shift your weight to your right leg.

The left leg remains back on the toe.

Slightly soften the knee of the supporting right leg.

AND With a slight jump on the right foot, the first half of the 180 degree turn to the right ends. (up to the position - with your back to the center).

When jumping, the left leg is bent at the knee and pulled towards the ankle of the right leg from behind (the extended toe of the left leg almost touches the floor). The left leg is in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied) behind the supporting right leg.

The head turns to the left.

3 Continuing to turn your body to the right, take a small sliding step with your left foot forward/to the side (along the line of dance) onto low half-toes. Shift your weight to your left leg.
AND With a sliding movement of the toe along the floor, pull the right leg back into 3 poses. (behind the left leg) on ​​low half-toes.
4 Take a second small sliding step with your left foot forward/to the side (along the line of dance) onto low half-toes. Shift your weight to your left leg.

The right leg remains back on the toe.

Slightly soften the knee of the supporting left leg.

AND With a slight jump on the left leg, the second half of the 180 degree turn to the right ends. (until facing the center).

The right leg is bent at the knee and pulled with the toe along the floor to the ankle of the left leg in front (the extended toe of the right leg almost touches the floor). Right leg - in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied) in front of the supporting left leg

The head turns to the right.


  • Polka steps in a turn are performed on low half-toes.
  • When performing the Pa Polka in a turn, the working leg performs the jeté movement only at the end of the first beat (at the first jump on the supporting leg). In the remaining measures, on the off-beat (on jumps), the free leg should be pulled towards the supporting leg in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied).
  • In this case, the left leg is pulled into the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied) behind the supporting right leg, and the right leg is pulled into the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied). de-pied) in front of the supporting left leg.

    The leg is brought out in the direction of movement immediately before the step is executed.

  • When performing a polka pa in a turn in a pair on jumps, the free leg is also in the position sur le cou-de-pied (sur-le-cou-de-pied).
  • When performing the Pa Polka in a turn, most of the turn is performed on the jump.
  • When performing Pa polka in a turn, the head turns in the direction of movement.

General comments:

  • In all cases, when performing the Pa Polka, a pre-beat movement is first performed - jumping on the supporting leg and preparing the working leg to perform the step.
  • Polka jumps are small and light.
  • Before jumping, be sure to slightly soften the knee of the supporting leg.
  • The jump is performed with a slight slip in the direction of movement.
  • When performing Pa polka, you should not emphasize springy up/down swaying. The movement is horizontal, along the floor.
  • The free leg is carried forward or backward close to the supporting leg with the knee slightly bent.
  • All steps begin at the toe. The feet are turned inside out.


  1. "Modern ballroom dance". A manual for students of cultural institutes, students of cultural and educational schools and leaders of ballroom dance groups. Edited by V.M. Striganov and V.I. Uralskaya. M., "Enlightenment", 1978.
  2. "Historical and everyday dance". Textbook. I. Voronin. M., "Art", 1980.
  3. "Ballroom dancing" Sarikojumu dejas. Lasman Milda. Publishing house Latvias Valsts Izdevnieciba, Riga (Riga), 1954
  4. "Dance". Textbook for theater universities (on stage dance). Vasilyeva E.D. M., Art, 1968.
  5. Educational and methodological recommendations for organizing work with a whole class in elementary school on rhythm, rhythmoplasty and ballroom dancing. Shutikov Yu.N. St. Petersburg, 2006
  6. "Rhythm at school, third lesson of physical education". Educational manual. Zh.E. Firilyova, A.I. Ryabchikov, O.V. Zagryadskaya, Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2014.


According to the description in the literature, the forward polka pa is performed on low half-toes.

This description of the movement is given in the interpretation of Kondratenko G.M., head of the City Methodological Association of Ballroom Dance Teachers at the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity.

Polka steps forward in classical ballroom dancing are a sliding movement (not staccato) and are performed as a Pa chasse See DANCE ELEMENTS with a preliminary Jump See DANCE ELEMENTS on the supporting leg.

Video for the dance element "Polka steps"

The dance element of the Pa polka back and forth is demonstrated by Galina Mikhailovna KONDRATENKO, head of the City Methodological Association of Ballroom Dancing Teachers at the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity.

Recordings were made at seminars of the City Methodological Association of Ballroom Dance Teachers of St. Petersburg, and at dance Seminars and workshops of the International Dance Council of UNESCO in St. Petersburg, 2014-2015 academic year.

Video recordings of polka steps forward, backward and in a turn in pairs were made at the dance Seminars and workshops of the UNESCO International Dance Council in St. Petersburg, 2014-2015 academic year, and at the City Competition of Russian Ballroom Dance Performers among students and seniors in 2015, St. Petersburg.

Use Cases

1. When consolidating a learned movement, children are asked to choose the one named from several models and show it.

2. In an outdoor game: the leader shows a model of movement - the children perform it.

3. To get acquainted with the composition of the dance: the teacher lays out images of the models in a certain order - the children show the movements and perform them. The opposite option is possible: after getting acquainted with the dance, the children themselves lay out a model of its composition.

4. In dance creativity, children (one or two pairs) create a dance from movement patterns, and then show it themselves to other children. Game task for two couples: each couple composes a composition for a new dance for the other couple, representing it with models. The rival couple studies the proposed model and dances. The other couple does the same. Children-spectators evaluate whose dance was more interesting and more harmonious.

5. Game “Guess the dance”: the presenter shows the model - the children name the genre.

6. The child independently takes the model of the movement that he was asked to master (or he himself wanted to repeat it), and performs it or asks for help from the teacher or other children.

7. At their own request, the children organize the game “Can you do that?”: they show each other the models one by one, and the one who was shown dances.

Making a manual

The manual is folder, which will require five sheets of cardboard (27 x 35 cm) - they need to be connected to each other with self-adhesive film.

On the demonstration side of the folder, a transparent plastic “pocket” is attached to each sheet with double-sided colorless tape; a drawing depicting the model is inserted into it.

The same “pockets” are attached to the back of the folder for storing sets with drawings of models of different types of dances: Russian dance, waltz, polka.

The drawings depict the figures of a girl and a boy in different dance poses using lines. For each dance there are several models, which children can arrange in their own way into “pockets” on the demonstration side of the folding folder, performing a creative task (composing a composition for a particular dance).


Consists of five cards with models of the following movements:

– side step in pairs (“boat”);

– rocking;

– “asterisk”;

- “collars”;

- circling around the boy.


1. "Arrow"

2. Polka step

3. Claps left and right facing each other

4. Circling around the boy in a polka step

5. Jumping


1. Picker

2. "Ball"

3. One-arm spin

4. "Vest"

5. Winder

Images and photographs

Dance patterns

What does a special one look like?

How the manual is used